Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1675: Magical knight

Nine refinery to the fairy 1675, the first six seven five chapter magical knight - 567 Chinese Gerland has no good feelings for the collection of holy places, after coming in, he pouted, dissatisfied and said: "Hill, can you not read the book? Here The book is so esoteric..."

Sun Hao smiled and touched her head and said: "Nothing, there is a guardian knight, no matter what books are no longer esoteric, the guarantee is very simple..."

"Well, then I will try," Gerland whispered, whispering: "If I don't understand, let's go back soon..."

Sun Hao walked in front and asked: "Isn't the virtual text knowing?"

Gerland whispered: "Some impressions, not very understanding, understanding is understanding, only knowing about it."

Sun Hao finally understood that, co-authoring, his so-called knight training task may not be easy to complete.

Maybe, Gerlan reading a book, you need to explain it to her.

Going to the most basic area of ​​the collection, without any reading conditions, Sun Hao took a character travel and handed it to Gerland: "Come on, Xiaolan, come see it, ask me if you don't understand." ""

Gellan frowned and picked up the character's travels, found a chair, sat down, and Sun Hao also casually drew a collection of introductions of the local customs, sitting opposite Xiaolan and began to read.

Zhongxu, also known as the domain boundary, is composed of the domain and the boundary. It is also the new world that Sun Hao first contacted. At the same time, Sun Hao can fully feel the hugeness and magic of Zhongxu.

The so-called domain is the meaning of the territory of the emptiness.

There is a saying in Zhongxu that there is no domain, no race, a race, if there is no territory, then it cannot be called one of the Wanzu.

The greatest manifestation of the territories of the Wan nationality is whether it can build a huge internal area of ​​more than 100 million square meters in the middle of the virtual.

The stronger the strength of the race, the stronger the domain, the broader the scope of the land, and the middle and strong people, such as the witches and the witches, are in the midst of more than one big domain, and the witches and the witches are each in power, each possessing The ten-party domain also has the sacred sanctuary that is jointly held by the Kelman Dragon Field.

The collection of Sun Hao’s hand draws a bird's eye view. From the top down, the Kelman Dragon Field is like a soaring dragon, occupying the vast space of the emptiness, and its body, a huge passage, like The colorful rainbows are generally linked to the large areas of the male and female witches. On the large colorful rainbow passages, there are also some small ramps that extend in all directions, that is, the connection to the witches and witches, and the various races. Or the occupation of small and medium-sized domains.

According to the records of the classics, among the imaginary genres, one of the top racist domains is not afraid of one of the Kyushu.

Of course, the classics also pointed out that there is no comparability between the imaginary and the imaginary.

Because, in addition to the domain, the imaginary and the virtual are not existed, the boundary.

The boundaries in the classics have given Sun Hao a deep shock, a worldview, and new insights and exhibitions.

The world, to put it bluntly, is equivalent to the secret of the lower bound or the large dojo.

However, the power of the virtual world has made the world a real small world and has become a real country. It has become an important base for the Chinese people to explore and develop.

Both the witch and the witches have their own "lower bounds", and the number is not reflected in the classics. However, there are several data that make Sun Hao feel incredible.

Legend has it that the most powerful race, the glory to the top of the race has three thousand lower bounds.

Within the middle of the virtual, the top ten races must be thousands of races, and the top 100 races must be the hundred elites. The witches and the wizards together, in the top ten in the middle of the virtual, then that is, they have at least Thousands of lower bounds.

This number is enough to make Sun Hao stunned.

This is a world that makes Sun Hao feel incredible. You must know that according to the description of the classics, each lower boundary can be equivalent to a Tianling big 6 that Sun Hao has soared.

So is it true that there are tens of thousands of lower bounds like the Tianling Big 6 connected with the Zhongxu? Thinking about this number, Sun Hao’s heart is incredible for a while.

Sure enough, the higher the cultivation, the more magnificent the world that comes into contact with it, only to know that it was nothing but a frog at the bottom of the well.

Tianling 6 does not know if it will be one of the lower bounds owned by the Terran.

