Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1753: Hill groceries (3) thanks to the tyrants

(Twelve more in place, unconsciously, and rushed to the first, this is to provoke the rhythm of the war)

Time passed by in the process of the groceries on the hills. [Feng \\ / phoenix / novel network update fast no pop-up window, please search f / h / xiao / Shuo / c / o / m]

After a year of study, Sun Hao completed the study of the following three levels of the formation, began to enter the intermediate level law class, and different from Sun Hao, Xiaohu Xiaoyu must be stuck in the primary class to continue to practice the formation, and began to I am an adult and prepare for my own shots.

The annual trials are coming again.

Xiaohu and Xiaoyu are energetic, full of enthusiasm, full of hope, and once again with the side of the animal husbandry to try for two months. After returning, she still brought back a lot of luminous grass to Sun Hao, just like last time, the two little guys hope to be disappointed and dejected again.

Sun Hao asked them to take something back and use it. Although Sun Hao’s grocery store may have some good things, the two little guys still refused Sun Hao’s kindness because they could not take friends’ things.

Sun Hao did not have a hard time, and laughed and encouraged them to send a few words to the two lesser-loving little guys.

In the third year, Sun Hao's knife began to swim quickly between his hands, and ten fingers were able to flexibly slash the knife.

The study of the martial arts also triumphed all the way, rushing into the study of the five-level circuit.

The institutions of the male and female witches who are stationed in the Second Ring Road are stunned by Sun Hao’s ability to learn. However, they do not think that Sun Hao can have a great development prospect.

Because at this time, Xiaohu Xiaoyu, although they are still studying in the primary area, have already begun to contact the formula of the circuit, and the big man, the hill, is the kind that does not have any formula, and all of them rely on rote memorization to rush to the five-level array. Stage, this kind of learning method, as long as people are diligent and willing to practice, without understanding, swallowing, the speed is indeed faster.

However, a barbaric can have this speed of progress, and it is still amazing.

At this point, it is another year of trial period.

After two years of failure, Xiaohu and Xiaoyu have matured a lot, and have been restrained a lot. When they came to take the edge of animal husbandry, they never sighed with sorrow: "Little brother, this trial is if the tiger is still If you can't get good grades, you can only go to the prayer ceremony after returning. After that, you will manage the restaurant of the old lady. We are still good neighbors."

Sun Hao smiled slyly: "Little tiger, it is actually quite good to manage the restaurant."

Gege Xiaohu is uplifting and said with a smile: "That is also, at least, I am an adult, although the highest may only be able to practice the height of the old, but also can stand on the second ring, go, border, This is the last trial, let's work hard and find some light for the hill brother to come back..."

Two months later, Gege Xiaohu came back.

Bringing Sun Hao to more than 30 sets of luminous grass, but the spirit is sluggish and incomparable.

Gege Xiaoyu’s face is also very unsightly.

This time, Sun Hao did not let them pick the goods, but personally sent the two smalls to the restaurant, let the old man send the wine, put a table of thanks, give two small toasts, give them comfort.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Gege Xiaohu sighed and laughed at himself: "It seems that soon, I can become a restaurant owner, a wife and a son, and it is a normal witch life, a little brother, then After three hundred years, you can call me a tiger..."

Sun Hao smiled and did not speak.

Gege Xiaoyu was on the side and couldn't help but said with a bit of indignation: "Brother, I don't understand. The practice of meditation flying, the qualifications of cultivation, from small to large are not as good as you. Why is his test score better than you? Why is he able to get the reward for the above shots, but you can only accept prayers for adults?"

Sun Hao’s glass was held in his mouth, and he paused and smiled and shook his head.

Gege Xiaohu touched his sister's head and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, don't be convinced, brother actually wants to understand, you said that I am stronger than Xiaofei. In fact, I know that strong is also strong, if I am really kind of If you are a talented person, I will definitely have one of them."

Gege Xiaoyu’s eyes burst into tears, and he said in his mouth: "But brother, aren’t you determined to become a great monk in the sky? If you pray for an adult, then everything will be empty talk."

Gege Xiaohu took a sip of wine.

Gege’s old bear cub was next to him and smiled slyly: “Xiaoyu, in fact, the old man also had a dream. Then his dream was shattered and his mother was stunned. It feels good.”

