Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1758: Grandmaster career

Gege Dahu lived in Sun Hao’s cave house in Kelman Hill. ??火然文??????????`

Andrew has already completed the digestion of the fighting world. During this time, Sun Hao’s spacious Dongfu is well organized.

After Sun Hao came back, he threw the big tiger to Anderville for the first time and said to Gege Dahu: "Little Tiger, this is the half-elf Anderville. Later, he will point your way to life."

Turning his head, Sun Hao said to Andrei: "Xiao'an, this kid has lived in a simple environment since childhood, and you help polish and polish his temper."

The Gege Tiger looked curiously at the half-elf.

Anderville flattered Sun Hao in a very charming way: "Okay, boss, this kid will give me a tuition, and she will come and come, let us discuss and discuss..."

As he ran over, he ran and said: "Xiao'an, this boy's sense of justice is bursting, the Virgin Mary is bursting, not like the boss, like the dead wood, it is very difficult to engrave."

Sun Hao...

Gege Dahu is a little dizzy. This kind of phenomenon is a little different from the Kaelman Mountain practice that he envisioned. If you look at Sun Hao, I can't help but think, what kind of character is Hill Brother?

When Sun Hao came back to Kelman, there was a very important thing to do. He could only throw the big tiger to Andrei. I didn’t expect Andervi to pull the unreasonable side of the animal husbandry as an assistant. I can imagine it without the head. Out, Gege Dahu’s life in Kelman must be very exciting.

That night, Sun Hao took a rest for a night and heard a very vivid lesson from Andrevi to the big tiger.

Throughout the night, the big tigers were stunned and frightened.

After being harassed by Anderville for a night, the next morning, the wind rushed into Sun Hao’s Dongfu. When he entered the door, he floated to Sun Hao’s shoulder: “Hill brother, hill brother, quietly told you, Xiao An, actually is not dead. Zombie, swearing swear, absolutely, he has no heartbeat, zombie face..."

Sun Hao shrugged: "I told you yesterday, he is a half-elf, I have never seen a half-elf, um, it is Xiao'an, no heartbeat, zombie face, this is the standard half-elves configuration."

Gege big tiger stayed.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Big Tiger, I am not saying you, can you say that the bridesmaid and the Queen's eyesight can't keep up with you? They personally verify the registered Anderwei half-elf identity, well, Xiao An is my contract hero, you Don't talk nonsense, I am going out to have something, you go to Xiao An, please."

Gege big tiger...

Ignore how Anderville concocted, educated the kind little tiger, and Sun Hao threw some peace plans to Anderville to pass on to Xiaohu, and began to implement his own plan.

After spending half a month, Sun Hao revisited his pharmacy in the Pharmacy Hall.

Half a month later, Sun Hao declared the title of the pharmacy master, and alerted the pharmacy of the male and female witches. It was amazement. A big barbarian, actually wanting to check the master of medicine, is really rare.

The medicinal techniques of the male and female witches, from low to high, have seven major ranks: pharmacy apprentices, junior pharmacists, intermediate pharmacists, senior pharmacists, master pharmacists, pharmacy masters and master pharmacists.

Although every adult witch will learn some pharmacy, he will try to have a talent for dispensing medicine. But in fact, there are very few who can become a junior pharmacist from a pharmacy apprentice. In the Kelman Dragon Field, An intermediate pharmacist is already qualified to be in the holy mountain of Kelman.

A senior pharmacist is enough to make the large and old aristocratic family a VIP.

And a master of pharmacy means that it will truly become a strategic talent that both male and female witches attach great importance to.

As for the pharmacist, the treatment in the holy mountain of Kelman is enough to match the current Sun Hao. In actual power and interests, even more than Sun Hao does not know how many times.

In fact, some of the pharmacists at Kelman Hill say that some of the words that are going out are now better than the words of the battle, because, when it is not good, the family has extremely important pharmacies that require masters.

According to the truth, the pharmacist's assessment needs to be carried out step by step, that is, it needs to start from the pharmacy apprentice, and the first level will rise. Few monks will apply for the master level assessment directly.

However, as long as your status has reached a certain height, and the pharmacy has reached a certain level, you can also apply for a master assessment directly.

