Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1670: Pretty woman is a witch

The real battle of the battle began, and there was a fierce battle between the two.

In particular, in the middle of the battle, one of the outstanding performances in the battle, but still unable to stabilize, after being kicked down from the collapse of the savage by a monk in the middle of the virtual, the enthusiasm of the barbarian warriors began to heat up.

Ten major downfalls began to cause casualties.

There is no need for a life-and-death contract. The savage is itself dead, unless the loser has the ability to escape, otherwise it is inseparable from a dead word.

The barbarian's fighting methods are very brutal. For a time, blood flowers and broken limbs are flying around in the wild.

The **** clouds that make up the savage have a magical absorption capacity. Once the barbaric war is degraded, it will not take long to be absorbed and absorbed.

I am afraid that the **** color of the savage, may actually be the color that gradually formed after absorbing the blood of many barbarian warriors.

When Sun Hao is drinking, his fighting spirit is also raised.

If you want to go to the imaginary, it is the only way. Only when you get into the top ten, you have a chance. Like the barbarian warriors in the pub, Sun Hao has a strong sense of war.

The little girl felt the heroic spirit of Sun Hao and said in her mouth: "Do you want to go to China?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Going to Zhongxu is the pursuit and glory of each of our barbarian warriors..."

Without saying anything, within the pub, a tall barbarian warrior yelled: "I challenged Harry specifically..."

Because this is the first captain of the squatting pub, all the people in the pub, can not help but start to pay attention, including Sun Hao, but also concentrate on observing.

Regrettably, Harry’s opponent is very expensive, and the strength is stronger than Harry’s. The fierce battle only took six rounds. Harry was lifted up by his opponent and kneel on his knees. Two pieces, flesh and blood.

In other directions, the barbarian warriors, especially in the direction of the savage headquarters, were spurred by **** screams and burst into cheers.

The power of the bar is silent.

After a half-sound, a barbarian warrior whispered: "Harry's power is one of the best in the pub. Brothers are careful. If you want to go to the ring, try to go back a few days, wait for those powerful nobles, and then we will go on. ......"

The barbarian warriors reacted and nodded.

But another barbarian warrior suddenly laughed: "Don't you know? The Zhongxu monk usually only chooses the captain's warrior in the first three days. After the first three days, it really only kills the top ten. Have a chance, hahaha, we are coming to the ancient city, isn’t it a glory machine? You can be afraid of death, hahaha, I am challenged by Mir....”

Within the pub, Qi Qi looked at the Mir family. Soon after, the Mir family rushed to the savage and began to fight with the lord.

Compared with Harry, it is, but it is still not the opponent of the lord. He supported five rounds and could not support it. He felt that his performance had already been seen by the sinister monks. The Mill family took the road and fled. Jumped on the edge of the fence.

However, the opponent did not easily pass the Mill's house, flying a giant axe, leaving the arm of the Mir family.

The Mill family immediately stunned in the square.

Like many injured barbarian warriors, after receiving treatment, the Mir family sent back to the squatting pub.

Mir's face was pale, with hopes of looking at the high platform, the direction of the monk in the middle of the imaginary, after the tea kung fu, a sigh: "Brothers, I have failed, I am careful..."

A barbarian warrior said loudly: "The eldest brother is the strongest fighter in the pub. You can't retreat from the whole body. It seems that the squatting pub may not be selected this time."

Among the ancient cities, there are thousands of taverns like the power of 莽, which are as numerous as a cow. The advantage of the pub is that the soldiers go out and have direct access to the platform, which is more suitable for soldiers on the street.

In some streets, if a warrior wants to rush to the ring, he must first intercept it through the layers of other warriors. He often has not rushed up, and he is exhausted and even killed on the spot.

Similarly, there is naturally competition between the taverns. If the soldiers in the tavern can successfully enter the imaginary, then the tavern must be famous.

The power of the cricket is not in the middle of all the pubs. The Mill and Harry have waited a little for the captain. The strength of the soldiers in the pub is only mid-range. It is really hard to have. The warrior was able to get a chance to show his face during the fierce competition of the first three days.