Gege Xiaohu sighed.

Sun Hao took the old bear to his own special blackjack and suddenly said: "I have heard that the best adult way of the male witch is self-made."

Gege Lao Xiong smiled: "The hill brothers, what you said is the means that the real aristocrats of the Kaelman Mountain can master. For our second ring, we can get a shot, lay the foundation, step into In adulthood, that is the step into the Tongtian Avenue."

Sun Hao smiled and shook his head, and said in his mouth: "I think that the cultivation of Xiaohu should be able to try to be self-sufficient. How can I know if I can't do it?"

Gege Little Tiger hesitated, and his eyes gradually began to shine.

Gege Lao Xiong was not angry, and a slap on the shoulder of Xiao Hu, said with a smile: "I have a small tiger, you are fresh, and the pills are very difficult. If you want to be a pill, you must get it." Take the secret pharmaceutical agent, otherwise the real yuan will not be enough, the soul can not afford to load, you still have to be practical, honestly pray for adulthood."

The little ambition that Gege Xiaohu had just been provoked by Sun Hao was ruthlessly washed away.

Sun Hao smiled and raised his hand on the shoulder of Gege Xiaohu. He said, "Little tiger, I think you can make it. We have a saying in the barbarian. Don’t try it. How do you know that you can’t be a king, you may You should try it bravely."

Gege Lao Xiong looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled slyly: "Daddy, the child's dream, if we can't reach it, but encourage it, it's always right, and, over the years, Xiao Xiaoyu has helped me pick a lot of luminous grass as their friend. I have been thinking about how to help you. The current situation of Xiaohu reminds me of a long time."

Gege Xiaohu said with a smile: "Small brother, you see it outside, I am not the profiteer of Neil..."

Sun Hao extended his big hand and touched his head. He smiled and said: "You have your heart, I have my intentions. A few days ago, I turned over my grocery store and found three bottles of unknown drugs. I don't know which era was stored, and if I think it might help you, I will bring it to you."

The wrists were shaken and three small bottles were placed on the wine table.

The old bear cub smiled and shook his head. When he was ready to make a joke, he remembered what Sun Hao had just said. He couldn’t help but say: "Well, no matter what you can’t do, you can try it with a little tiger. Anyway, you won’t lose anything. If you can’t do it, then Be honest and be an ordinary person, honestly help me manage the restaurant."

The three bottles of pharmacy have no labels, they don't look fine at all, and the bottles look very low-grade, which is a lot worse than the packaging of the low-end pharmacy.

Gege Xiaohu is waiting for the rumor to refuse, but look at Sun Hao's thick smile, sighed in his mouth and put away three bottles of medicine: "Well, thank you, Hill, no matter what you do or not, I will try my best." ”

I was holding a wine barrel and screaming and pouring wine. When I came in, I was fighting with the food and fighting. I squirted a smack of alcohol: "Stupid, it is really stupid and unhelpful..."

Xiaoyu grabbed its ears with one hand: "Walking the dog, who are you talking about?"

Bianmu actually peeked at her little beautiful girl taking a shower, isn't it a hyena?

Bianmu leaned his The mouth of the dog spit out his mouth, and Wang Wang cried: "Hey, my little grandmother, I mean, you are stupid on the hill, just take out the medicine, don't know if it will Will kill the dead."

Sun Hao slammed a blow on his head and said with a smile: "You can rest assured that Xiaohu’s pharmacy is ineffective, and it is absolutely non-toxic. Hill groceries often have unexpected accidents, but the result is It’s a good direction, go, walk the dog, if you dare to peek at the little girl to take a shower, I will dig up your pair of dog eyes, and never give up...”

Sun Hao left, that night, still step by step, to go to learn the formation.

During the study, at some point, his face showed a bright smile.

In the sky above the restaurant of Gege Lao Xiong, there was a strange small array, which seemed to be able to run on its own and absorb the aura of the air.

Gege old bear shook his head and sighed, and the child was so desperate that he began to fight.

Just like you did in the past, you won’t die if you don’t try it. Presumably, the child’s support cannot last long, and it will be broken in the air. (To be continued.)

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