Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1655: Dry day

After Sun Hao’s upper body produced the navel and eye mouth, the wild and savage style of cultivation began to produce miraculous changes.壹小说≦<≤≦≤<<<<≦≦<≤≦<<

The most obvious of these is the cultivation of the mouth, from "the shape of a thousand without a thousand years old" to "the torture of the day and the dry dance", for this change, if Sun Hao's sense of integrity is sound, it will be shocked.

The punishment day is the character of the ancient legend.

It is also one of the most famous war gods in ancient times.

On the fighting spirit of fighting, on the unyielding spirit, the punishment days in the ancient times, one finger, and, the powerful fighting power of the criminal day, is also enough to rank the forefront of existence.

The punishment of the heavenly dance is a typical representative of the war of fame and fortune.

In the legend, that kind of, the penguin waving the square shield, the giant axe, the first great monk at the time of the war, the first battle was unfavorable, and the head was cut off, but, unyielding, the **** continued to wave dry, that is, square Shield and giant axe, fight endlessly.

In the end, the first great monk was not willing to continue his fierce battle with him, but chose to retire.

Desperate and fight, the fighting spirit is earth-shattering.

This is the punishment day.

Legend has it that after the decapitation of the criminal day, it is the fearless, fighting spirit and spirit of his body that supports him to continue fighting.

The ancient legend about the criminal day, after the terrible battle, is very rare, what kind of ending is the end of the sentence, it is not known to find the head that has not found it.

What is the practice of practicing the punishment of the heavens, and what is the powerful effect of the anti-sky is not known.

The ignorant Sun Hao did not know that the wild and savage spirit of his cultivation had unexpected changes in this cemetery, but this change has already been born, and it began to affect Sun Hao’s actions and began. Affect the shape of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s body, under the brand-new, ridiculous cultivation, is getting more and more powerful, the shield and hammer in the hand are getting stronger and stronger, and the body is getting stronger and stronger.

Bianmu didn't know the joints, but he was shocked by the changes of Sun Hao.

Unconsciously, I don’t know how many years have passed. Sun Hao’s body has reached a height of seven or eight feet. Without a head, the ground is so majestic and burly.

With the ruthless cultivation, Sun Hao’s body perceives many cultivation resources that are helpful to the refining body. Over the years, Sun Hao led the side animal husbandry, instinctively collected and incorporated into the body, constantly pushing the wilderness The progress of the enthusiasm, there is a credit for the pastoral.

The stronger the cultivation, the faster the degree of advancing into the ancient cemetery. The more difficult and dangerous the encounters, the more dangerous the atmosphere is seen in many places. In some places, even the pastoralism strongly opposes to explore. The place, but after Sun Hao felt the eagerness of the body, he still rushed up fearlessly.

In a gloomy, ghostly hordes of ancient cemetery, Sun Hao led the side animal to explore for less than ten years, killing the ghosts who did not know how many roads, and eventually launched a fierce and fierce double-headed blackbird. Big battle.

After successfully killing the **** cockroach, Sun Hao’s body has changed again, and a small meat group has grown under his eyes.

Carefully distinguishing the use of the meat group, Sun Hao is now able to hear the outside world, not only can hear the sound of the pastoral, but also hear more voices.

This is another very unexpected occurrence.

It is also a surprise for Sun Hao. He can hear things and restore a powerful function. That is to say, he should be recovering now.

At this stage, Bianmu is a little impatient. Sun Hao holds the image of the shield and hammer, telling that Sun Hao can take back the weapons in his hands and let himself free his hands to do more things.

Sun Hao did it according to the method of border animal husbandry. The effect was surprisingly good. When the receipt was closed, the shield disappeared, and the shield appeared when it appeared.

The same is true for hammers.

Sun Hao has two hands and one hand, and he is very surprised. The side animal husbandry is a bit dumbfounded. Usually, even if the monk is a magic weapon, there is no such thing as a quick release.

After half a day of research, Bianmu finally figured out the problem.

Sun Hao a monster, a hammer and a square shield did not earn Dantian, but directly above his hands, forming a shield and a hammer mark, equivalent to transforming the shield and the hammer into a part of his body, no wonder the action So fast.

