Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1704: Undead city

Nine refineries return to the fairy 1704, the first seventy-four chapters are not dead edge city - 567 Chinese dreams are extremely fast, in the air crossed a black line, running fast. ★

Anderwei did not dare to stay at all, not because he was afraid of death, but because he was in the fighting world. In fact, it was the real body. If he was killed in the fighting world, even if he had some means, It will take a long time to recover, and it will take a very difficult accumulation.

If the team is gone, you can continue to think of a way. If you have finished playing, you will be worse.

Andrei had a bit of instinctual fear in the big man, the spine's square shield, and the high hammer, which gave him a heavy fear in his bones.

Sun Hao did not take the shot to intercept Andrei. The hero of the undead hero was not weak. Moreover, when he fled, he was extremely fast and very decisive. Sun Hao did not want to expose too much power.

After the command team quickly cleaned the battlefield, Sun Hao said to Gellan: "Xiaolan, are we going on? Or waiting for Goffney here?"

Gerland thought about it with his head: "Gevny's sister seems to bet with the big man." We simply went to Angola and let Goffney receive an unexpected surprise."

Sun Hao said: "Well, I will send the troops back first, then we will move forward lightly, and the degree should be extremely fast, but Xiaolan, there is an undead hero here. I guess the road to Angola will not be so good. Maybe there will be interceptors in front of you."

Gerland said with a smile: "Exactly, the sacred witch Xiaolan team needs to fight to build a greater reputation, hill, we kill all the way..."

Sun Hao looked at Gellan's clear and bright, full of fighting spirit and curious eyes, with a heartfelt smile on his face, and his mouth shouted: "Okay, then kill all the way."

After so many years, with the deepening of the understanding of Gerland, Sun Hao understands that Gellan is only a little difficult to communicate with people, but there is no problem with the mind, especially when he is around, the judgment of things is very Precision.

That is to say, the mind is simple, but the clever Geerlan actually knows that many places are wrong. However, he never asked why, and he still trusts Sun Hao as always, and he still gives his own unique way to Sun Hao. Provide a variety of cover.

The two, in fact, are very tacit in many things.

This is still the case, looking at each other, Gerland's little hand waved: "With me, the sacred witch Xiaolan team."

Sun Hao strode forward to the front, followed by more than twenty warriors, and quickly chased the past in the direction of Andre.

Andre Vina's mounts were very fast, and after a long time with Sun Hao's rushing, he completely lost his breath and ran out of sight.

It is the blue mysterious ball in the hands of Gerland, which always reflects a fast moving black dot, guiding the direction of everyone's pursuit.

Sun Hao also secretly concise the ball, but because the pill is self-made, and also has no chance to contact the ball application method, so so far, Sun Hao’s ball, the main role is to copy the cultivation of the rabbit Yu Jin.

Now that I see that Gelan naturally traces the mirror of the undead hero, Sun Hao’s heart suddenly appears, and he may really need to find a way to make the ball application method. Otherwise, it is a waste of the witches he got. inherited.

Anderwei instinctively perceives that he is being stared, and the enemies behind him are approaching themselves and can't get rid of them. The nightmare also conveys information that he has been marked with some kind of mystery, reminding Anderville to be careful.

Andervi did not dare to continue to wander on the plains, but he could only bite his head and lean on the high-spirited Yang Miu Hayou, who was supposed to take his own achievements and fight his face.

The nightmare rushed to the end, carrying Anderville in the undead side of the city abruptly stopped, stopped on a small hill.

The undead side is a city of undead strongholds built to conquer the recalcitrant city of Angola. It is also the defensive focus and an important offensive base in this direction of Angola.

Andervi sat on the back of the nightmare and shouted: "Ha You, I am back, open the gate, let me in."

Said to be a city, in fact, is a tall and gloomy cemetery.

The dark cemetery was expanded from a layer of black-painted coffin, standing outside, able to perceive the gust of wind inside, and from time to time, you can see the ghosts flying around at any time in the cemetery.

The arrival of Anderville seems to wake up the sleeping ghost.

Over the cemetery, a faint shadow floated in the air.

After a while, the shadow gradually became real, and a ghostly monk with a sturdy breast and a sturdy body, if you don't look at her sullen face, I really thought that standing in front of him was a peerless beauty.

Andrevi also pulled down his black robes on his head, revealing a straightforward, seemingly scarred zombie face.

In the voice of Minohue, it was full of cold chill: "Andrew, you turned into a lonely man, and ran to my Tevez city for asylum?"

Anderwei’s dull face couldn’t show any expression, as if he was telling a fact that he had nothing to do with himself. He said lowly: “The opponent is too powerful, and it has formed a total suppression for me. I have to escape, otherwise, wait My body is awkward, haha, you know, I am different from you, I am the real world."

Minorha's voice is screaming over the wind: "Waste, you look at how long you have been stuck, and you have been defeated by life. It is the greatest shame of my family to have an undead hero like you."

Andrei lowered his head and said in his mouth: "If I was stared at by the other side, I would wander around with them. Minor, I brought them to Tevez, you should I am very happy, after all, you are one of the most powerful heroes of my family."

Minorha Blessed to hear more useful, his face was slightly better, his hand waved, the cemetery opened gently, and his mouth snorted and said: "Yes, you can bring the enemy to the door to let me clean up, you can do it. Hey, by the time, you will be there, the little army in your hands, that little accumulation, in the eyes of our true aristocrats, money is worthless."

Andrei said in his mouth: "Thank you an adult..."

Instigating the nightmare, walking to the city, but my heart was darkly thinking, Lao Tzu will not tell you about the situation of the opponent, I will see you joke, mother, I thought you are amazing? Laozi still thinks about the blockbuster, but he has not been rushed over by the other party.

Andervi doesn't think that Minorha can be better than himself. Even if there are more powerful troops defending the city, it is estimated that he can't stop the sacred witch Xiaolan team.

The chasing of Gerland floated in the air and suddenly horrified.

Sun Hao stepped a little.

Gerland said loudly: "There is a huge cemetery in guy went in. There is a strong defense outside the cemetery, I can't see it."

A group of dwarfs, such as Taiwanese copper, came together and looked at the blue ball in the hands of Gerland.

Sun Hao quickly learned from their argument that the big cemetery is actually a city of undead, with the powerful effect of strengthening the strength of undead warriors and restoring undead warriors.

When the undead attacked the fighting world, as long as the death of the spirit reached a certain level, some cemeteries would be built and become bases. Unexpectedly, there were undead cemeteries on the outskirts of Angola, and it seems that Angola City did not fall. The situation is not much better.

From the discussion of the dwarves, Sun Hao also concluded that the dwarf warrior's ability to attack the city is suffocating, with small arms and calves, and limited damage to the city. It is easy to be trapped under the wall by the undead shooter inside the city. I can hope and sigh.

Gerland expressed concern that the proposal was to bypass the city.

However, the semi-elf warriors said that this is the only place to go to Angola, fearing that it is very difficult to bypass, and if this city pool is not destroyed first, once it enters, it will face the unfavorable situation of being attacked by the enemy.

The soldiers recruited by Sun Hao and Gellan are native natives of the fighting world. Once they are destroyed in the battle, it is a real death, although the casualties of the war are inevitable, but if the loss is too large, Gerland’s heart However, it was a little overwhelming. For a while, I was a bit undecided and looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao was a little indulged, and said in his mouth: "The copper hammer and the stove, you should all be dwarfs. Why do the genetic characteristics of the family have slightly different skills, and there is a connection among them? I feel that as long as Combine the unique skills of your two ethnic groups, or the big cemetery can be broken..." (To be continued.) 8

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