Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1754: Barbarian 3 carvings (thanks to berserk?)

Gege Little Tiger!

Actually succeeded in self-defeating, and formed a pill!

In the second ring, there was a sigh of sighs. You know, even if it is a wizard in a ring, if the family is not strong, it is difficult to practice.

Gege Xiaohu can truly become a genius in the second ring, and there is no one in the limelight.

Gege old bear cub is completely paralyzed, this child, strong perseverance, a big chance, the hill to give him the potion, it should be very strong, or else, how can the child be self-sufficient?

After Gege Xiaohu’s self-defense, the first thing was to rush to Sun Hao’s grocery store. When he entered the door, he shouted: “Hill brother, hill brother, I practiced the pill, wow wow, I finally didn’t have to pray for adults. Thank you, Hill brother..."

While talking, while a little jump, the small body is very natural, jumped on the shoulders of Sun Hao, like a child, holding Sun Hao's thick neck, tears in his eyes: "Thank you, Hill."

Sun Hao’s eyes are appreciative and touch his head: “The little tiger’s perseverance is outstanding, the foundation is also very solid, and it can be self-defeating. It’s mainly your own efforts, and later practice, you must have confidence in yourself.”

Gege Xiaohu jumped on Sun Hao’s shoulder a few times, and quickly said in his mouth: “If it’s not the brother’s palm, and your potion, I can’t finish it myself, give it to the hill brother, your potion. Going to a bottle, this thing is too precious, and the remaining two bottles are placed in the store and can sell the price of a thief."

Sun Hao touched the tiger's head with a big hand and smiled and said: "Don't forget, to help the hill brother collect the luminous grass, there is also a credit for Xiaoyuer. You will keep the two bottles of medicine for Xiaoyu."

Xiaohu spit out his tongue: "Then I will accept it. I almost forgot my sister is going to be an adult. Thank you, Hill brother. Later, Xiaohu has become a practitioner. I will never forget your great grace. At that time, if I can get into Kayman Mountain, I will definitely come back to take you to practice."

Within the Dragon City, the reason why many ethnic warriors like the barbarians are stranded is that the fundamental purpose is to hope that they can be seen by the monks on the Kelman Hill and bring them to practice. Although the Gage Tigers are not big, they have heard it. Therefore, there is such a saying.

Sun Hao smiled heartily and touched the small head of Gege Xiaohu. He said aloud: "I mean, you can only keep your heart and practice, and one day, you can enter the Kelman Mountain. At that time, I have to thank you for your blessing."

From adulthood to adulthood, no matter how Gege Xiaohu did it, in short, his position in the second ring was soaring. On the second day alone, a male wizard tutor came to the restaurant of Gege Lao Xiong. After some inspections, I received the Gege Tiger and took it to practice within a ring.

Gege Xiaoyu's character is relatively quiet compared to Xiaohu. After Gege Xiaohu left, Sun Hao's life has calmed down a bit. However, it is a habit for the priest to peek at the little girl to take a bath. One person and one dog often chase after Sun Hao's grocery store. Killing, noisy, but also added a bit of life to the grocery store.

In the second year, Bianmu and Gege Xiaoyu entered the trial for the last time.

This time, Gege Xiaoyu’s thoughts only focused on Sun Hao’s search for luminous grass. Other tasks were put aside, and the effect was very good. More than 30 strains were brought back to Sun Hao.

Shortly afterwards, Gege Xiaoyu, like Xiaohu, succeeded in being self-successful and was recruited into a ring to continue practicing.

Gege Xiaohu and Gege Xiaoyu are quite concerned about Sun Hao’s affairs, bringing back the guardian Sun Hao did not think of. Over the years, Sun Hao overtook the task of collecting the luminous grass in the second ring, his one-piece purple gold belt, There are already 13 small jade bottles of luminous grass juice, enough for many refining needs.

The first purpose of coming to the Second Ring Road was completely achieved. In the process, Sun Hao also met two natural and simple witches, and got two children, which is also a windfall.

It is only hope that after they have embarked on the way of practice, they can always keep this initial heart and not sink into the hard-won monk world.

There are two little guys missing, and the animal husbandry is too noisy. I often fight at the foot of Sun Hao, and the grocery store is relatively calm.

