Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1757: Who is the mountain brother (thanks to berserk?)

Sun Hao sat quietly, his hands kept spinning his knife, waiting for the Goff family to give himself a statement. If he really couldn’t satisfy himself, Sun Hao wouldn’t mind taking the knife directly. Fire????文?`

The big tiger is a little dizzy.

Before and after, a few high-powered and extremely strong, at first glance, beyond the Yuan Ying level of the monks, actually silently squatting in the side of the hill brother, what is the hill brother repair?

Is it a **** or a robbery?

If so, isn't it really amazing?

However, Geff’s family is said to have a robbery monk, can the hill brother block it? The voice is very low, and the big tiger said on the side of the side of the animal husbandry: "Bianmu, the hill brother should not accept it, to know that the Goff family is strongest and can have powerful ferry power."

Bianmu glanced at him and smacked his mouth in front of him, saying, "You said that the robbing power is there, where is it?"

Gege Dahu suddenly stunned. After a long ringing, he carefully said: "Bianmu, the Goff family has a backstage in the holy mountain, and it is troublesome to come out and distracted..."

When the words were not finished, Bianmu went to the front of Nunu’s mouth: "Hey, I have a distracted power."

Gege Dahu stuttered and said: "Hill brother, he, he..."

The side of the animal husbandry on the ground, seemingly very boring said: "He is what he is, not afraid of you know, this distraction, come back hundreds of thousands, not enough for your hill brother to clean up..."

Gege Xiaoyu: "When you walk the dog, you brag."

Bianmu rolled his eyes: "I tell the truth, how can anyone believe it? Well, you will understand."

Gege Dahu and Gege Lao Xiong glanced at each other, and Gege Lao Xiong whispered: "If the hill wants to say something, then we will wait for it."

On the second day, on the Kelman Hill, three flags were floated, and the dragon city flew down.

Dragon City suddenly boiled.

The flag, that is, the spiritual symbol of the top ten monks and his heroes in the contemporary rankings. For many years, no heroes and top ten monks have come to the Dragon City.

Unexpectedly, the Geff family's incident actually made such a situation, the strength of the barbarian is really high, actually need to work ten monks and his knights to come and clean up.

I don't know if there will be a terrible battle in the Dragon City.

Watching the lively monks, they are a little embarrassed, hoping that they will not be hurt and innocent by the aftermath of the battle. The face of Gege Dahu’s face is full of horror, can the hill brother still hold it?

Everyone has no time to think about it, and the three flags have come flying like them, floating across from Sun Hao.

Just when everyone thinks that the two sides will draw their swords, and when they say nothing, the leader of the leader, a graceful witch who is in the air, is very respectful and deep in the air. It is also full of respect: "Small brother, I haven't seen you for many years. You are still so powerful and powerful. I wonder if you still remember Fonn me?"

Hill brother!

The top ten witches are actually called the barbarian hill brother, the tone is so respectful, the second ring to see the lively monks, can not help but talk about it, this barbaric position is very high.

Sun Hao’s knife stopped spinning, looked up, and looked at Goffney. His face showed a smile: “Gevny, Wu Kai, Dan Yubai, three friends, Tioman’s mainland has been a few decades old. , don't you come?"

Wu Kai and Dan Yu Bai Qi Qi step forward, facing Sun Hao, deeply said: "Wu Kai, Dan Yubai has seen the hills adults."

Well, the onlookers around have finally understood that the status of the great barbarian on the hill is still above several heroes and Goffney. Moreover, looking at the three respectful attitudes opposite, it is estimated that the strength is also seriously insufficient, otherwise, Not so careful.

Goffney said with a grin: "Speaking of Tioman, Nie is going to thank the little brother, follow the hill brother, and fight the world, let me gain a lot, and I have made great progress, this is not. I just retired, but hey, Nie, just getting out of the customs, was sent by the patriarch to the hill brother to apologize."

Sun Hao nodded, smiled and turned to Gege Dahu and said: "Big Tiger, this is the third-generation witch Geffney Sister, come up and meet."

