Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1738: Fighting world

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The Tioman continent is mainly divided into four states and Sanyo. The area where Sun Hao is now, named Gais Dezhou, has achieved absolute right to speak under the help of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao asked Taier Tong to send a message to Baihe in the name of the witch Geerland.

After Gaelic and Baihe got the information, they really came to visit Gellan as Sun Hao expected.

Gerland was able to receive a visit from a human race hero, and he was able to get a warm welcome from several friends of different ethnic groups. Within the cemetery, he led all his team and warmly welcomed the two heroes.

Gail Ridge and Baihe expressed their sincere gratitude, indicating that the Terran Hope and the Witches joined forces to levy a good wish in the battle world.

The honest grandson, who served as the translator of Gellan, said that he did not have any opinions, and that all of Weigellanma was the leader.

Gaeling’s attitude towards Sun Hao is inexplicable, but Baihe is accustomed to it. The barbarian is the virtue. The barbarian has a strong fighting power, but his brain is not very good. Sun Hao’s performance is exactly in line with his identity.

Andervi, wearing a black mask and covering his face in a mist, became a big adviser to help Gerland.

At this time, Sun Hao was surprised to find that Anderville was able to communicate with Gerland very naturally, just like himself. Sun Hao paid attention to it. The reason why Gerland understood Andrei should be two aspects. the reason.

On the one hand, Andervi is a master of the soul, good at all kinds of soul communication, this is his masterpiece; on the other hand, it should be a product of Zijin with a weak communication ability, in a sense, Gerland, Sun Hao and Ande Wei are both connected by a Zijin belt. Gelland and An Dewei are an indirect contractual relationship. The exchange between the two is not a problem.

The Witches have no affiliated forces in the Tioman continent.

But this does not prevent Gellan from cultivating a few.

Now, under the command of Gerland, there are a large number of dwarves and half-elfs attached.

Moreover, the footprints of the dwarves and half-elves are also spread across the four major states of Teoman. Although they are not as strong as the Terran, they are so powerful, but they are also the top races in the mainland, or just the best support for the witches. .

Gerland is only having problems communicating with the outside world, but IQ is not bad. For these reasons, Andrei slightly dials and understands instantly.

Under Anderville's suggestion, Gerland symbolically solicited the opinions of Sun Hao, who had never had any attitude, and readily reached a more unanimous agreement on behalf of the Witch and the Terran to jointly guard the Tioman continent.

The Baihe River and Gail Ridge were extremely fast. After the agreement was reached, the Terran and Dwarf and Semi-Elves marched across the state of Gais, and quickly smashed into the neighboring Dahan Shenzhou, and opened up the two-state channel. The two largest states in the mainland of Oman have formed a huge dominance.

At this time, the army of the undead people quickly retreated from the mainland, and the Terran had beaten other races by a surprise, and formed a great influence in the four major states.

The monks in the lower bounds of the imaginary figures of all the imaginary circles immediately realized that the situation on the mainland of Tioman had inadvertently become a monopoly. The Terran ruled a huge territory, and in the battle against the undead, the Terran also set up. The greatest feat.

The situation is, if the monks of the lower mirrors of the imaginary mirrors are returned, then the Teoman continent will become the ascending world of the human race.

Such a large piece of cake is actually swallowed by the human race that is not the top 50.

Teoman’s original number of powerful races stood out.

The orc family is not doing it.

The Ayi people are not satisfied.

Qiangge found Goffney and wanted to discuss the situation in Regus. The orc race is not weak in Regus. The witch is one of the most powerful races in the vain, and the witches are Regus has the strongest combination of strengths in the world of Gerland and the Hill.

Therefore, Qiang believes that as long as he can get the assistance of the witches, then even if the human race is great, even if the people of Regus are stronger, when they are the boss of Regus, it’s really two. .

Goffney took his two heroes and met the strong guy with ease.

After the strong suggestion of some intentional cooperation, Goffney felt acceptable, anyway, the witches had nothing on the Tioman continent.