Half a day later, Sun Hao also discovered a huge feature of the savage, that is, the speed of fighting is quite fast, the battle between the barbarian warriors is not too fancy, it is a strong struggle, it is the real combat power of the soldiers, The usual battles will end in ten rounds, and the results are often full of blood.

The top ten collapses, all the time is endless.

In addition to the pubs are queued to quickly refresh the name of the war, the top ten platforms, within the various channels, there are also a number of small platforms, and every time there are soldiers in the battle against the top, qualified for the captain.

Sun Hao looked at it. The strength of the soldiers on Xiaoyan was slightly inferior to that of the soldiers in the pub. Many of the warriors who won the competition, after qualifying, directly confessed, and did not really challenge.

Sun Hao also understood a little, and the hundreds of fighters on the outer shackles actually had a bigger purpose to express themselves, hoping to be able to smash themselves in the pie.

But unfortunately, from the arguments of the soldiers in the tavern, it is known that if the little warriors are not bloody, there is no chance at all, but it is a waste of effort.

The loss of the Mill's family, so that the power of the 酒馆 酒馆 pub was greatly reduced, after half a ring, there is still no warrior captain.

The first day is the biggest day of opportunity. Sun Hao also hopes that he can be selected. Otherwise, he can only win the top ten. Then, Sun Hao will go all out.

Sun Hao took a deep breath and his body struggled. He slowly stood up and decided to go and try.

The little girl looked at Sun Hao, who stood up, and asked in a twinkling eyes, "Is it really dangerous to go to the hill?" It seems that going up is dangerous!"

Within the pub, other fighters saw that Sun Hao actually stood up and could not help but glimpse.

In an instant, a soldier reacted, and the finger Sun Hao, haha ​​laughed: "Boy, you have no brute force in your body, do you want to go to die?"

Sun Hao walked out of his own stone table and said aloud: "Is it a death? If you have played it, you will know." After that, he nodded to the little girl: "Going up to Zhongxu is the pursuit and glory of each of our barbarian warriors. I also want to try it, rest assured, Xiaolan, I will be fine..."

Xiaolan looked at the sincere Sun Hao and suddenly extended his left hand to Sun Hao. He said: "Since you have to go to the virtual then you should not go to the ring, Xiaolan takes you there. ......"

In the voice, Xiaolan’s left hand palm, a blue ball appeared, dripping and turning, looking mysterious and secluded, his right hand touched his head, Xiao Lan said: “Contract, what type of re-election? My brother told me that it is best to guard the knight..."

Within the pub, as Xiao Lan reveals the mysterious ball in his hand, he suddenly becomes silent.

A soldier’s finger, Xiaolan, said in amazement: “You are a witch...”

Xiaolan replied casually: "Yes, yeah, I am the witches of Gelland, my brother is German, what is wrong? Hill, I have a guardian knight contract, if you want, I Take you to the virtual."

Guardian knight?

Sun Hao knows a lot about the types of contracts. I really don't know what kind of guardian knight is. I hesitated a little and didn't speak.

Within the pub, there were already soldiers on the ground, and said in a loud voice: "Witches, as long as you originally hired me, I am willing to protect adults for the rest of my life."

Gerland sighed: "In the pub, the hill is the tallest, and the people are the best. I only hire hills, and others are free to talk."

Bian Mu Wang yelled: "Xiao Lan, talk about, what is the guardian knight?"

Xiaolan leaned his head to look at the side of the animal husbandry, and said in his mouth: "Dog, you are so esoteric, Xiaolan can't understand."

The tavern owner, also known as the male barbarian, stood up and said loudly: "The hill, the guardian knight is a high-level employment contract. In general, only the barbarian hero can get the employment contract. The advantage is that the status is high after employment. Basically speaking on an equal basis, the disadvantage is that the conditions for dismissal in the future are relatively harsh. Anyway, for you, it is a big luck..." (To be continued.)

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