Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1673: Entering the virtual

Nine refineries returned to the fairy 1673, the first six seven three chapters entered the Chinese virtual -567 Chinese half-sounding, **** again.

It’s impossible to drop the pie in the sky. The only chance is to reach the top ten.

Within the ancient city, starting to act, those barbarian warriors who have been selected to enter the imaginary need to be filed one by one, one by one, and rewarded.

This process does not take long.

Soon, the basic situation is counted.

To be honest, most of the barbarian warriors who were selected to enter the imaginary are famous people. The information is very complete, and it is very simple to award their tribes. Most of the tribes have more warriors present.

The only exception to this is the squatting hills of the Hehe tribe. The information is extremely simple. It is a big name and a tribal name.

But when the shuttle is gone, the careless barbarians suddenly discover that the transmission line of the ancient city has not opened the Hehe tribe. This is a ancient city that has never been heard before. It is truly barbaric and never appeared in ancient times. A small tribe within the city.

It took almost a dozen days to check. The ancient city finally found the origin and ownership of the 勥he Department. This is a small squad that can't be small. The nearest transmission array is the Jiuxing Li Department.

Opening the Jiuxing Li Department, sent a question to the warrior, understand that the original Jiuxing Li Department has been destroyed by the Department of the Wo, and the hills, should be the sacred king of the Department of the Wo, no head and fierce.

With a so-called **** dog 4 ∽ long 4 hurricane 4 ∽ text 4 drop school, ww □ w. c ∽ fwx. n ↙ et, but the head actually grew out.

The barbaric warriors of the big and big leaves are very casual, collecting some headless and fierce records, and reporting back to the ancient city of Guman, announced in the Jiuxing Li Department that the King of the Kings has successfully entered the Zhongxu, and there is an award at the ancient city.

The ancient city management was very free to register the information of the hills, and was awarded to the rewards of the department and the department according to the rules. This matter was completed.

The hills are the innocent of the identity, the roots of the red seedlings are the savage and savage generations of the Wohe, and that’s it.

The savage king became the glory of the barbarian, and entered the imaginary emptiness.

As for the Warrior Warrior, it is said that the Holy King is a falling pie in the sky. If you are lucky, all the Department of Peace and Harmony are playing in the sky, the power of the Holy King, and the ordinary barbarian warriors can understand, and do not have general knowledge of the warriors.

The management of the ancient city, when registering the information of the hill, is also slightly puzzled. It seems that this holy king, apart from the long head, should not be as unbearable as the outside. This kid seems to have annihilated the peak of the golden age. The record is that I do not know whether it is singled out or aggregated the elite record of the tribe.

If you really want to be singled out, then this kid is very interesting to go in.

In the end, he thought of the management of the big leaves, and he had any shocking performance. In short, this kid is a barbarian warrior. Otherwise, he can't enter the ancient city, he got it.

When the body of Sun Hao was thrown into the cemetery of the ancient cemetery, the white-haired monk once said that as long as Sun Hao is not dead, the human race is in luck.

This reason, Joe Dan still understands.

The purple gold belt of the virtual world is not so easy to be obtained by the monks. Once a monk of a certain race gets it, it means that this race is about to rise strongly.

Time has passed for thousands of years, and Jordan has paid more and more attention to the interception of Sun Hao.

The reason is that among the people of the human race, there is a real blowout phenomenon. The most intuitive performance is that the flying monk has become more and more inexplicable.

I don’t know what happened to the lower bounds of the Terran. In these thousands of years, a group of flying monks became the backbone of the development of the human race.

The ascending platform is the top priority of all races. Even if it is Jordan, it can't get too much information about the human race. It can only see the total number of flying monks produced by the various races in the millennium.

Good guys, for thousands of years, the total number of people flying to the monks is in the top ten.

Joe Dan knows that Sun Hao must not die, and he must still crouch in the wrong place.

Therefore, Qiao Dan stunned his heart and launched all the forces of the Flying People. He strictly guarded against the vain channel of the human race. He tried every means to destroy the people of the Terran and was led to the imaginary. Anyone who might be the carrier of Sun Hao would rather Wrong 10,000.

However, what Jordan did not think was that Sun Hao had not yet realized that he had stepped into the broken shuttle of the imaginary virtual, and entered the emptiness with his unidentified identity.

