Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1703: Undead Hero (3)

Nine refineries return to the fairy 1703, the first seventy-three chapters of the undead hero (three) - 567 Chinese is the so-called abnormal must have a demon, And Devi produced a very bad foreboding.

Today's situation is a bit evil.

Looking at the opposite side, Anderwi thought again, this is how many opponents, I am afraid of what he is doing, directly pushing the undead army to push over, drowning them will not become.

In the hand, a dark magic sword was lifted up, Anderville’s forehead, the soul flames flashed, the gravel hills, a large number of undead warriors, the ground cockroaches, zombies, the air of the ghosts, bats, all sides Come out and come up to Sun Hao and Gellan.

In an instant, Sun Hao and Gerland seem to have been dumplings in general, in all directions, countless undead warriors attacked.

Gerland yelled: "Fast, fast, recruit our team, the sacred witch Xiaolan team is going to be great..."

Sun Hao’s giant hammer in the air, a violent voice in his mouth: "Warriors, come out."

In the violent screams, there was a huge whirlpool on the heads of Sun Hao and Gerland. Like the rain, the dwarfs quickly sprinkled from the middle.

Less than two interest, Sun Hao and Gellan are already standing behind the dense and dwarf warriors, which seems to be stimulated by the screams of Sun Hao. After these dwarfs come out, they raise their small axe, and Yang Tian is also a while. Mad call.

Morale is extremely high and instantly reaches a **** state.

Gerland shouted excitedly and rushed.

Behind Sun Hao, the battle team gathered together, there are three states in an instant.

A huge hammer of shadow appeared in the sky above the copper hammer tribe dwarf. With the impact of the dwarves, along with the team, the undead warriors crashed.

In the sky above the stove tribe dwarves, there is a melting pot of burning fire. A huge arrow appears above the half-elf warrior, and a huge stone appears above the dwarf...

Didn't wait for Anderville to figure out the situation.

Among the opposing teams, the four major races of special warfare rushed into the undead team.

Destroyed, the Undead team basically did not have much resistance, and the four directions, without exception, were swept away by the sacred witch Xiaolan.

The undead team led by André is full of seven or eight thousand.

Even if the sacred witch Xiaolan team is all recruited, it is only more than 20,000 soldiers. According to the truth, it can form a crushing situation.

But this is the case, Andervi’s heart on the gravel hills is faintly painful.

Attacked on all sides, the leading troops suffered heavy losses, and more than 10,000 undead warriors, under this wave of attacks, turned into fly ash.

Anderwei was shocked.

These guys are too fierce, and playing is a special race technique.

With one hand high, a little green brilliance spreads rapidly from Andervi's hands, and the hand grabs it. The green brilliance grabs it and slams it forward, rushing to Sun Hao's warrior and blasting over the troops.

The death plague has a strong erosion effect on the race of the living, and it is better not to believe that these gangs will be better.

What makes him even more dumbfounded is that the opposing troops are completely in a state of extreme heat, and the combat power is doubled. The magic of any negative effect seems to have no use.

The type of reduction, debilitation, and bleeding that may have occurred in the death plague did not occur.

The dwarfs were so angry that each of them rushed into their own forces, and they were neatly slashed in a small axe. They broke the huge gully of their undead warriors.

Cursing the gods seems to have no effect, and it is useless to use the spells.

Andrei suddenly appeared, and the battlefield showed a strange side.

The opponents with a small number of people actually suppressed their own troops. There was not much wisdom. The undead warriors who were not afraid of death could not stop the violent impact of their opponents.

It was not able to form a very effective killing at all, and his own troops actually began a large-scale defeat.

This is a battle that Andreevwan never imagined. It was also an ending that made him frustrated. Riding on the nightmare, Anderwei almost looked at the battlefield unbelievably, and finally he could not confirm his troops. I am proud of it. After years of accumulation, the elite troops that have accumulated so much seem to be in a state of turmoil.

