Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1767: Not by chance (2)

Thousands of knives, tens of thousands of sculptures.

Let the monks and wives of the witches and men be shocked. For more than ten years of hard work, for the flexibility of the fingers, the hills are true.

Among the eyes of Gege Dahu, flashing the sparkling light, others don’t, but he, and personal experience, from small to large, witnessed for more than a decade, Xiaoji’s knife did not leave, but at the time he was only curious, but now, look With the rows of sculptures, and then look at the rows of damaged knives, Gege Dahu instantly understood the true meaning of diligence.

As a peerless great power, the hill brother is in the middle of the dragon city. It is the flexibility of practicing fingers. When he is fortunate enough to get the chance, he witnessed a magical moment.

Being able to know the hill brother is really the biggest blessing in this life.

In the heart of the feast, I was moved by the sorrow. This man is really good for Xiaolan. He has paid so much for the refining of Raytheon, which is really touching.

Sun Hao [][] Fiction: Continue to slowly and firmly say the first three years, I practice the knife to turn between the fingers..."

Between, Sun Hao's hands stretched out, and both palms appeared at the same time, and began to turn at the fingertips. The fast turning knife was turned into a virtual shadow between the thick fingers.

The on-site monk looked at the shadow of the knife circling, and could not help but marvel at it.

In the second year of Sun Hao, I practiced the transformation of the knife between the different thicknesses of the fingers. ”

The male and female witch monks suddenly saw that Sun Hao’s fingers were constantly changing thickness, and the knives were constantly rotating between these fingers, and the speed was still fast.

After seeing Sun Hao’s practice of changing the size of his fingers, many pharmacists only feel that they are bright. Perhaps this may become a new **** training process for the male and female witches, not to mention that many are highly advanced. The monks can change the thickness of their fingers freely. However, when people are dispensing medicine, it is really rare to use this kind of finger change.

勥 Hill gave everyone a new idea. Sometimes, the fingers are thick, maybe even more powerful, and more able to match the pharmacy. Many pharmacists make up their minds. This must be practiced.

On the face of Sun Hao, the third year of revealing the look of the past, I practiced carving wood with a knife and reached a knife flow..."

After that, the body was slightly shocked, and two pieces of wood flew to the front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao looks like a lover, his eyes look at the wood in front, his hands gently brush forward, and then gently open the palm of his hand, the two pieces of wood into two lifelike villains, falling in the palm of Sun Hao Sun Hao spread the palm of his hand and showed it to the monks.

The monks who were repaired to a slightly higher level did not feel the slightest shock. Above the woodcarving villain, they saw the rhythm of the silk, as if they could feel the different wood textures, but looked carefully, but they could not see why.

Sun Hao smiled slightly and put away two woodcarvers. The mouth continued to say the fourth year. I practiced carving stones with a knife. In the fifth three years, I practiced carving iron with a knife..."

Similarly, Sun Hao shook his body and shook out the stones and iron.

The arms are swung forward, and they are drawn from the stones and the iron blocks. In the air, this moment seems to be a pause. The trajectory of the knife is clearly printed into the eyes of everyone. The monks who watched the scene, many moments ago Da Liang, if you have a heart.

This is a magical moment. Two ordinary knives quickly turn hard stones and iron into statues, and the sculptor, the stout man, can't see the slightest anger when he runs the knife.

The thick fingers and the slender knives give people a feeling of being more harmonious than the harmony. Everything is like water and water.

When Sun Hao once again extended his palms, two sculptures appeared again in his hands.

The scene was quiet and a bit too much.

Panhe first responded, floating in the air, slowly bulging his palms, Kelman's shackles, suddenly thunderous applause.

Master, this is the real master.

The display of the hills seems to be completely related to the pharmacy. However, every monk knows very well that this is just the most basic training content of pharmacy.

In order to train the flexibility of the fingers, the hills can achieve such a peak and make people feel admired.