The Gege big tiger was a bit stunned, and he was a little overwhelmed in the air, stuttering and saying: "The big tiger has seen it, I have seen Fanny, oh no, Fanny sister..."

Goffney glanced at Gegevwo, whose face was as earthy and his legs were already shivering. He smiled at the big tiger. "The big tiger, the junior is not sensible, and he has made a mistake that should not be made. Now he has gotten it." If you have enough lessons, you will spare him."

Gege Dahu looked at Sun Hao.

Now, he has fully understood that the hill brother may really be the backing of the big day. It is no wonder that he can succeed on his own. It is no wonder that the hill brother always affirms that he can enter the Kayman Mountain. Look at this posture, there is a hill brother, this Everything seems to be completely a problem.

Sun Hao smiled and didn't speak. His eyes looked in the other direction.

In that direction, as Sun Hao looked at the past, slowly appeared, a wizard holding a light ball, smiling in front of everyone, seemingly a bit embarrassed, touched the nose and said to Sun Hao: " It’s still a hill, you’re awesome, and you’ve seen Manchester’s blind eye at a glance.”

Goffney told German: "I have seen Prince Man."

Wu Kai and Dan Yubai also gave him a gift.

Sun Hao nodded to him and smiled: "The spirit of Mann is good, and it is a great achievement."

The Gege Big Tiger was shocked and jumped in the air, saying loudly: "A ring of warriors has seen the Prince of Man."

On the street, the men and women of the Witches and men suddenly sing a single knee and shouted loudly: "I have seen Prince Nelson."

Gelman said with a smile: "Be free and polite, everyone will get up."

After that, I looked at Sun Hao again: "Actually, I came here mainly because Fanny was asked to accept the big tiger. He is still following me. It may be more appropriate. How does Hill think?"

Sun Hao smiled and looked at the big tiger.

The big tiger is still kneeling on one knee, and he said with aloud: "Small brother, you can help me with my ideas. I have no gods."

When I saw so many big people and saw so many legendary high-powered people, Gege Dahu really couldn’t find the North. It’s quite difficult to say something.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Mann has a heart, yes, Xiaohu is what I grew up with. When I was an adult, I gave him three bottles of probiotics. He only used one bottle, one of these disciples. In fact, it has been ranked first, but for three consecutive years, it has been stuck in the top ten, this time even more outrageous, got Yulian ~ actually can not pay, Fanny, you Know why I am angry?"

Gellman stayed for a while, his eyes flashed dissatisfied, and the people underneath were really outrageous. The disciples who ranked first were unable to go up. This will inevitably shake the roots of the male and female witches.

In the eyes of Gege Dahu, it has already filled with tears. In recent years, it has been a lot of grievances.

Goffney bowed his head and said: "Small brother, Fanny understands that the disciples below have tried every means to go to the holy mountain. The means have reached the point where they are omnipotent and should learn the lesson."

Sun Hao laughed and laughed: "I am a barbaric, and I shouldn't be so lenient according to the truth. However, since I was fortunate enough to be appointed as a witch fight, the witch protects the law, then today, I will not spit, Mann. You may really need to solve the problem of poor children's way out. Some rules must be stricter, and some hidden rules must be cleaned up."

Gilman said to Sun Hao: "The little brother said, this way, my dragon domain will really hurt the roots. Hill brother is relieved. After I go back, I will immediately find a solution. The big tiger will follow me first. ”

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, the big tiger can become your disciple. Of course, the big tiger is also my registered disciple. You must teach with your heart."

Gelman said with a smile.

Sun Hao looked at Geffney again: "Fanny, originally Goff's family would not be so easy to pass, but I did not expect that you would be the contemporary representative of Goff's family, but also invited Prince Nelson, but it is not suitable Continue to chase after you, so, Xiaoyu will give you the guidance, do you think it is ok?"

Goffney nodded and said yes.

Underneath, Gege Xiaoyu squatted and whispered, "Why are the dogs, who is the mountain brother? It’s so fierce, what is it..." (To be continued.)

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