Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1755: Big tiger disaster (thanks to the book friend berserk? reward...

In the blink of an eye, more than a decade later, Gege Xiaohu finally got the qualification to change his name, and he was promoted from a small tiger to a big tiger. r?a??nw?en??????????`???

This means that after years of cultivation, the level of cultivation of the Gege Tiger has surpassed that of the old man, and has taken a big step forward in the realm of the Golden Age.

Gege’s self-defeating, he laid a solid foundation for cultivation, and he worked hard, hard work, and made rapid progress. Gradually, he became a small genius among men and women of the same age, and he made rapid progress.

This year, after changing his name to the big tiger, he returned triumphantly.

Still as usual, I was very happy to visit Sun Hao, and I said with a loud voice, "Small brother, Kelman Hill will soon recruit a group of outstanding disciples to practice. I am among the disciples in the ring." In the top ten, there is a great chance to go in and bless me, and it’s a big step away from the goal you took..."

Sun Hao, as usual, said with a smile: "Okay, I believe you can make it."

Between the words, the knife in his hand waved, the scrap iron in front of him, and soon after, it became the look of the big tiger. Sun Hao said with a smile: "Little tiger, give, I wish you a successful trial, this iron Carving represents my blessing."

The Gege Tigers took their own iron sculptures and happily went back to participate in the recruitment trial of Kayman Mountain.

In the grocery store, Sun Hao’s head swayed gently, and there was a smile on his face. Even if the tiger was a big tiger, it still has a deep heart and still has a heart of love. Refining, I am afraid that it will be the same as the original, and the spirit will go away and fall back.

Compared with the second ring, the importance of recruiting excellent disciples in Kayman Mountain is not known how many times higher. For male and female witches, it is no less than a step in the sky. This is an important opportunity, a disciple with a little strength but no background. I want to enter, I am afraid I think more.

In the second year, the big tiger came back and matured a lot.

Seeing Sun Hao, a little shameful said: "I'm sorry, Hill brother, failed trials last year, failed to enter the top ten, but this year should be OK, my strength, can already be ranked in the top three, in absolute Under the strength, all intrigues and tricks are mirrors."

Sun Hao smiled and comforted a few words.

After the Gege Tigers left with confidence, Sun Hao concentrated on carving and shook his head.

In the following year, Sun Hao’s real yuan gradually became more rounded, and the control of the ridiculous Tianjin gradually became perfect. The grocery store had already acquired the elixir of Sun Hao’s target, and the time of the second ring had entered the countdown.

This year, the Gege Big Tiger did not come back. Gege Xiaoyu came back and brought back the news of his brother: "Small brother, my brother, now, the top three in strength, absolutely strong, this is his last time to enter the Kealman Mountains. The opportunity, therefore, he went all out, prepared for trials, prepared for trials, and then came back..."

Three months later, one afternoon, Sun Hao was slowly carving the iron in the wide-open grocery store. In the spacious street ahead, a sky-blue shadow flew like a breast swallow, and put it into the old bear. Among the restaurants.

Sun Hao’s ear moved gently and heard the voice of Gege’s tiger: “Hey, mother, child is not filial, and it’s a disaster. From today, it’s going to be a long way to go, please be a child...”

Gege Lao Xiong and Lao Xiong exclaimed, even asked why, Gege Tiger whispered: "There is no time to explain, the chase will arrive soon, I am gone, my mother, you take care."

The blue light flashed, and the figure of the big tiger appeared again on the street. It floated forward for a while. When he turned around, he flew into Sun Hao’s grocery store and bowed down: "Small brother, sorry, let you down, now I It’s hard to protect yourself, and you may not be able to take you to Kayman Mountain."

Sun Hao put down his knife in his hand and had a faint smile on his face. He said in his mouth: "Little Tiger, I always believe that you will be able to walk into the Kayman Mountains..."

Gege Dahu’s face showed a bitter smile: “Thank you for the trust of Hill’s brother, I’m leaving, and if I don’t leave, I will be tired of you and my mother.”

After that, the body swayed and turned into a blue smoke, and quickly escaped into the second ring of the street like a cobweb.

Less than half an hour, the second ring is bustling.