The Panhe Grand Master leisurely floated, and in the warm applause of everyone, slowly and clearly said that the birth of each guru is not fortunate, not accidental. Behind every master is hard and extraordinary efforts. The master of the hill, with a sentence of 'diligence to make up', with five three years, wood, stone, iron three sculptures, gave us a very vivid and very vivid lesson, I hope that the younger generation of the male and female witches, my dragon's younger generation I can follow the example of the hill master and really sink my heart. I really work hard with a rigorous attitude and a hard work style. I hope that you can become the next hill master..."

Sun Hao completed the sermon.

At the last moment, Sun Hao’s hands were drawn together, and the mirror image of the stone and iron was carved. It became the true collection of the male and female witches. The implication of the silk masters, which contained the spirit of diligence and learning, became a man. A classic example of the new generation of witches.

The hills have become a household name for male and female witches.

Of course, in the eyes of the proud male and female witches, the true identity of the hills must be the descendants of the criminals, the witches, the witches.

Few monarchs and monks will recognize the fact that Sun Hao is a barbaric. Otherwise, a barbarian can become a pharmacist. This makes the arrogance of the male and female witches in the place, and the descendants of the criminals are completely different. After that, it can be one of the true composition of the virtual and powerful Wu people. This can be.

Pharmacist, descendants of the day.

Even though the strength of Sun Hao is much worse than that of the male and female witches, the status of Sun Hao is still very bullish among the male and female witches.

As Sun Hao expected, he became a master, especially after becoming a master who was able to refine Raytheon. He began to really reach the top of the male and female witches.

Within the Kelman Dragon Field, the number of old monsters in the fit period is unknown. However, Sun Hao is gone. There are more than three old monsters in the Dragon Field. At least, Sun Hao knows, the Witch and the Witch, the Witch and the Witch. Ceremony, as well as three people from the Panhe Grand Master, is the old-fashioned period.

Sun Hao also understands that within the Dragon Domain, it is actually composed of three powerful forces. The wizards and witches on the bright side also have dragon monks who are hidden and simple.

Longxing, the largest auction house in the Kelman Dragon Field, sent a friendly invitation to Sun Hao on the second day, inviting Sun Hao to be the chief appraiser of the bank. The conditions are very loose, and the kind only needs to take the time to take the initiative. will get a lot of benefits.

It is said that the five major pharmacists of the Kelman Dragon Field have been invited by the Dragon Boat, but unfortunately, these old monsters are too busy to answer, and the old monsters are the ones who have not appeared for hundreds of thousands of years. It is estimated that the appointment has no effect, and the Longxing boss has not forced it.

The biggest difference between the hills and other old monsters is that the level of pharmacy is high, but the repair is weak, and there are many opportunities to show up. The foundation of the Kelman Dragon is also very shallow. If you can join forces with Longxing, then It is mutual benefit.

Sun Hao accepted the invitation with a smile and ran a trip to the dragon. Sure enough, he once again saw an old-fashioned monster, a dragon monk.

After more than a decade, Sun Hao did three things at the same time as he carefully cultivated himself. One of them was to teach the big tiger, teach him the witchcraft and the pharmacy practice; the second is to mix the dragon. The refining materials of the ultimate definite medicinal agent are collected without any trace; the third is the continuously improving level of pharmacy refining. Through the continually photographed pharmacy of the dragon, it is waiting for someone to send the recipe to the door while converging resources.

Longxing has the support of a pharmacy master, and his reputation is growing.

Sun Hao's refining agent series, Raytheon series, is enough to make many ethnic monks in the vicinity rush to the top. Every time, when the dragon shoots important items, the huge auction site that can accommodate 40,000 people will be full, and some will be full. The race is not far away, and I come to buy a bottle of cherished medicine.

When Sun Hao successively shot three bottles of high-grade Raytheon Pharmacy, finally, the powerful pharmacy alarmed the real eccentric ability that required the solution to improve the fit period. (To be continued.)

The first seven or seven seven chapters are by no means accidental

The first seven or seven seven chapters are by no means accidental by [*] [small-speak-net] members.

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