Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1728: Ghost change

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Deep in the ghost road, Andrevi is very comfortable.

From the cemetery of Minohayou, he took the opportunity of Sun Hao to break the cemetery and stole the magic cloak that guarded the cemetery and broke into the ghost road.

The undead cloak itself is not a particularly powerful magic weapon, and it is not a cost-effective one in the undead world, and there are very rare magic weapons.

After he had the curse of the curse, he also tried every means to sneak into the vicinity of the cemetery of Minohue, to help her guard the outer periphery of Angola, the real purpose, but it is the undead cloak that is not very cost-effective.

The greatest role of the undead cloak is to gather the soul, that is, the ability to gather the scattered soul fire, put it in the cemetery, and some blessings on the soul of the cemetery, but the effect of this blessing is very weak, and 10% is insufficient. Many cemeteries are too lazy to use.

Moreover, it is quite troublesome to refine the undead cloak, especially the refining resources. It is quite rare, and refining this thing is really worth the candle.

Andervi was born in a low-level, hard work for many years, wants to refine one of his own, can not succeed, naturally he put his idea on the cemetery of Minohayou.

Sure enough, I got it.

The reason why Andrei can rise is because he has obtained the greatest inheritance of the undead ghosts, knows the methods of refining many ghosts, and knows the hidden attributes of ghosts.

For example, now, after getting an undead cloak, he has a way to combine it with the other two magic weapons, synthesizing undead artifacts, ghost king cloak.

One piece only appeared in the legend, many undead warriors thought it was just a mythical undead real artifact cloak.

When the cloak came out, the army gathered and was invincible.

An effect is still on the curse of the gods, the undead master artifact, has a very horrible effect. Its biggest role is to recruit souls, gather souls and train soldiers, whether it is killing undead warriors or other Wan nationality warriors, can be transformed into powerful and undead warriors by the cloak.

The most horrible place is to gather souls and consolidate the lower-level arms into more powerful new arms. That is to say, the cloak can consolidate the undead garbage cannon fodder into a high-level and powerful army.

An artifact of horror.

Within the ghost road, there are a large number of undead low-ranking warriors. These warriors themselves have their own affiliation. Under normal circumstances, they cannot be dominated by other heroes. Moreover, once they are annoyed, they may be attacked.

However, Anderville, the cloak of the Ghost King, became a very strange existence. The powerful undead artifact allowed Anderville to easily recruit these undead warriors around him, and then use the artifacts to concise and generate more powerful undead arms. , become the capital of your own in the future.

As a result, after Sun Hao and Gerland rushed into the ghost road, they suddenly discovered that the ghost road was very clean and did not see half of the enemy.

Although I don't see the relevant classics of the ghost road, I can understand without the head. The passage of the ghost road as an undead transporter will definitely not be so sparse. There should be a defender.

But the strange thing is that Sun Hao and Gellan walked along the ghost road for four or five days, still could not see half a ghost shadow, Gerland was amazed, but Sun Hao's brow was gently wrinkled.

When things go wrong, there must be flaws. However, there is too little intelligence. Sun Hao does not know why there is such a change within the ghost road.

Quirky, quiet, and fast forward.

In front, there has always been nothing, no undead warriors appear, no heroes are not stationed, everything seems so evil.

It was under this state that Sun Hao and Gerland all went all the way to a winding road.

The appearance of a martyrdom is likely to symbolize that there may be a cemetery above.

Sun Hao and Gerland totaled together, and the light ball in the hands of Gerland shook two rays of light and shot them into two ramps. After a while, some undead warriors wandered in a ramp, and the other, It should be within the channel of the main body of the ghost, and there is still no half ghost shadow.

There is a passage for undead warriors to wander through a cemetery.

Soon after, the light ball in the hands of Gerland really showed the faint light of the ghost exit.

I don't understand why this wonderful change happened. Sun Hao decided to kill the cemetery no matter what the three seven twenty-one.

The two sneaked into the ghost road and went straight ahead to clean up.

The strength of the undead warriors in this road is not very strong, and they can't stop the advancement of the two. In less than half a day, the two have already reached the entrance to the ghost road.

