Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1752: Hill groceries (2) thanks to the tyrants

Sun Hao smiled at the old bear mother and said thank you. ?ranwe?n?????????`

Then I took over Neil’s unsatisfied pharmacy, and poured it into my mouth. I slammed it twice and smiled and said: “Xiao Neil, you are too small, how can I drink more and more? hungry?"

The so-called not hungry pharmacy, the effect is similar to the human race, but the effect is much weaker.

Neil is downcast: "Forget that you are a big man, the same potion, you have to use the weight of ten people."

Sun Hao did not care about Neil, but rather Gege Xiaohu and Gege Xiaoyu. When he learned that Neil actually wanted to deceive the hill brother, he was filled with indignation. The two little guys deliberately messed up, stirred up a few businesses of Neil, and deliberately in Nepal. The little drink that I drank spilled some chili powder, making Neil laugh and cry.

It is in this atmosphere that Sun Hao is integrated into the second ring. However, his grocery store has not been visited by many customers. Gege Lao Xiong is deeply worried about the business situation of the hill grocery store.

Sun Hao said with a thick smile: "Old Xiong, the main purpose of my visit here is to learn the inheritance of the road, and to collect the gadgets that I am interested in. I don't expect the grocery store to make money. Don't worry, the hills are abundant. no problem."

Similar to Sun Hao, such a barbarian, often after serving in the Dragon City, came to strengthen their own soldiers, although the strength of the repair may not be too high, but it should not be too weak, some accumulation is normal, Sun Hao since That being said, the old bear cubs completely let go of their hearts, and confessed that Gege Xiaohu brothers and sisters tried to help Sun Hao learn the circuit.

At the beginning, Sun Hao did not feel very accustomed to the knowledge of the witches and the witches. Learning seemed to be more difficult.

The male and female witches learn the circuit and attach great importance to the actual arrangement. When they study, they often have a battle against each other. Originally, at the level of Sun Hao, bullying several minors below the third level should be hand-to-hand, but good. If you die, the confrontation room is set up by the male and female witches. When Sun Hao enters this form, he is very passive. His size is too big, his fingers are too big, and he is not very wide. The battle is really a bit difficult for Sun Hao.

For the first time, Sun Hao played the small tiger, and he was so sad that he was so sad that he could not laugh.

But at the same time, Sun Hao was surprised to find a very interesting thing. After his body was huge, he was deployed in a small range. He exercised his own arranging and speed, and he also exercised his choice of angle. Invisible, more able to train their own level.

With this discovery, Sun Hao simply sinks his heart, does not move, does not seek to win or lose, simply rely on his own tall body fingers, participate in the battle against the road, each time learning will find people to fight a few.

Although he often loses because of clumsiness, his level of arranging is constantly improving, especially in this rough state, his training on the angle of the road is becoming more and more clear.

After half a year passed quickly, Sun Hao gradually adapted to the confrontation. The tall body was flexible and the thick fingers were fine. Sun Hao began to win in the confrontation.

For half a year, Sun Hao’s grocery store business is still not improving. Sun Hao is not in a hurry.

After half a year, Sun Hao’s waiting opportunity finally came.

Gege Xiaohu told Sun Hao that he and his sister are going to the Goman River for trials, and it may take more than two months to go.

Gege Xiaoyu is also a bit reluctant.

Sun Hao recruited the dog to graze, let Bianmu go to trial with them, and at the same time, smiled and said: "The Gorman River has a magical luminous grass, I admire for a long time, Xiaohu, Xiaoyu, if you see this Grass, you can bring me some back, more and better, I will use it later."

Xiaohu and Xiaoyu readily agreed to Sun Hao’s request.

The male and female witches will participate in the trials of different scenes in different periods of their children's growth, and discover talents and resources according to their achievements.

Sun Hao carefully checked the information, and the luminous grass was produced in the trial zone of the Gorman River and the male and female witch disciples.

The grass stems of the luminous grass can squeeze out a small amount of juice, and after refining, it is one of the solvents for formulating the gods.

