Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1729: Encounter death

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Andrew did not expect that his **** would follow the two monks in the cemetery.

He kept sweeping the unscrupulous cannon fodder in front and condensed into the powerful undead warrior he needed. At the back of his ass, the cemetery, which was not well prepared, suffered a disaster.

Unclear, so can not understand the southeast and northwest, many cemeteries are confused and broken by Sun Hao.

The Terran warriors have made huge gains from them, and they have basically formed a tacit understanding. Now, after the cemetery, they immediately start to attack, but they are all kind of strong, but actually they are attracting attention. This kind of attack is only a matter of the past. For a while, the hill adults will hear the news, Zhang bow archery, get the cemetery.

This method is small and quick, and it is really easy and enjoyable.

Sun Hao didn't know what was happening inside the ghost road, and he didn't even think about why there was such a change. No matter what the three or seventy-one, see a cemetery and unplug a cemetery.

Just kill it all the way.

Andrevi’s degree of sweeping the ghost road itself is extremely fast, and he has entered the ghost road for a few months earlier than Sun Hao. This time, the two went, and Sun Hao really did not catch up with him in a short time.

As a result, within the Tioman fight world, a very wonderful scene was born.

The undead weapon cemetery, the undead hero relies on the footsteps, and can be used as a cemetery that fundamentally counters the image of the people.

Moreover, until now, no one has noticed the cause of being hit hard.

In the long ghost road, Andrei did not know that his own arrogance was already very fast, and he was very happy to add the strength of the Teoman 6 undead. He was still very happy, sneaking up his team and expecting him to one day The name is not dead, become a top hero, and eventually can advance to fit and reach the virtual.

However, Sun Hao only feels that his actions have been unprecedentedly smooth, and he has easily killed one after another cemetery, but he has not calculated how much he has gained.

In fact, at this moment, the Terran Guards of Angola City have already smashed the intrinsic Angolan city area and rushed to the fortresses of other races or the city.

When I met a cemetery, I tried to make a mock attack. The bow came out, and the tombstones and heroes were killed.

Tioman's 6 other ethnic monks did not know. In fact, Sun Hao was secretly engaging in ghosts. Instead, he thought that the monks and savvy monks had secretly pulled out the cemetery and suddenly respected the human army.

The Terran army put on a high-cold posture and said, "Our squatting hills are very busy, and we need to be revived in different places, so I don't have time to see you..."

Not long after, in different directions, it was true that the cemetery was broken.

The Terran army is centered on Angola and is attacked on all sides.

In just half a year, following the **** of Sun Hao, the Terran army packed up more than 20 cemeteries, set up immortal feats, and occupied a large number of land. The footsteps of the human patriots and priests throughout the field were comforted and rescued. The race down will bring the earth back to life.

The Terran Power of the Tioman Big 6 began its grand show.

Actually, Gaeling and Baihe are also happy and troubled at this time. They don’t know what plans are going on in the hills. I want to ask, but they can’t be connected at all. The hills are gone without a trace, and they are all It is the kind of shooting the tombstone and the hero, and there is no half shadow at all.

The Terran is following the benefits, but if it arouses the resentment of the hills and the witches, it will not be worth the loss.

But in the end, like Sun Hao, if you don't understand, you don't want to, Gail Ridge has a hard scalp, and in the light of the idea of ​​not being cheap and not taking up the white, with the might of Sun Hao, the forces of the Terran are constantly expanding.

Later, when the front line was too long, and the troops were a little overwhelmed, Gail Ridge simply sent messengers to the liberated, recalcitrant areas to be lobbyists, saying that the Terran could help break the cemetery, provided that the Terran needs certain Remuneration requires a certain amount of resources...

At the beginning, several ethnic groups will be suspicious and accept the conditions of the human race.

The Terran really fulfilled its promise, and the powerful shooter took Xuanyuan Kun bow from the sky, shot the tombstone, shot the undead hero, and took the risk of himself.