Moreover, Sun Hao also had a doubt when he saw the classics of the basic situation of the virtual reality. At the time of the cultivation of Tianling 6 , Sun Hao had read many classical books. It is unfortunate that these classical books Among them, there are nine heavens and three thousand lower bounds.

So, does it mean that the Terran had once been brilliant and once ruled over 3,000?

What kind of reason is that the family has fallen? These things, in the collection of witches, can't find an answer.

Sun Hao quickly read through the books in his hand and looked at Gerland. Now the little girl is relishing, and her mouth is screaming at the travel notes, as if she didn't understand.

Is it that the books I have found for her are too easy to understand?

Sun Hao thought about it, put the books in his hand back, and re-taken a book that introduced the various special cultivation resources of Zhongxu.

But in the process of Sun Hao going out to put the classics and taking the classics, Lao Hao, Sun Hao heard the snoring of Gellan: "It’s too deep, it’s too deep, just looking good, how This time it became a book of heaven?"

Sun Hao’s heart moved and took the classics and came back.

While walking, while carefully observing the situation of Gerland, the accident is now, as he approaches, Gellan begins to sink into the plot of the travel notes, and he is eager to see it.

Standing in the distance of Gerland, Sun Hao tried several times and gradually found out the law. If Gerland was within ten feet of himself, he could read without any obstacles. Difficulty, out of fifteen feet, Gerland can not read completely.

The reason for this effect is likely to be the guardian knight contract, as well as its own magical purple gold belt.

Because Sun Hao is now, his own purple gold belt will remain in a certain distance from Gerlan, and it will have a faint purple light on his forehead. Through this purple light, he seems to be similar to Gerland. The contractual effect of the heart, so that Gerland can read easily.

With this present, Sun Hao suddenly felt that his teaching tasks became simple.

After spending a little time, Sun Hao compiled a huge recital with the vine, so that Gerland sat in the back, and his name could guard her at any time, and then he started with the sorcerer’s collection in the collection of the sorcerer. Inside, look around for books.

For the first time, Gerland felt the joy of barrier-free reading, and he was very happy. Moreover, the reciting made by Sun Hao allowed him to recline comfortably. Like a hammock, he was really comfortable. He was very happy and felt very warm. The arrangement of Sun Hao.

In this way, the tall Sun Hao, hanging a cute little witch ~ ~ began a new journey in the virtual.

Gerland needs to learn, and Sun Hao also needs to learn.

Moreover, the most basic study is the most suitable for them. The two are like this. They are not too slow to go inside the holy places of the collection. They only come out once in a while, look at the border animal husbandry, and Gerland also looks at it. Look at my brother and mother.

Time, in the process of reading, it has been more than a year.

One year later, Gellan's understanding of many things in Zhongxu has been greatly improved, and the distance that Sun Hao can read independently is gradually increasing.

However, in any case, as long as Sun Hao has a certain distance, Gellan will become ignorant and read what he does not understand.

What is even more strange is that even if Gerland read a lot of books, he still couldn't understand the words of the outside monks. He talked with Bianmu, and the most out of it was still "too deep."

Sun Hao thinks that this situation in Gellan is very similar to a pathological condition. To be completely improved, it is very likely that Gerland will be trained to distraction, and it will be able to separate part of the distraction and make up for its own shortcomings. Gellan may only finally get out of the woods.

For more than a year, Sun Hao has been running around with Gellan. Unconsciously, his mentality is slowly changing. The little girl’s trust and dependence on herself has gradually become Sun Hao’s feelings for her. Hao mainly listened to the words of the mysterious and strong, and treated the words of Gerland. So now, Sun Hao is already loving this innocent and cute girl.

Of course, this year, the witches’ evaluation of Sun Hao has also undergone tremendous changes. This is a magical knight that makes Laner easy to read.

After more than a year of reading, the Witches also came to the conclusion that they were similar to Sun Hao. That is, only on the back of Sun Hao, Laner can read books easily and happily. (To be continued.) 8

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