Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1669: Stay cute

The remaining three wild animals are also the peak of the golden age, but because of the different types of wild animals, the strength is much worse than the lions killed by Nick.

If we can kill these three wild animals alone, is there a chance to get the favor of the Zhongxu big family and get the qualification to enter the Chinese virtual?

But right away, Sun Hao found that he wanted more.

These three wild animals have long had their masters. In the grandstand building not far from the core observation platform, the three nobles jumped up and strode over to the three platforms.

The three noble men are also quite tall, and they are only a little shorter than Sun Hao in the pub. One is bare-handed, one is waving a big axe, and the whole body is holding a giant stick.

The three noble and arrogant ambitions are high-spirited and arrogant, killing the past against the ring.

The upper barbarians may have foreseen this, and there are no other expensive people who jump out of the game. The three wild animals should be the pre-requisites of these three barbarians.

The **** battle flag is like hunting, and the three platforms are slightly turning at the beginning of the war. They are facing the core view of the battle platform, so that the Zhongxu nationality on it can best watch the battle.

Sun Hao took the casks on the stone table, tore a piece of cooked meat, and began to drink and eat meat.

If you want to enter the imaginary, then, in the next few days, the performance in the ring can be inevitable, **** within a thousand.

Looking up, drinking, drinking, drinking wine on the stone table, looking to the side, looking at the side of the side of the pastoral, looking at the little girl who looked forward to her and the side of the animal husbandry, smiled and said: "Little sister, want to drink, drink, want to eat, eat, I treat."

This is a pretty woman who has no adulthood. She understands her eyes and her body is not open at all. It is a small point in front of Sun Hao.

Seeing Sun Hao talking to himself, the little pretty woman pointed to her nose and pointed to the meat and wine on the table.

Sun Hao nodded with a smile, and the little girl screamed and sat down at the table near Sun Hao. She reached out and tore a piece of cooked meat, picked up a large wine barrel, held her hands, and poured it into her mouth.

It may be the first time to drink, after two mouthfuls, the barrel of the barrel slammed on the stone table, and kept holding the hand fan's mouth, as if the wine was not burnt.

Sun Hao laughed happily: "It’s better to taste the meat," he said, and he sipped his mouth.

The little girl had a kind of learning, and she sipped her mouth.

While eating meat, the little girl gave a thumbs up to Sun Hao, and Sun Hao’s approach worked, she was very happy.

At this time, the animal husbandry also quietly extended the dog's paw.

Sun Hao’s eyes were glimpsed, and a light shot on the stone table, a large piece of cooked meat fell, and fell in front of the side of the animal husbandry, and then swept, a barrel of wine flew to the side of the animal husbandry.

Bianmu bowed his head in dismay: "Boss, I also want to try the feeling of claws tearing the meat."

While eating meat, the little girl looked at the side of the animal husbandry in amazement. She took a few mouthfuls and looked at Sun Hao. She said with curiosity in her mouth: "Rarely, you are a ugly, terrible dog, but you can actually talk. ......"

Bianmu glared at her, and a pair of claws grabbed a barrel that was a little bigger than his body and began to pour into his mouth.

The little girl said very surprisedly: "The broken dog can still drink alcohol, not afraid of drunken dogs?"

Bianmu put down the barrel, and said with no anger: "You broke, your family is broken, drunk and will not drunk the dog."

The little girl looked at Sun Hao ignorantly: "The dog is so esoteric, Lan Lan does not understand."

When the animal husbandry eyes turned, Wang Wang cried: "This little girl, why don't you come out with your family? You will be trafficked, it will be very dangerous, you know?"

Bianmu said that the ancient city is vast and vast, and once the little girl is separated from her family, and there is no special means, there is a great chance of being lost in the ancient city.

Xiaoban said: "My brother is very powerful. I can find me where I am hiding. If it is not my brother, I will be busy now. I can’t run it. If you break the dog, you should not use it. Lan is worried."

Bianmu: "You broke, your family is broken."

The little girl looked at Sun Hao again, and her face seemed to understand and understand: "The battle is very good, your dog speaks esotericly, and Lan Lan still doesn't understand."