At this time, Sun Hao, in the broken shuttle, shuttled through the empty passage, toward the front, and continued to move forward.

This is the second time that Sun Hao has shuttled through the void.

Compared with the first time, this shuttle is much less difficult, the distance is very short, the goal is very clear, and the speed of the flying shuttle is extremely fast.

Within the shuttle, all the barbarian warriors who had just been recruited stood in front of the window of their room and observed the scene inside the void.

If the repairs in the future cannot reach a certain height, perhaps this trip of the void will be the only experience of their lifetime.

Sun Hao, like other monks, observes the distant and deep void from the shuttle.

However, slightly different from other monks, in the void, Sun Hao suddenly developed a sense of contact with somewhere in the void, seriously thinking, but can not find the feeling, until the shuttle After three days of walking, Sun Hao found the answer in his own knowledge.

The faint feeling of contact was transmitted from the incense sword. When I felt this connection, Sun Hao suddenly understood it. Perhaps, in the distant void, Shen Jianjian’s sword spirit, the grandmother was trapped in it.

On the occasion of the lower bounds, Sun Hao chose to trust the grandmother of the finch, incarnate the agarwood. At the last moment, when the power was not caught, the grandmother of the finch came forward and helped Sun Hao to penetrate the wall of the agarwood sword, and the grandmother itself, But lost in the unknown void, do not know in what way.

Over the years, Sun Hao remembered that when he was testing the soul of the sword, he had seen a magical scene. In the void, a woman slept in it. Sun Hao thought that it was a grandmother who slept in a way she didn’t know. Shen Xiangjian.

Later, Sun Hao's five swords condensed Shen Xiangjian, and the grandmother still couldn't wake up. Sun Hao felt that things were a bit wrong, but he could not find the reason.

But now, after entering the void, Sun Hao finally understood that the grandmother should be trapped somewhere in the void.

Looking at the void, Sun Hao could not help but sigh a sigh of relief. With his current ability, there is no way to shuttle through the void. The grandmother is afraid to continue to sleep for a while.

The shuttle flew quickly in the void for about half a month, and a dark blue ball of light appeared in front.

The voice of Galman was uploaded in the shuttle: "Where are the warriors, the front is the territory of my male witches. Please sit down, I will break into the sky..."

In the voice, the shuttle feels like a slight meal, stops in the air, then accelerates instantly and vibrates violently.

Sun Hao also, with the vibration of the shuttle, his body slightly squatted, his head slightly dizzy.

After the shuttle was completely stabilized, in the sky, the glaring white brilliance illumined, and Sun Hao could not help but gently cover his eyes.

A soft female voice fluttering on the shuttle: "Welcome prince, welcome the warriors to Zhongxu, come to my Kayman Long Domain..."

Sun Hao took a deep breath.

On the back, Bianmu extended the dog's head, and Wang Wang called: "Ah, Zhongxu, my **** dog came to the side."

Outside the house, the voice of Gerland passed over: "Go, hill, we went out, **** shuttle, kill me."

Sun Hao said in a heart, Zhong Xu, I am coming, Joe Dan, one day, I will let your blood debts repay, turn around, stride out of your room, and say: "Xiaolan, you are a landlord. Why, if you want to take me to the street, eat something or something..."

Gerland said with a hearty heart: "No problem, go."

Bianmu came out from the back and stood on Sun Hao's shoulder. Wang Wang asked: "Is there a wolf dog in Zhongxu, is there a beautiful beautiful dog sister?"

Gerland looked at Sun Hao and said in his mouth: "The dog is so esoteric, can't understand..."

Sun Hao shrugged: "If you break the dog, you can't hear it."

Gerland snorted and flew away from the shuttle.

Sun Hao followed closely and strode out.

In the sunshine, looking down from the sky, Sun Hao feels that he really came to a fabulous world, high cliffs, bathed in the sun, towering between white clouds, many dragons, flying in the air, Some of them are above the dragon and still stand a variety of knights.

Under the cliff, it is a mysterious and huge country that blooms like blue light. The huge buildings are erected from the white clouds. Between the buildings and the buildings, it seems to form a huge Baiyun street. People come and go, lively extraordinary.

Among them, one of the tallest buildings on the building directly below the shuttle, wrote several huge essays: "Kelman." (To be continued.)

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