This kind of assessment, because there are many grades, the difficulty will be much larger, and the content of the assessment will be more complicated, but there is no doubt that this method is much simpler than the step-by-step examination from the pharmacy apprentice. A lot of time is saved.

Sun Hao's special punishment of the blood, so that Sun Hao is qualified to learn the higher level of medicinal inheritance of the male witch, but according to the rules of the male witch family, more than seven pharmacy, but only the master pharmacist is qualified to learn, This is not the identity that can be filled, but must be achieved horizontally.

Sun Hao has practiced the knife for more than ten years in the second ring. Actually, he is practicing the power control on his finger, that is, preparing for his upcoming pharmacy promotion.

As early as before the mirroring of the lower bound, Sun Hao has been able to refine some of the six-level pharmacy. In the half-month recovery practice, Sun Hao has maintained a high level of growth, and has maintained the success rate of his six-level pharmacy to a very high level. I believe that I have already qualified for the Master of Pharmacy, and this is the application.

Unexpectedly, the Kelman Mountain sorcerer was very busy, and he actually regarded his application as a rare trick. They all came to see the excitement. It seems that it didn’t take long for his assessment to become one of Kelman’s big events. It’s so eye-catching that Sun Hao, who wants to act in a low-key manner, can’t help but laugh.

However, this is the end of the matter, there is no turning back to the bow, and Sun Hao can only face it calmly.

The Pharmacy Hall attached great importance to the evaluation of Sun Hao. After several long elders negotiated for a long time, they decided to conduct strict assessments of the hills and adults from all aspects of pharmacy, fully guaranteeing the authority of the pharmacy masters.

When Sun Hao appeared in the Pharmacy Hall as an appraiser, he faced the same posture of the three test subjects.

For many years, within the Pharmacy Hall, there have been many finely divided chambers, such as the solvent hall that is specially equipped with a dissolving agent for pharmacy, and has a variety of prescriptions for pharmacists. The Lingji Hall, as well as the pharmacy that can refine the pharmaceutical agent.

Although many pharmacists cannot formulate higher-level drugs, they have special abilities in distinguishing elixir or refining special dissolving agents. They have become special talents for male and female witches and have become a powerful complement to the pharmacy.

Now Sun Hao directly applied for the pharmacy master assessment, but also annoyed the proud sorcerer pharmacists You are a descendant of the criminal days, I have recognized the superiority of the war, we do not compare with you, now, you actually want Applying directly to the pharmacy master, this is simply the ear scraper of the fan male, and naturally it is not easy for you to pass.

Three churches are the same core.

Sun Hao is not flustered, not humble, not one-handed, with one hand on his chest, his body slightly stunned, his voice is like a thunder: "Masters, 勥 特 特 参加 参加 参加 参加 参加 参加 参加 参加.

On the top, three wizards wearing green shirts, two witches look at each other, the middle of the voice said: "The seat of the mountain, these are in turn, Gellin, Ge Yuji, the disc must pass Master Fu Yu, Xiao Shan, have you confirmed that you are ready to directly examine the master of pharmacy, rather than step by step from the pharmacy apprentice?"

Sun Hao maintains his respectful attitude, but the tone does not hesitate: "The hill is ready, directly to assess the master of medicine."

A few masters looked at each other, and Gerling said with awkward attitude: "Oh, if you want to step up from the pharmacy apprentice, I am willing to give you a proctor, for at least three months, you should be able to usher in normal pharmacy. The master has passed the exam."

Master Geerlin, the master of pharmacy at Xiao Lan’s home, naturally has extra care for Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Mr. Xerlin, but the hills are confident that they can be in one step and become a master of pharmacy directly. Please ask Master Erlin to wait and see."

Gelling touched the beard and said with a smile: "Well, if that's the case, you have to pay attention to the hill. We have a few old guys, but we are not prepared to show our mercy."

Sun Hao said calmly: "Masters, please advise."

The masters looked at each other, and Gefuyu nodded. He said, "Pharmaceuticals, no medicine, no medicine, you must learn medicine. First, you must know medicine. If you want to be a master, you must first go through the 'medication'. This level..." (to be continued.)

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