Sun Hao let Gerlan continue to wait here, but he slowly fades and turns into a ghost, slowly drifting out.

Just waiting for Sun Hao to disappear into the ghost road, Gerlan leaned his head and said: "The hill brother is a lot of incarnation, is it a humanized witch? Or a witch?? Forget it, no matter how much, he It’s a hill brother, that’s all...”

Finished, sitting boring on the ground, holding his chin in his hands, waiting for Sun Hao to return.

Above, the fierce battle outside the cemetery, the Terran warriors stormed the cemetery, trying to directly flatten this not too strong undead city.

Sun Hao drifted out of the ghost road, and no undead warrior discovered Sun Hao's anomaly.

Sun Hao secretly shook his head, his hand stretched out, Xuanyuan Kun bow fell into his hand, a bow and three arrows, brush and brush shot, and the sound of the tomb, the tombstone of the tomb was instantly burst.

In front, on the battlefield that is glued, there is a sudden change.

Within the cemetery, many buildings collapsed.

Especially the arrow tower on the wall, lost the blessing of the tombstone main array, could not withstand the man-made monk's spell attack, supported a few times, crashed down, the defense of the city wall also fell instantly, especially the city gate, subject to Do not live in the mad attack, the sound of the explosion, was born through the hole.

Over the cemetery, the cloud of death is like a wind blown down, and the Terran warrior can finally fly out and pour down various spells.

The hero of the cemetery thought that the Terran who attacked the city destroyed his own tombstone with secret techniques. While secretly cursing, he did not dare to quickly retreat to the ghost road.

Far away, I saw a ghost-like ghost standing at the entrance of the ghost road, thinking that it was my own warrior, and could not help but scream loudly: "What are you doing, don't go in... fast..."

Did not wait for the undead hero to be close, Sun Hao hand Xuanyuan Kun bow gently shocked, a smoke coming from the air.

Clouds rise from the sky.

The undead hero was stunned, in a smog, turned into a light spot, and was expelled from the fighting world.

Sun Hao smiled and turned to the ghost road. He and Gerland, after a certain distance, Sun Hao pulled the bow and shot three arrows in a row, completely destroying this branch.

If other Terran monks walked in accidentally and stunned the snake, it would be bad.

Among the ghosts, there is a magical and secret atmosphere. If there is a purple gold belt, Sun Hao and Gellan are not easy to stay for a long time. There is a purple gold belt that can make the undead warriors admire. Sun Hao And Gerlan is not going to be slowly dying, and can completely touch the ghost path.

Sun Hao took Gerland and continued to explore and go.

Within the newly occupied cemetery, there was a thrilling cheering, and the Terran was once again great, and another undead cemetery was forcibly conquered.

Many monks even waved their weapons in their hands and shouted: "God bow, **** bow..."

Only the bow can defeat the tombstone.

Moreover, in the end, when the undead hero escaped, it was also like a golden-haired donkey, and was taken away by a burst of blue smoke. That means that a powerful barbarian warrior is on the scene.

Although I don't know where he is hiding but since the shot helped the Terran to destroy the tombstone and kill the undead hero, then he must be hidden in the team in an unknown way. .

It can be said that the emergence of the hills, at least the loss of the people's team is less than 40%, and the time to attack the cemetery has also increased. I don't know how many times, naturally need to cheer.

Sun Hao took Gerland and continued to move forward.

Unexpectedly, the ghost track in front of you did not see one ghost shadow.

Sun Hao can't understand it.

Gerland didn't want to, and the two went all the way.

Not long after, I found the martyrdom again, and Gellan released the ball. After discovering that it was a cemetery exit, the two men went up again.

In the same way, Sun Hao quietly sneaked into the cemetery.

After the great victory of Angola, the Terran Warrior attacked on all sides. The army in front of the cemetery was besieged. The cemetery was also besieged by the army of the ethnic group. Sun Hao appeared just right.

In the two wars, there are no ghosts who will think that the enemy will come out of their own ghosts. Sun Hao became a ghost, standing in the cemetery, bowing three arrows, defeating the tombstone.

Shooting a cloud of smoke and killing the hero of the tombstone.

The Terran has broken a cemetery. (To be continued.)

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