But now, the value of the luminous grass in the male and female witches is not high. Perhaps many monks and monks of the witches have forgotten its role, because the books record that this solvent is only used in the refining of the ultimate prescription. Can be used.

The ultimate definitive agent is already a legend. Very few people in the Kelman Dragon Field can refine.

More importantly, I don’t know how many years have passed. In the Kelman Dragon Field, there is no distraction power above the seven-point god. The ultimate prescription is that there is no need to be born.

One to two, the value of the luminous grass is really forgotten by many people.

Of course, perhaps for the upper level of the real witches, it is not necessarily the best place to hold the production of the luminous grass.

Sun Hao chose to spread the groceries in the second ring, learning the circuit, practicing pharmacy, while waiting for the acquisition of the luminous grass, in order to acquire the luminous grass, Sun Hao even recruited the side animal husbandry, let it cooperate with the tiger Xiaoyu acts together.

The small dog who can talk, Xiao Hu and Xiao Yu are very surprised, very curious, and happily take the side animal to try.

Two months later, Xiaohu and Xiaoyu came back with the side and brought four or five luminous grasses. Sun Hao thanked them happily and said with enthusiasm: "Xiaohu, Xiaoyu, you helped me a lot, my groceries Inside the shop, what do you like, though."

Xiaohu and Xiaoyu’s interest was not high, and they barely made smiles. After thanking Sun Hao’s kindness, he went back to his restaurant.

When Xiaohu and Xiaoyu walked away, Sun Hao whispered, "What happened?"

Bianmu shook his body on the ground and laughed. "The trial results are not ideal. The two little guys are very simple, and there is no backstage. The results can be better."

Sun Hao nodded and touched the head of the animal husbandry. He said in his mouth: "Bianmu, you can freely play for a while, pay attention to collecting the news that I ask you to help."

In the past few years, Bianmu has been mixed up in Longcheng City and has met many friends. However, there are some miscellaneous roads. After Sun Hao finished speaking, he grazes a backflip and happily runs away, his mouth is bark. Shouting: "I have done it, I know, but boss, you baby, can I change people?"

Sun Hao's grocery store, a lot of good things are really a lot, the side of the animal husbandry eyes, naturally wrong.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Yes, as long as your friends can find something that makes me shine, I will naturally let them change."

Bianmu Wang called out: "Wang Wang, then say good, Wang Wang, two small basin friends actually gave up the opportunity to pick the baby, I am also drunk..."

After that, this guy is so happy, he can't run the shadow, he went to play Bianmu is very strange, the origin of Sun Hao has forgotten, although I can't understand what is repaired, but I can't kill it. Chaos, the scourge for thousands of years, Sun Hao is not worried about it, only occasionally, it really played too much, Sun Hao will stand up and help it.

This time, after the animal husbandry, Sun Hao’s grocery store was very natural, and the flow of people gradually increased.

When a barbarian warrior randomly selected Sun Hao's grocery store, chose a tyrannical savage, and exerted a strong combat power, Sun Hao's grocery store was among the barbarian warriors.

This street has since grown a lot of big men to Taobao.

The big guys have a loud voice, striding a meteor, not bargaining, looking at what, and doing everything possible. Sometimes, I am happy, I also call friends, go to the old Xiong’s restaurant and drink some small wine. The whole street has become a lot of fun.

Slowly, monks from other races began to patronize the hills and groceries. They suddenly discovered that there are some strange things that may come from the lower bounds. Suddenly, interest has increased and Taobao’s enthusiasm has increased.

In particular, when a dwarf warrior took a piece of Lingcao, which he could not understand, and exchanged a small axe heart, and developed his own special race skills, the name of the hill grocery began to spread.

Another good person revealed the news: "Banzi Hill likes to buy himself. He can't get any good things. If there is something that he can't understand, get it in the hill and change it."

Unconsciously, the hill groceries are really lively.

Under the impetus of Bianmu, Sun Hao began to collect all sorts of weird things, and a small part of it may not really be useful. Most of the acquisitions, although not recognized, but have a reaction in the body, absolutely The value is extraordinary. (To be continued.)

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