Sun Hao... The barbarians are not very intelligent, and the heads of the seeds are not so good. That is the characteristics of the barbarians, but it is really rare to be able to understand them as a little man.

Waiting to talk, the front is quite awkward, the war has entered, the banquet where Sun Hao is located, the barbarian warriors burst into bursts of cheers, the board warriors first completed the battle, the powerful Tomahawk axe cut down the peak gold The head of the wild.

Axe made meritorious deeds, barbarian warriors carried the wild animal head in the field, and held up their own axe in one hand, and roared in the ring.

The warriors who watched the battle, screamed and snarled, and there were waves in the pub.

The little girl covered her ears, looked around, spit out her tongue, tore a piece of meat down, and after a few mouthfuls, she asked vaguely: "Rarely, do you come to participate in the selection?"

Bianmu looked at the little girl who was not very pleasing to the eye. She said that she was not angry. "Of course, I participated in the selection. Otherwise, what did you do in a thousand miles? Look at the scenery?"

The little girl screamed with big eyes: "Dog, you are so esoteric, Lan Lan still didn't understand."

Bianmu straight turned the dog's eye, this little girl is not intentionally deliberate, that is, her brain is really not very good.

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, you can call me a hill, a 勥禾部落, a 勥 hill, you look at my body shape, is it a majestic hill?"

The little girl nodded. "Well, the size of the hill is really the highest in the battle. When Lan Lan sees you, I feel that you are different."

Bianmu Wang called out: "The boss is called a stand out, you have a vision."

The little girl looked at Sun Hao again: "Hill, what is a chicken? So deep!"

At this time, the result of the second savage was divided, and the barbarian warrior holding the giant stick knocked the wild beast to his head.

The only remaining noble warriors are not to be outdone. In the violent voice, they use their own majestic fists to directly defeat the wild beast and win the victory.

The three nobles won the victory, each standing on their own platform, waiting for the selection of the imaginary race.

Under the careful observation of Sun Hao, his heart vaguely knows that although the three nobles in front of him are also quite powerful, under normal circumstances, especially in the field, they are afraid that it is difficult to be the opponent of the peak of the gold.

The gold shortage in the ring has limited a lot of abilities, which should be the real reason for their victory.

However, it is possible to kill some of the gold that has been suppressed, and the strength of these three nobles is not to be underestimated.

What surprised Sun Hao was that Zhong Xu did not immediately finalize this expensive but hesitated a bit, and finally stood up two Zhongxu monks, and left the unarmed warriors and giant wood warriors. The first axe warrior who ended the battle was defeated.

The selection of barbarian warriors is indeed very uncertain.

I didn’t expect this to happen. I took a deep breath and stood on the ring. I raised a huge axe in my hand: "I am a savage, axe, now guarding, wanting to compete, fast. Come up, fight with me..."

Killing the peaks and beasts, but they have not been able to get the favor of the monks in the middle, then, the only way to enter the virtual, the only way is to kill the top ten by strength.

Standing upright, holding a giant axe, waiting for the barbarian warrior to come up to challenge.

However, behind him, he also poured a peak of gold, his fighting power, but also in the bright spot, these barbarians on the scene, really did not immediately attack.

There are still a few downfalls in front, there is no need to get into this raging big guy.

At the same time, there are a few more expensive people from their own position, striding out, snoring, rushed to the ring, standing in the middle of the ring, set the posture, roaring, and screaming again and again.

The first batch of lords appeared and the battle of the battle began.

Although there is no explicit stipulations, there are still some rules that are customary in the ancient city. The first batch of savage is often a very good background and a very strong seed, and this group is very good after the battle. There are few people who challenge, as long as they wait until the end of the day, they will automatically pass through and enter the random draw of thousands of people.

At that time, no one would give in, and the real life and death war opened.

In the first batch, the top ten singers excitedly went up to the next round.

The second round of the barbaric warfare is still a very savage warrior, but at this time, even the savage between the two men began to produce dissatisfaction. (To be continued.)

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