On the right hand, letting out the bleak brilliance, Andervi drives the fire of the soul, and screams: "Withdraw, give me a withdrawal."

He can understand it. The opposing team has an indescribable embarrassment.

Andervi’s origin was not noble. He was originally the lowest level zombie king in the world. In the long process of cultivation, he gave birth to his own mind step by step, and he achieved heroes step by step. He was quite proud in the lower bounds.

However, after the real undead upper bound, he suddenly appeared, in the eyes of the real hero in the virtual, but a small one who did not accumulate without cultivation and no future.

I don’t know how many years, Andewei accumulated resources a little bit, and finally became a stunt, a spirit of undead, can make his team more and more, the legendary cursed armor can make himself in battle Have a decisive advantage.

With a strong self-confidence, with a rise of the cold door, shocked the undead world, and forbearing the rise, the blockbuster plan, Ande Wei still the body broke into the fighting world and began to fight.

Some time ago, it was really smooth and smooth. In a short period of time, Andervi’s team suddenly increased from the initial 20,000 to the current 70,000 to 80,000, and the fighting power among the teams was also dominated by jealousy and zombies. It became two powerful units with yin and vampire bats.

I am full of ambitions and come to participate in the battle of Angola.

Andervi believes that the moment of his fame is coming. After the Terran is killed, maybe his troops will grow faster again.

When encountering the first opponent, Andervi played two tricks and the opponent fled.

When the second opponent, now the abominable enemy, attacked, Anderwei initially thought that only three or two kittens were not going to show up, only let a few don't die to clean up.

But who knows, it is these opponents that make him completely in the eyes, really become his nightmare.

He hasn't been able to make a name for himself. He hasn't become a big hero that everyone admires. Actually, he has suffered a huge blow.

Inexplicably, the curse of the gods is invalid, how is this possible? I made it strictly in accordance with the refining method. There was no cut-throat, but it was totally unaffected by the other party’s troops.

Gathering the gods also failed,

Any negative state spells are not good.

The morale of the opponent is as high as the war madman. It is the first time that this strange opponent has been met.

The one-sided slaughter made Anderville have to choose to lead the team to flee.

If you don't escape, you will have to be completely annihilated.

While fleeing, Andervi’s heart cursed in the middle of his heart, and he was so unwilling to succumb to his own defeated troops. He was unwilling to pay for it, and he was unwilling to meet the unknown team. Strongly blocking What is this?

For so many years, I wanted to make a blockbuster, and it turned out to be a joke.

Is there such a wrong thing?

What makes Anderville even more uncomfortable is that he lost his innocence, and he did not see any clues until he ran.


Fighting in the battle world is of great help to the cultivation of the monks and souls. Especially after winning the battle, the harvest will not be small. This battle, Sun Hao feels good, similar to this kind of battle, just come back several times. You should be able to complete the purpose of fighting the world and eventually generate your own five-point god.

Five cents of God, the accumulation of the previous one, Sun Hao is the time to find ways to consolidate the higher level of soul, continue to enhance the effect of cultivation.

Sun Hao did not know that he had inadvertently defeated the dream of an undead hero who tried to be a great hero for many years.

After cleaning the battlefield a little, Sun Hao said to Gellan: "Let's move on."

Gellan frowned and said: "Well, why didn't you see Geffney's sister's troops, I don't know if my sister killed the past? Or went around."

Sun Hao’s knowledge extended his attack, and he glanced around. There were some traces of fighting, and his heart could not help but move: “They may be preparing in the back now, or they may be stopped by this undead hero.”

Gellan showed an unbelievable expression: "No, hill, the strength of this group of undead warriors is really not bad, stop us are not opponents, will stop Goffney sister?"

Sun Hao smiled and did not say anything.

I don't know the detailed information of the opposite hero, but the opposite hero must be weak.

He can let his own purple gold belt emerge as a mysterious force against Guanghua confrontation, and maybe Geffney will really stop behind. (To be continued.) 8

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