--0---0---Small--say---This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Jiu Lian Guixian 00 novel users please remind: long time to read, please pay attention to the rest of the eyes. 00 novel recommended reading: beauty please stay

-0--0---Small--say---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

The affiliated forces can support and be happy to send the orc family a favor.

But when Goffney was ready to fully agree with the strong proposal, she was surprised that she received a notice from Gerland.

Gevney was shocked when he saw the announcement.

Good guy, Xiaolan is actually regarded as the owner of the nobles by the dwarves and the half-elves. Nowadays, they are allied with the Terran, and they jointly guard the Tioman continent, and they are eager to expel, and the Thai-Oman continent is full of glory.

As for what to evict and to protect the mainland, it is all talk.

But Gevny knows that his witches can no longer stay out of the way, as if they have become one of the protagonists of the Teoman Continental hegemony, and one of the most powerful protagonists.

The eyes were a bit straight, and Gevny also thought of the dwarfs and half-elves behind Gerland, but the heart gradually understood, and the news was really reliable.

Within the large-scale witches, there are indeed small sub-domains of dwarves and elves. Once these two groups can gain a good dominance in the Tioman continent, there is no doubt that the Tioman continent will become a witch in the future. One of the most powerful bases of the family.

The rumor rejected the strong proposal, and Gevny rushed to the cemetery of Gerland, and suddenly discovered that the four dwarf kings of the Tioman continent, the three half-elf kings, were in the human race heroes Baihe and Gaeling. Under the witness, sign the agreement to affiliate with the witches.

Gerland was blushing, indicating that the witches warmly welcomed the dwarves and half-elves to join the female family of the witches.

The appearance of the Dwarf King and the Half Elf King said that this is not a joke.

The identity of the little princess of the Gerland witches is also sufficient to represent the position of the witches and to rule out the fact that Gerland’s brains are not so good. Gevny believes that this is indeed the most appropriate way for the actual interests of the witches.

Goffney came to the cemetery with his own hero, and it also witnessed the signing and entry into force of the affiliated contract.

Next, Goffney fell in a dream, seeing that Gellan was generous, with the help of his counselors, and the two heroes of the Terran signed a package agreement on some of the territory of the Tioman continent.

Gaffney said that the agreement is quite beneficial to the witches. The Terran did make major concessions in many places. When they got the blueprint for the agreement, Gevny had to admire it, as if the witches were all from scratch. In the mainland of Teoman, a great piece of land was laid.

If this is the hand of Prince Helman, Goffney said that it is entirely possible to express full respect for the five bodies, but this is the most unlikely monk's handwriting even sees When I came out, when I was discussing things, Gerlan often didn't understand, and I needed a big man to translate around me. Moreover, on my petite face, I often had ignorant expressions.

The Witches have such representatives and they have not been sold. It is really rare. Gevny is convinced that if the imaginary strength of the Terran is not strong, it is necessary to pull the Witch as a reinforcement, and what the indefinite agreement will be.

An agreement that is very beneficial to the witches has been signed.

Dan Yubai quietly told Goffney: "The commander, the monk wearing a black mask, is the powerful and undead hero we encountered for the first time, as if he has now attached Princess Xiaolan."

Gevny was embarrassed.

The undead hero actually attached to the witch monk.

Xiaolan actually dared to accept

Don’t die, dare to return

This is really a damn. Gevny is very impressed with Andervi. I remember that I encountered it at the time. After I had a face-to-face, I had to flee. How could such a powerful undead hero become a subsidiary of Xiaolan? I don't understand, I don't understand it.

Goffney could not find a reason to stop Xiaolan. Instead, Goffney found that Xiaolan’s actions were the most suitable for the interests of the witches.

Throughout the agreement, Goffney only modified one, and she thought it was the most difficult one.

The original meaning of this article is that the Terran, the Dwarf, and the semi-elf army jointly cleaned up the remaining undead forces, and the resulting land and the three tribes jointly governed.

Goffney believes that the dwarves and the semi-elfs mainly live in the jungle, and the non-dead's residences are mostly in the gravel of the dead eye. This kind of site is also cheaper, so Goffney is revised to The three tribes fought autonomously against the land of the undead, and the land they obtained, whoever was occupied. To be continued~~

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