At this time, on the hands of Sun Hao, there are small knives flying in circles at any time.

After Xiaoyu left, Sun Hao’s two-finger practice has undergone new changes. His fingers seem to be constantly changing. When he is thick and thin, the knife is also extremely flexible between the fingers with uneven thickness. Turning around, Sun Hao’s body is now a duality of the Terran and the Witch. The flexibility of practicing fingers is best practiced even with the human body.

Moreover, the human body is similar to the male and female witches. Many pharmacies, the best refining body is still the human body, and Sun Hao naturally will not forget such an important exercise.

Among the changes in thickness, the flexibility of the knife is very difficult to change. Sun Hao has been practicing for two years, and this has really adapted.

As time goes by, Sun Hao has now completed all the basic methods that can be learned within the Second Ring, and completely compensated for the shortcomings of his own line.

Among the second-ring students today, no one is willing to fight against the big man hill, because this big man is too powerful, and he doesn’t know how his fingers are so flexible. The speed of the array is very fast. Vertical and horizontal college.

However, there is no such thing as a little witch who admires Sun Hao, and he does not even think that Sun Hao is really powerful, because they know that the big man’s formation is rote, and the big man does not learn the formula, and he is born worse than them. More than one.

Three years later, Sun Hao began to use the knife in his hand to complete the set goal.

This is also the method of the sword practice of Yue Dayong.

Yue Dayong’s cultivation experience records that in the past, his knives could sculpt a piece of dead wood into a vivid figure sculpture within a moment of effort.

In the practice of Yue Dayong's cultivation, the flexibility of the fingers and the practice of evenly applying the fingers, in theory, can surpass the scope of the carved wood. Later, it should be able to engrave the stone, use the ordinary knife, without any internal force, simply use the pure Speed ​​and skill, the boulder will also sculpt adult or other.

In the same year, Yue Dayong did not have enough strength. He only completed the connection of the carved wood, and then entered the funeral market, and fell down with regret.

Sun Hao contacted the carved wood, and it was practiced for three years.

After three years, after Sun Hao’s hands were moving, the wooden blocks in front of him could be carved in the air. Whenever the wood was carved, Sun Hao’s body seemed to sink into a strange rhythm, time. It seems that there is a feeling of slowing down.

The old-fashioned Gege Lao Xiong was later fascinated with Sun Hao's carvings. He often sat next to Sun Hao and watched Sun Hao carving.

In the past six or seven years, Gege Xiaohu and Gege Xiaoyu will go home every for two or three days.

As the age grows, the two little guys mature a lot. What makes Sun Hao happy is that the two little guys still have a heart of heart, although the ability to distinguish between right and wrong has been greatly enhanced, but it can also To be honest in the heart, at least, they respect Sun Hao as usual, rather than the majority of men and women, the face is polite, and the heart can not look down on the barbarians.

The carved wood reached its apex, and Sun Hao began to engrave the stone.

The trajectory of the carved stone is completely similar to that of the carved wood. What is needed is only the greater power and the control of the greater power. When Sun Hao carved the stone, there was a surprise between the unintentional discovery. That is the case. Engraving, actually has an unparalleled exercise effect on the control of the enormous strength of the whole body.

Sun Hao's strength, especially the ridiculous punishment of the sky, is enough to destroy the earth, the violent direct, just fiercely cast, but when it comes to fine control, it is really a big deal.

After starting the carving, Sun Hao discovered that he needed to constantly call the muscles and strictly control the muscles. This is also a very useful practice.

It takes time to polish with your own real yuan. In fact, it is necessary to polish one or two.

Carved stone, it is another three years.

At this time, Sun Hao not only surpassed the level of the month of the month, but also completed the anticipation of the moon and the brave did not complete, carved stone.

However, Sun Hao did not stop here. It takes a while for the real yuan to polish, and there is still room for improvement in the polishing of strength.

Since the carving stone does not have much exercise effect, it is easy to handle, I am carving iron.

Ordinary knives to engrave iron, the difficulty is not small, even if it is mastered the skillful carving technique, even if Sun Hao's control of power is getting more and more fine, and it has been cultivated for four or five years, this is really, gradually becoming more and more successful. (To be continued.)

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