Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1672: Broken shuttle

Nine refineries return to the fairy 1672, the first six seven two chapters broken virtual shuttle -567 Chinese Sun Hao envisioned a lot.

But in the end, even Sun Hao himself did not expect that he would be qualified to enter the virtual world in such a wonderful way.

In the pub, I picked up a little witch, and I took a free ride to become a glorious guardian knight. I was envied by the thousands of barbarian warriors.

Don't use blood to kill and kill.

Without exposing your own strength, you will not be exposed to your own footsteps, easily and involved in the virtual.

To say that there are still shortcomings, this way to go, so that Sun Hao's status is rather embarrassing, the employer's head lacks the root string, Sun Hao's strength did not show, was recognized by the employer's brother as a junk knight, as if many of the rights that the knight should have failed It is fully guaranteed, of course, the obligation is much less. Sun Hao’s main task is to play with Xiaolan happily.

With the side animal husbandry, the two are a dog, but it is not lonely.

The longer the contact, the deeper Sun Hao knows about Xiaolan, but it is a little bit of a feeling. Perhaps Xiaolan finds himself, it is not accidental, it should be said that it may be accidental and inevitable.

Xiaolan is born with a lack of roots. It seems to be a bit stupid, but with many animals instinctively predicting the dangers, Xiaolan Tiansheng has his own judgment on the strength of strength. Perhaps Xiaolan can’t say so, but perhaps the whole Among the monks who came to the selection, perhaps only Xiaolan could perceive his own anomalies.

Xiaolan’s understanding is very problematic. Many of the words in the pastoral, Xiaolan said that they could not understand.

However, when Sun Hao’s words were heard, Xiao Lan knew it, and he never knew what happened.

This is another place where Xiaolan is extremely magical. After a long time, Sun Hao vaguely understands that this should be a practice of the practice of refining the heart. Xiaolan instinctively has a little heart with himself, perhaps this is also small. Lanben could have to contract his own sake.

There is also a true level of the guardian knight contract, the main target of the contract should be a hero.

Sun Hao guessed that Xiaolan should have contacted the barbarian hero in advance, but the hero may not be satisfied with Xiaolan's situation, or Xiaolan is not satisfied with the hero, so he finally failed to contract.

If you do not contract the hero and the contract warrior, the contract of the guardian knight will be very difficult, and the process must be short.

However, Sun Hao’s true identity is the first hero of the imaginary, and probably the hero of the entire virtual world.

A product of Zijin belt, completing a contract, is simply too simple.

The strength of a Zijin belt is also reflected at this time. Sun Hao found that as long as he is willing to enter the Zhongxu, he can completely cancel his contract and leave at any time.

Because, Xiaolan's guardian knight contract is directly attached to a piece of Zijin belt, and the name of the contractor can actually be modified by Sun Hao.

Of course, the name of Sun Hao itself has become a former name, given the name of the contract.

Just started Sun Hao did not pay attention to this detail, but it was unintentional, let Xiaolan see a grandson, fortunately Xiaolan knows, stumbled, not pursued, if you change your mind, you will not Suspicion of the origin of Sun Hao, will be the bottom of the question.

Unexpectedly found the path to enter the virtual, Sun Haoan came down with his heart, accompanied Gerland, ready to start his own journey of the virtual, calm down, and recall the experience of his own incarnation and headless blood, Sun Hao found that this time Although it is very difficult, the harvest is actually not small, further consolidating the major repairs after the advancement, and laying a solid foundation for future progress.

Of course, seriously, Sun Hao’s forehead still came out with a cold sweat, and he was able to escape from the pursuit. In addition to his own efforts, he still got a lot of help from the outside world. The ability of the small pear tree to cover up the breath, the bones are inexplicable. Appearing in the cemetery of the ancient cemetery, as well as the help of the last mysterious power, etc., provide indispensable external help for rejuvenation.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you must be strong enough to give others the opportunity to help.