A young male witch monk appeared with his warrior in front of the old Xiong's restaurant. He rushed up and grabbed the old bear and the old bear.

In the hands of the witch, there is a blue light ball. Above, there is a detailed mirror image of the second ring. But unfortunately, no traces of the big tiger are found. The face is sinking like water. The wizard said: "I am the eldest son of the Goff family. Gegvo, the children of your family, the big tiger, have stolen the treasures of my family and fled. I hope that you will cooperate and bring him to justice and give me an account."

Among his ranks of soldiers, Gege Xiaoyu shouted: "Lie, you lie, it is clearly the treasure that I found in my brother's trial, you don't want to face..."

Gegvowo sneered: "I have at least four or more noble children's witnesses who have proved that your brother has stolen my treasure, don't pay it? Well, I will make your family better than death."

Gege Xiaoyu shouted loudly: "The tribal rules, the sin is not as good as the family, do you want bad rules?"

Gegefuwo is a haha: "How can I be a bad rule, but Gege Xiaoyu is right? I remember that you are an adult, and it is time to marry. So simple, according to my tribal rules, as a witch. You can't refuse the proposal of a noble witch. Hahaha, I can take you back, day and night, let you live better than death, hahaha, big tiger, I count three times, you can't come out again, I really Married..."

Speaking of this, I haven't started counting yet, and the grid whispered a few words in his ear.

Gegevwo couldn’t help but see one of the brightest things in front of him. He looked at Sun Hao’s shop and shouted: “Man, you give me out, this young master has something to ask you.”

At the foot of Sun Hao, there was a saying at the side: "Looking for death."

Sun Hao smiled and touched the head of the animal husbandry. He stood up straight and walked out from the grocery store. Like a hill, he stood on the Second Ring Street.

Gegoffwo’s hand pointed to Sun Hao and said in a loud voice: “Gig big tiger, I know that you are nearby, you listen, this barbaric, it should be the opportunity that gave you a chance to enter the ring. Benefactor, if you say, to deal with your parents, I still need to turn around, then, against this barbar, I can immediately let the soldiers take his dog..."

When I didn’t finish it, Sun Hao’s side, followed by the peasant screaming: “You are a dog, your family is a dog, actually insulting the dog, your whole family is not as good as a pig...”

Gugfwo’s brow wrinkled, ignoring this dog, the big thing matter, the mouth shouted loudly: “Gig big tiger, I count three numbers, if you don’t come out, this barbaric, killing on the spot, one...”

On the tile surface of the old bear cub house, The figure of the big tiger gradually appeared. His face had an angry face and unwillingness. The blue light ball appeared in his hand, and his mouth screamed: Gegovwo, you are too far, this period is my last chance, you have to deprive, now, I am out, there is a kind of you fight with me alone, if you win, Yulian belongs to you, how ?"

Gegwwo gave a wink, and the soldiers behind him quickly dispersed, and surrounded the old bear's restaurant.

After throwing away the ball of light, Gegvowo said slowly: "I don't care about other people. In one sentence, Yulian belongs to me. You can't deprive me of my chance. I will pay it out. I will only pursue you." The crime of theft, otherwise, hey, this big man and your sister have to be buried with you."

Gege was so angry that he shivered.

Gege Xiaoyu was despicable and shouted like a madman: "Brother, you have to pay Yulian, go up to Kelman Hill, and revenge with me."

Gegefuwoha laughed: "He can give it away, he has already handed it over, and he is a big tiger. I admit that you are powerful, but if you are powerful, you have to know each other. Finally, once, hand over Yulian, and you will not die."

Gege big tiger face iron blue, left and right look at the soldiers who are getting tighter and tighter, a sigh in his mouth, his body is slightly vented, his wrists are vibrating, and a jade lotus appears.

Gegfovo shines.

Bianmu Wang screamed: "Boss, boss, this is like a lotus flower..."

Gege Dahu looked at Gefufu, and Shen Sheng said: "Let Xiaoyu, Yulian will give you."

Gegwwo said: "Well, let go, but what you need to understand is that even if it is released, as long as I am willing, I can catch her at any time, I hope you are obedient."

The warrior hand pushed, Gege Xiaoyu pushed to the old bear. (To be continued.)

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