Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1654: Exhausted dog

Black and fiery black in the fierce atmosphere.

A tall warrior, holding a shield, holding a hammer, strode over.

When you walk in, you will find that this soldier is in the upper body and loses his head, but his fighting spirit rises into the sky, layering plasma, dyeing his body into a dark red, blockped muscles, making his whole body look burly. Strong, giving people a strong, top-notch feeling.

On the shoulder of the headless **** battle, carrying a sly earth dog: "The left three laps, the right three laps, four steps, well, progress, and circumnavigated..."

The giant seemed to be very excited. He lifted the hammer in his hand and beat his chest with a square shield. The navel was turned into a big mouth, and he looked up at the sky: "Sun Hao, Sun Hao..."

Bianmu did not look up at the air: "I know that Sun Hao is very powerful, well, you don't have to remind me."

The giant is also screaming at the sky: "Agarwood, agarwood..."

Bianmu Wang yelled: "How many times have you told me that Sun Hao is agarwood, and Aquilaria is Sun Hao, it’s all you, what?"

Sun Hao still slaps his own excitement and shouts: "Sun Hao, Shen Xiang...Sun Hao, Aloes..."

Sun Hao knows not knowing who he is, but he seems to have lost something important and important.

With the side of the animal husbandry, he slowly began to know his identity, very clearly remembered, he is indeed Sun Hao, which is Shen Xiang.

Instinct tells him that this is something that you must keep in mind, and that you can't forget it at all times, just as important as you must always straighten your own backbone.

In order to make forgetful ones not forget such an important thing, every time an important goal is achieved, Sun Hao will slap his own chest and scream: "Sun Hao, Shen Xiang; Sun Hao, Aloes..."

Bianmu said that with this stupid big man, the pressure is big.

Fortunately, although Sun Hao has no ears, but can hear it, if it is really impossible to communicate, then it is not a good way to graze.

In the dark, the dark fog, the fierce cemetery of the ancient cemetery, I don’t know how many years have passed. I don’t know how long it took, and finally let Sun Hao know his identity and finally let Sun Hao Know where you don't want to mess around, and some places can be faster.

Standing on Sun Hao’s shoulder, Bianmu began to truly transform into Sun Hao’s eyes and ears. Sun Hao’s ancestral cemetery can also consciously avoid some dangers, some difficulties, and ways to confront the enemy. More.

Over the years, Bianmu’s combat power against Sun Hao has been awe-inspiring.

Although Sun Boss lost his head, but his powerful body, strong fighting power, especially the kind of fearless, he dared to fight anything, killing the spirit of not admitting defeat, really makes the border animal husbandry completely speechless.

Following Sun Hao, it was a priest who had been swallowed into the stomach by a monster. Eventually, it was pulled out as a faeces. It didn’t matter if it was grazing. I knew that the monster couldn’t consume myself. Who knows that Sun Boss is more wonderful. The skeleton came out, the flesh and blood reborn, and rushed to the battle.

Bianmu saw with his own eyes that Sun Boss had killed this greedy monster in such a vivid way.

Of course, with the border animal husbandry, this type of combat is more scientific and reasonable.

After pulling the first time, never let the big monster pull the second time.

With Sun Hao in the body of the monster, go to the point of harm, drill three, five and two, the big monsters will open up and kill, on the spot.

Bianmu called this rogue tactic: "Invincible break."

As for those monsters that could not stop Sun Hao’s assault and were killed by Sun Haoying, Bianmu said: “Invincible.”

The fierce ancient cemetery, Sun Hao's shoulder, after a side of the animal husbandry, a lot more angry, but also a more profitable and avoidable skills.

In most cases, with the dog eyes of Bianmu, with the dog nose that can smell a lot of flavors, Sun Hao is much safer.

Although the character of Bianmu is not very reliable, it is afraid of death. It is much more fearful than the fearless Sun Hao. Sometimes, he is desperately biting Sun Hao’s leg and dragging it backwards to prevent Sun Hao from being involved in danger. .

However, if Sun Hao is bent on getting the baby in the induction, it can only be tearful and sorrowful with Sun Hao.

