Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1739: The overall situation of the fight (2)

Goffney revise the agreement, one is to brush his own sense of existence, and secondly, he really believes that this is purely uncomfortable for the dwarves and half-elves. Fire? Wen??????`

Gaffney's revised opinion was given to Gerland.

After seemingly embarrassed, Gerland received this suggestion. The eyebrows wrinkled slightly, swept An Dewei and Sun Hao, and whispered to Gevny: "Govni sister, does this really need to be revised?" If the land occupied by the undead embers is hit by the Terran, how much will we suffer?

Goffney smiled and explained his thoughts. Finally, he added: "Again, the undead retreat has always been more thorough. Their territory, without the heroes of undead, is not very difficult to clear up. It is estimated that the Tioman continent It is dispensable that all ethnic groups will occupy it quickly."

Gerland swept An Dewei and sighed in ruin. Looking at Sun Hao, he said, "Is it a hill brother, what do you think?"

Sun Hao touched his head with a big hand and said with a thick smile: "You can be your own master, you know, I have no opinion."

After that, Sun Hao intentionally or unintentionally, smiled and glanced at Goffney.

Gerland also looked at Geffney, and his little face showed a smile: "Since Goffney’s sister thinks this needs to be revised, then change it. However, Anderville, are we going to make the tri-family agreement? How long will it last for thousands of years?"

When Geerlan and Sun Hao took a smile and looked at themselves at the same time, Goffney had a vague feeling, as if the two fools were looking at the fool's eyes at this time.

Goffney couldn't help but touch his nose. He said, is he wrong? Stupid?

Goffney felt inexplicable when he was seen by two fools.

After Gevney's revision, the two sides formally reached an agreement and the signing came into effect. At this time, the heroes of the undead have mostly with their cemetery evacuated from the Tioman continent. Of course, there are still some undead heroes and fighters to continue. On the mainland, swinging, playing the same as the autumn wind, looking for opportunities.

After all, for some heroes, it’s just a mirror image. As long as the cemetery is not damaged, it doesn’t matter if the image is defeated. The battle is one of the best ways to improve the mirror.

In a word, the overall situation of the Tioman continent is basically fixed, but in the long run for a long time, the war is inevitable.

In particular, the monks of the various ethnic groups in China have not yet withdrawn, and some infighting is inevitable.

The overall strength of the Terran was originally ranked third in the Tioman continent. The first was the Ayi, the second was the Orc, and the third was the Terran.

However, after the fight, the Terran jumped to the first place, and naturally there was a process of power delivery.

On the mainland of Regus, the Ayi people were weaker. The Terran and the Orcs directly collided. After defeating the immortal, the Terran army finally confronted the Orc army.

However, when Gerland was riding a nightmare and appeared on the battlefield with Sun Hao, Qiang said that he would not fight.

There is a squatting hill with a human **** bow, and it is still a fart. The golden scorpion is as fierce as a golden scorpion. It can be a second to force the presence of a strong genre. It is shot on the spot by the powerful hills. Fight against the opposite side.

I knew that the witches of Gelan, the sacred witch Xiaolan team, had signed a cooperation agreement with the Terran. He had already rushed to other states to play.

The Ordos in Regus admitted that they were willing to cut the land for three thousand miles in order to thank the Terran for helping to repel the unfaithfulness of the undead.

After a war, the Terran, Dwarf, and Semi-Elves crowded the Orc's living space. The Regus Terran became the most powerful race, followed by the Dwarf and the Half Elf. The Orc was ranked fourth.

Qianger led the majority of orcs to start migrating and ran to another big state where the Orcs occupied their absolute superiority.

Strongly convinced to lose, Gerland did not kill, the relationship between the Terran and the Orc was eased.

However, the situation in Dahan Shenzhou is a bit different. The Ayi people are the vassals of the upper-class flying people. Unfortunately, the flying people and the Terran are now very fierce and raging. In these years, the Flying People are still blocking the Terran. Under the imaginary Jin Xuan channel, it still exerts pressure on the Terran in various aspects and squeezes the development space of the Terran.