Powerful and incomparable humanity, the skill is really unpredictable.

The various ethnic groups expressed their admiration and admired the messengers of Gail Ridge. It was easy and relaxed. The Terran received a lot of vassal forces and received a lot of extra resources.

But as the distance is getting farther and farther away, many races have begun to doubt the emergence of the Terran. They feel that the Terran is a lie, and there are some races that are not bird-human.

Gail Ridge said that it is the unshirkable responsibility of the human race to break the tombstone and defeat the cemetery. Even if there is no remuneration, the Terran will do its utmost for the safety of the Big Six.

In addition, there are several races that have been rescued by the Terran. These races are races that are straightforward and unbelievable. For example, the dwarfs, after receiving the greatness of the human race, are deeply guilty of their own words and shallow insights. Let Gail Ridge ridicule the doubling of resources.

Gail Ridge is a bit self-sufficient and hesitating when he needs to play.

The orc family appeared, and the barbaric orc family defeated the first cemetery with the help of Sun Hao. However, they refused to admit that this was the merit of the Terran, and recorded it on the great beast god. Refused to give people a reward, and uttered irony.

Gail Ridge is a little bit sloppy, waiting for the generosity to show that the adults do not remember the villain, the Terran still will disappear when the cemetery is on schedule, perhaps the squatting hills are really helping the Terran, when the orcs ridicule the Terran The adults did not continue to rush into the orc territory, and they no longer helped the orcs shoot the tombstones.

Immediately, Gaelic’s attitude changed and he began to speak. He said, “Since the orcs don’t need my family to help, so good, please ask for more blessings...”

So the orcs are miserable.

A powerful undead hero led his army to kill from the cemetery. Within the territory of the orc, a large number of soldiers were killed, a large number of villages were destroyed, the orcs were not working, and the orcs were killed.

The warriors of all ethnic groups watching the battle gloated.

Gail Ling shrugged helplessly and said loudly: "This can't blame us for standing by, it's the orc's attitude is too bad, we must let them suffer, rest assured, when the orcs are destroyed, or completely unable to stand After that, our army of all ethnic groups can go in and sweep the mess..."

The races that were extorted by the Terran suddenly felt psychologically balanced. Instead of facing life and death like the orcs, it was really not as honest as it was to give the people some resources for peace.

Gail Ridge feels that the big man in the hill is taking care of the Terran.

In fact, at this time, Sun Hao finally met different general changes at the bottom of the earth. He was looking for reasons for change, and naturally slowed down his attack on the cemetery.

Andrewi raged in the ghost road for a long time, after accumulating a large number of high-powered troops, he couldn’t help but want to show his talents. In addition to the recent ghosts, he felt the breath of his old friend. So, I will not move on, but I will leave my big army in the ghost road, bring some powerful fighters, and go out to meet old friends.

Andervi’s big army was in front of Sun Hao.

It didn't take Hao and Gerland killed it, and suddenly there was a huge change in the spacious ghost road without a ghost.

A tall, brand new ghost, holding a huge sickle, floating in the air, under the body seems to have many hoes screaming, the head of the ghost is confused, can not see the specific image, but a pair The red eyes are like a pair of lanterns shining in the ghost road.

Gerland grinned and whispered to Sun Hao: "Oh, brother, these things look so disgusting, what is it?"

Sun Hao quickly recalled the information in memory. After half a ring, he gestured to quit further. The brow was slightly wrinkled and said to Gellan: "This should be a powerful variant of the ghost, called the death by the undead hero. A powerful warrior, I don’t know what is important in the front, there are so many deaths stationed..."

grim Reaper?

Gellan thought about it with his head tilted his head and said, "I understand, the ghost will be the ghost king. The strength of the ghost king itself is very strong. I didn't expect that the ghost king took a sickle and actually changed. It has become a **** of death, but it is not right. How come so many deaths here, the information records, the powerful undead warrior of death should be rare, how is it dense in front?" (To be continued.)

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