I have to say that Bianmu has a very magical ability.

This ancient cemetery can only be born in the place of instinct fierce beasts, and the animal husbandry can maintain its own clarity and if nothing happens.

Sun Hao, even if it is a small fire, I am afraid that it is impossible to do this.

Of course, once the war is started, the strength of the border animal husbandry really does not know how.

In addition to being hard to be injured, this guy is hard to be killed. It seems that there is no particularly powerful combat power, and the level of cultivation has been vague.

Fortunately, it has a strange ability, but it is really among the most ancient cemeteries, it has become the most powerful helper of Sun Hao. If you have the ability to notice the animal husbandry at this time, you will be amazed. What kind of earth dog is actually able to maintain a clear mind in the ancient battlefield, and gradually guide and educate a headless blood man.

Bianmu followed Sun Hao along with the Southern Expedition to fight the North, but also got a lot of cherished cultivation resources. As long as there is no shortage of resources, there will basically be one. Of course, if too few resources are found, It does not go with Sun Hao to grab.

The two killed the blame together, took a blood bath together, and marched together, unconsciously, with more and more tacit understanding, with the feeling of the best partner.

But at this time, one thing happened, and there was some unexpected interest in the happy life of Bianmu.

Following Sun Hao's smashing of the Jedi, there is no doubt that he has entered a mutated wolf and wolf wolf in the side of the pastoral, and he will meet the wolves and mate.

As a close relative of the wolf, she also found herself a small adult dog. She stood on Sun Hao’s shoulder and unknowingly flowed out of Haritz. Some part of the dog’s body was as strong as steel. And drip the dripping liquid.

This is all normal.

But even the animal husbandry did not expect that the liquid that he dripped actually had a huge nourishing effect on Sun Hao’s body. This is a bad thing, the real bad thing, only knowing that Sun Hao, the instinctive action, perceives the liquid in his body. The importance of foreign bodies is not unreasonable, but it is necessary to drop a few drops.

This thing is not to say that the drop is dripping, originally, it is impossible to die. In the past, the memory is not very good, Sun Hao automatically forgot about it.

But Bianmu is also dead. Under the turbulent spring, he made a decision that made him regret the dog. Quietly, Sun Hao caught a female wolf from the spring and excitedly did a good job.

Cool for a while.

It was just finished, the female wolf was still screaming, and Sun Hao slammed to crush the female wolf over his neck, together with the blood and the essence of the grazing Absorbed into the body.

The foolish side of the animal husbandry is that Sun Hao grabbed a female wolf and said: "One more time."

The tragic dog life of the animal husbandry has been starting from here, so I can say that I can’t help but die from the sturdy Sun Hao. There is no way. From then on, almost every day, it’s a must-have dog. Among them, the wolf brethren were smashed and turned into Sun Hao’s cultivation and nutrients.

What is this?

The edge of the animal husbandry has become a mystery. The essence of its body is also very helpful for cultivation. However, if Sun Hao is in a normal state, it will not do such a disgusting thing, but Sun Hao is now, some are just ignorant, Some are just how to be good for themselves. As long as they are good for themselves, Sun Hao doesn't mind catching the female wolf, let the side animal husband achieve good things on his shoulders, and then get his own needs.

How can the side animal husbandry be weak? Besides, although this matter is hard, it seems to be the favorite of its pastoralism. Come and come, hurt and be happy.

However, when it came later, Bianmu was shocked to discover that even if there was no female wolf, Sun Hao would just catch something to make it enjoyable. It took a long time for him to make Sun Hao clear the difference between male and female. The most basic and basic common sense, finally no need to force the explosion of daisy...

As the so-called ignorant is fearless, Sun Hao has no consciousness, is not normal, and is not afraid.

But Bianmu is not aware of the ancient cemetery, and the environment of the burial sky that it has been living since childhood is not much worse than the ancient cemetery. Therefore, it is not very fearful.

A headless warrior, an ignorant hyena, is thus farther and farther away in the ancient cemetery. (To be continued.)

... (Battlefield Literature)

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