On the mainland of Teoman, especially on the Dahan Shenzhou, the Terran and the Ayi are on the opposite side, and they are evenly matched. Under this, no one will let anyone, and the competition will be relative.

It’s a good place to die, and where the Germans came, it’s the Great Hans.

Moreover, before receiving the information from Gellan, German decided to join the Ayi side to help the flying people to take over the absolute control of the Han Chinese.

The Ayi people gathered forces, and Gelman also led the army. While clearing the undead remains, they oppressed the human race and tried to ask the people to follow suit and obey.

Who knows that the heroine who came to the Dahan Shenzhou is powerful, and the nature of the ice is very difficult to make. Even if it is Gelman, it is less than half cheap. The Dahan Shenzhou war situation was once deadlocked.

The Ayi people urgently mobilized tribal reinforcements from another continent.

The Terran also urgently mobilized reinforcements from Regus, and the two races set a big decisive battle at the border of the Han Dynasty.

Gerland led his own dwarves and half-elf warriors, and together with Sun Hao, descended on the battlefield of Dahan Shenzhou.

The arrival of Gerland made the situation in Dahan Shenzhou more complicated.

The strength of the Terran in the Tioman continent has already surpassed the Ayi people faintly, but the Terran has a huge deficiency, that is, the Chinese virtual strength is weak and the flying people are too many. The flying human hero Rum and German are calling for a lot. The monk in the middle of the imaginary is enough to influence the final battle of the Han Chinese.

But when Gerland came, German was paralyzed.

Good guy, the old girl actually stood on her own hostile side, and set aside the situation to make a move with herself.

Standing in front of the array, Gelman dizzy, shouting loudly, let the old girl come over and change the camp, but the old girl said it was too esoteric and could not understand.

Fortunately, Goffney followed and ran into the Legian army and exchanged some information.

I don’t know if I don’t communicate, and I’m shocked by an exchange. Gelman had to admit that no matter from which angle, the situation caused by the stupidity of the silly sister was more favorable to the witches.

Helping the flying people themselves, you can get some compensation afterwards, and pay the flying people, but there is not much practical interest for the witches.

However, according to the model of the old girl, once the situation in the Tioman continent has stabilized, there is no doubt that the witches can acquire a large number of resources in the lower bounds and cultivate well. Maybe they can really become the Tioman continent. The top three forces.

After seeing this fact, German was guilty.

What should I do?

The old girl is obviously right, but she has already promised Rum to help him, and also called a lot of friends to help If this is a bad time, is it not a little good?

Gelman and Geffney negotiated for a long time, and finally came up with a bad idea. Gevny sneaked back and met with Gerland alone and sent a letter from German.

Nowadays, there is a problem with the language exchange between Gerland and the people. It is no longer possible to read the letter.

In the letter, German is very euphemistic and hopes that Gellan can lead the dwarves and half-elves to join the camp of the flying people, and that will form a complete advantage for the Terran.

Gellan looked at his brother's letter seriously, and, biting the pen, wrote a letter very seriously.

Seeing the reply, Gelman’s face was blue and white, and he said, “It’s amazing, I know my brother, I’m going to be awkward with you, see how you can take me...”

That's what it is, but in the end, in a few days, Gelman regretted his resignation of Rum and joined the Terran camp. The reason is: "Sorry, my silly old girl is actually a witchess princess, with the Terran Signed an effective letter of intent for cooperation, can't be changed, are we not signing any contract yet? I can only help my stupid girl, oh, she is so gimmick, I don't know if I will suffer big losses..."

Sun Hao did not pay much attention to the things of the brothers and sisters of Gellan, and Sun Hao believed that Gerland would handle it well.

Sun Hao is now standing on a small hill, looking at the direction of the Terran in the distance, and his feelings are filled with emotion.

Sun Hao did not expect that he would see Xia Qingyu in this place.

Sun Hao doesn't know how long he has been flying, but now, the appearance of Xia Qingyu, let Sun Hao know that this time is not short, Xia Qingyu is the main battle hero of the Terran Dahan Shenzhou, see its ranking, the status among the human race. Still above the White River.

So, do you need to meet with Xia Qingyu? (To be continued.)

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