After getting the edge of the animal husbandry, after the hammer is shielded, Sun Hao is like a child who has got a toy. He has a good time. What is left-handed, his right hand is out, his hands are out at the same time... Raise his hand, bend his hand, Under the buttocks... The huge body is on the side, creaking, and for a while, it’s time to collect, and keeps on.

On the back of Sun Hao, Bianmu completely pulled his ears and held his eyes.

I don’t see my heart, my heart is filled with a very clear feeling, I can’t bring a bad friend, I can’t really bring it down...

Time flies away from the mutual support of Bianmu and Sun Hao, and the lack of morality that Bianmu occasionally does not rely on.

As time went by, Sun Hao at this time finally had some changes. Most of the time, Sun Hao will listen to the opinions of Bianmu, and will not act at will, even if it is sensitive to something, but when he is firmly opposed, Sun Hao sometimes gives up and gradually understands the choice. .

However, Bianmu has gradually found out the law. Once Sun Hao’s reaction is particularly strong, and he has to obtain something in disregard of his dissuasion, the value of this thing is extremely great, or it is extremely important to Sun Hao.

Although such incidents are rare, each time they are experienced, it is a crucial moment in life and death, that is, a life and death war that is bound to last a long time.

After giving birth to both ears, Sun Hao learned to listen, and under the guidance of Bianmu, learned to distinguish various sounds, especially the difference between male and female beasts. This is the top priority of the teaching of Bianmu.

Under the leadership of Bianmu, the two people who were ignorant and fearless walked and practiced in the eternal land. The body of Sun Hao finally reached the limit and generally no longer grows up, and the blood color of a dark red is gradually polished. Become the skin color of his body itself.

I don’t know how long I have been wandering in the ancient cemetery. Sun Hao’s body accumulation has reached a certain level. It’s quite ridiculous and the cockroaches are starting to flourish. The whole body muscles seem to burst out from time to time, and it seems that there is a mysterious force to be from Sun. If you are in the presence of Sun Hao, you will be present. This is the second layer of the ridiculous punishment. The appearance of the land is about to be refined, but now Sun Hao can only be ignorant and ignorant. Feel free to be free.

The side of the animal husbandry is not right, but it does not know how to cultivate, one person and one dog, still the same, blindly in the long black fierce fog.

Until one day, Sun Hao instinctively felt the place where he had great help for himself, and Bianmu had instinctively perceived a huge dangerous two men quarreled for a long time, and Bianmu finally admitted that he was arguing However, Sun Hao, a rib, can only move forward.

In this direction, Sun Hao and Bian Mu finally met a powerful, unpredictable opponent. In the dark cold pool, a huge Xuanzang, a double-headed horn, a four-clawed abdomen, a pair of eyes, a fire Chongtian, a double-angled top, a landslide, a giant tail sweeping, swaying one side.

Sun Hao resisted hard.

However, in any case, Xuanzang's existence reached the limit he could compete.

Numerous times, he was defeated by Xuanzang, and he struggled to stand up again and again, but he still couldn’t help it. Although at the end, Sun Hao was no longer afraid of Xuan Zang’s fire, and he was no longer afraid of the cold chill of the cold pool. Xuan Zang's one-horned horn is also easy to die.

However, Xuanzang has an unparalleled ability to heal itself.

It is annoying with Sun Hao, simply ignore Sun Hao, Sun Hao also has no way to take it, strong physical defense, strong self-healing ability, so that Xuan Zang can ignore Sun Hao's unremitting efforts.

Bianmu said that Sun Hao can go, saying that there is no point in doing so.

However, Sun Hao is still persevering, and he is constantly attacking.

Occasionally, Xuan Zang was provoked, and a paw was shot into the cold pool. It was only a few months before Sun Hao could climb up.

Sun Hao of a rib, completely with Xuan Zang, did not play any role, did not mean to squat, violently attacked day and night.

Until one day, the surrounding space seemed to stop for a moment.

Bianmu and Xuanzang suddenly seem to have lost any breath. Sun Hao knows, but he hears a soft voice, which sounds from the sky above the cold pool: "One drink, one is the front edge, I thought it was awkward. A big bargain, it turns out to be the result of this, it turned out to be four-claw Xuanzang..."

Sun Hao knows and asks aloud: "Who are you?" (To be continued.)

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