Recall that Sun Hao also found some abilities that he could not understand, can only guess, such as the ability of the little fairy tree to hide the atmosphere, such as how his own wild-type enthusiasm will become a ridiculous punishment, but also For example, why did the mysterious man want to treat Gerland himself? These things are like fog, so Sun Hao could not find the answer.

Perhaps, you don't need an answer at all, just do it right.

Brutal is in full swing, and Gelman has always wanted to sign a barbarian warrior like a guardian knight, but he did not find a suitable object in the end.

The proud barbarian hero is not going to give a witch who is not a brain to be a guardian of the knight. Wang Man does not want to tie himself to a little witch, but Wang Man is below, and Gelman can’t see it. Eyes, in the end, it will be gone.

As the barbarian warriors in the pub say.

After three days, Gelman lost interest in continuing to watch the game and took the team back to the government. At this time, Sun Hao saw that Gleman was the leader of the various monks in the imaginary, and he shouted, the monk They responded in unison and began to return.

Galman's cultivation is shrouded in a mysterious blue light. If Sun Hao does not use special means, it is difficult to perceive it, and the general cultivation of the Chinese monk is not as high as Sun Hao imagined, except one or two. In addition to distraction, most of the other monks are still in the robbery period. Of course, there is only one such a monk like Gellan.

There were more than forty monks who came to the imaginary Zhongxu. On average, each person signed two barbarian warriors.

Gelman signed the Bian Wang and Nick and a powerful barbarian hero.

German screamed, with the imaginary monk bid farewell to the ancient city, ready to return.

Gerland and his brother stood side by side. Sun Hao had no intention of standing in line with Nick and Erso. He didn't look at the strength. Just looking at his height, Sun Hao actually had a slight victory.

Of course, Erso and Nick did not mean to talk to Sun Hao.

In the past few days, the hills have been smashed by pies. The deeds of Gerland signed a junk knight have spread in the ancient city. How can the proud Nick and Erso possibly talk to Sun Hao?

Sun Hao was in a state of self-sufficiency, followed behind Gerland, carrying his side animal husbandry, and embarked on the road to Zhongxu.

It is not the transmission array in Sun Hao’s imagination, nor the giant airship that Sun Hao intended.

Standing at the top of the ancient city, Gelman took out a small shuttle from his arms. When the air was thrown, there was a shuttle that was only slightly larger than the ordinary sea boat. Gelman smiled and said: "Everybody Newly joined brothers, this is my broken shuttle, can lead us into the virtual."

Nick said: "Prince Mann, this shuttle is a little smaller."

Gelman told a monk in the middle of the mouth said: "Geyu goes in, Nick, you understand..."

The tall Ge Yu jumped up and fell to the shuttle. After the huge body fell into the shuttle, it looked only the size of the thumb.

A miraculous shuttle, Erso said with a smile: "It turned out to be a very rare space magic weapon. Let's go. It seems that in the middle of the virtual, we need to learn a lot of things..."

Under the leadership of Galman, Sun Hao also followed the big team and fell into the broken shuttle.

After coming in, Sun Hao found that there was no change in the size of everyone. It seems that the shuttle has become a giant, it is a magic weapon.

Feeling the magic of the broken shuttle, Sun Hao suddenly filled the yearning for the magical emptiness.

A more magnificent world of monks, waiting for yourself.

Within the broken shuttle, there are many resident crew members. After the monks came in, they immediately came over and arranged for everyone to stay in the shuttle.

Sun Hao carefully observed the crew and suddenly discovered that these very polite and smiling crew members should not be normal races. They seem to be more like artificial shackles.

The magical illusion.

As the knight of Gelland, Sun Hao lived next door to Gellan. He was quite in a good position. Many recruited barbarian warriors could admire the distance and feel the position of the broken process.

In the sound of the boom, the broken fly shuttle vacated and rushed straight to the sky above the ancient city.

There was a groan in the air, and the broken shuttle seemed to have broken through a layer of waves. It disappeared into the blue water and disappeared.

Below, the barbarians who died and died in **** battles, stopped the attack in their hands, looked up at the sky, and showed a deep disappointment on their faces. (To be continued.)

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