Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1674: Knight teaching

Nine refinery to the fairy 1674, the first six seven four chapters of the Knights teaching - 567 Chinese tall and magnificent building, in front of the throne, German standing. √

Above the throne, a beautiful witchic monk gently rotates the mysterious blue light ball in his hand. On the sphere, there are some faint scenes, from blurry to clear, which finally appear on the top and become a grid. Erlang and Sun Hao, plus an image of a dog.

The witch whispered: "Is this the guardian knight chosen by your sister?"

Gelman sneaked into the old man: "Yes, mother, Laner said that before she went to the city, the old lady told her that she chose the knight to look at her height, and she looked at her heart. Laner said that the hill was good. The height is the best, and it is the first to give him a barbaric battle, so he picked him. At the time, I was in the contract.

Looking at the height, look at the heart?

The other hand of the witch licked his forehead and said, "This is indeed the tone of your **** boss, and the complicated and complicated things that are simple and rude..."

Glman was relieved in his heart, and the old man retired. This responsibility was pushed to him. He was easy to pass, but with a highly responsible attitude towards his sister, Gelman said: "Mother, my sister wasted. A guardian knight contract, what do we need to do? Can this contract be void?"

The witch gently turned the blue mysterious light ball in his hand, and carefully observed Sun Hao and Bianmu. He said in his mouth: "In theory, it can be abolished and returned to zero. However, such a contract level is bound to drop drastically. It’s better to think of ways to get a contract more..."

Gelman frowned. "But the younger sister wasted a guardian knight. The barbarian warrior that she contracted was in the wild city. Except for her height, there was no place for any harm. I could not feel it from him. It’s brute force.”

The witch slowly turned the blue mysterious light ball, as if she didn't hear German's words, and muttered to her mouth: "Strange, what kind of dog is this?"

Gelman whispered: "There is a lot of ugly, a lot of strange and strange varieties. Is there anything wrong with this dirt dog?"

"I can talk, let me also see a little bit, a strange dog." The witch said in a hurry: "However, this dog is not strong, can barely count as a pet, and it is counted to be happy with Laner." Yes, no..."

Said, with a look at the eyes, the witch seriously looked at Sun Hao.

Gelman whispered: "Mom, this dog, or is there any problem with this hill?"

The witch turned the blue mysterious light ball to her face. After a long while, she said, "There is nothing wrong with the dog and the donkey hill. However, they are standing with Laner, it is not right. Man, you pay attention to see, awkward words, Laner can fully understand, there is never a phenomenon that can not understand, this ability to understand, afraid of passing you and me and old man..."

Glman heard a sigh of stunned eyes and said: "This is impossible, but the old man said that Laner is born to be stunned by heaven, and lacks a trace of spirit, even if it is the relatives who live together like us. Laner is hard to fully understand our words. How is it possible that she can fully understand the words of the hill?"

The witch nodded slightly: "Well, if you pay attention to observation, you can see that Laner will keep thinking that the dog is esoteric, but he has never asked the half-sentence of the hill to explain, as if he could understand it by nature. ""

Gelman’s eyes lit up: “Mother, will it be the effect of the guardian knight’s contract?”

The witch glimpsed a little, thought about it for a moment, and slowly shook his head: "The guardian knight does have some effects that can communicate with each other, but it does not reach the current level. That is to say, the problem may still be in this case. On the hill, if he didn't cultivate a magical mystery similar to his heart, then he was born with the ability to communicate with Xiaolan. It was so rare..."

Glman looked at the basketball and said in his mouth: "Mother, do you think that a barbarian warrior is likely to cultivate his heart? That is a group of soldiers with four limbs and simple minds. They should not, and they can’t practice magical secrets. ""

The witch gently raised the ball of light in her hand and said, "I think so too. This is a very rare and peculiar effect. It seems that your old man’s method is as unreliable as ever, but at the same time, as always. The ground can have unexpected gains."

Glman seized the opportunity and excused himself: "Well, I remember the old man said that the younger sister is born with a natural way to perceive the way that is extremely beneficial to him, to avoid disadvantages, perhaps, this kind of sister. Choose a method to really find the right guardian knight."

The witch nodded and agreed: "Your sister's intuition may be the best choice. Your sister's own cultivation talent is outstanding. It is a rare genius that my witches have seen for millions of years. For many years, your sister has been eating. The understanding of the lack of ability, the practice of the law is a half-baked, I and the old man tried to do the best, she has just been promoted to the god, now, she actually found a guardian who can enhance their comprehension ability, really interesting."

Gelman said: "Mom, do you mean that this guardian knight is the most suitable sister?"

The witch nodded: "Well, any cultivation secrets or deep practice methods as long as the hills are thoroughly clarified, explain to your sister, she will naturally get through."

German's brow slightly wrinkled: "This method is good, but the mother, this way, isn't it that the hills have mastered many of my family's cultivation secrets?"

On the witch's face, the unpredictable expression: "You think that a barbarian warrior may have cultivated the skills of your male witches. I can't practice the witches. The imaginary race is tens of thousands, but I can cultivate my witches. The race is afraid of only a few ethnic minorities, such as the human race with the strongest learning ability. A barbarian warrior, what are you afraid of?"

German nodded: "That's the same, then what do we do next?"

The witch said faintly: "I don't know if this barbarian has learned essays. If you don't even know the imaginary texts, then it is really barbaric to the extreme. It is estimated that you have to spend some time teaching him literacy. When he can recognize the words, you will let him Read your sister's biography, let your sister master more knowledge, improve understanding, and also observe the character of the guardian knight. If it is credible, then gradually let him contact the cultivation secrets, teach Give your sister."

Glman nodded: "Mother, I understand, I will do it." After that, I will slowly retreat.

The blue light ball in the hands of the witch turned a few turns, and took a deep look at Sun Hao, the aperture flashed the light ball disappeared.

On the street, Sun Hao’s body shook slightly and looked at the side of the shoulder.

The eyeballs slid a little, and the animal husbandry nodded slightly.

Sun Hao quietly erased the cold sweat on his forehead. Just now, Sun Hao can be sure that he was locked in a very wonderful way, even the mysterious atmosphere that he could not truly perceive. It is likely that the male or female witches are in the middle. The powerful and powerful garrison is detecting its own anomalies.

Bianmu also produced the same feelings. Only the Gellan, who led the way, jumped on the clouds and did not appear.

It didn't take long for Gelman to appear next to Gerland and whispered: "Lan, the mother asked you to go back and prepare to arrange some tasks for the hills. You know the essays..."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Well, I have studied with the saint in the tribe, and there is no problem with the essay."

Glman seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, let's go, follow me."

Sun Hao did not see Lan's mother, but the task was given.

A wonderful task that Sun Hao is willing to accept: "To accompany Gellan, and to do everything possible to help her understand or understand the stories and past events in the book."

Just entering the imaginary, Sun Hao is thinking about how he can get familiar with the imaginary intelligence. I didn't expect the opportunity to come.

It was really smashed by the pie again.

If you want to sleep and sleep, someone will give you a pillow.

Sun Hao became the knight's knight's teaching, the main task is to teach the study of Gerland and to better understand the meaning of the book and the story.

Sun Hao took office and taught the knight to perform his duties.

With Gerland, enter the collection of the witches' collection, Sun Hao confessed: "Xiaolan, just flip through the book, there is something I don't understand, ask me, I can give you answers..." (To be continued .)8

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