Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1768: Formula to hand

For more than ten years, Xiaolan is still in the secret.

The girl's ritual brought back a mirror image of Xiaolan staying in the tactical ball. Inside, Xiaolan was holding a high-level Raytheon medicinal agent, and moved to the faint screaming. He whimpered in his mouth and said, Hill, thank you, I will protect my life. , Hill brother, with these bottles of Raytheon pharmacy, I will be able to cross the ninth catastrophe, advance to distraction, at most for a hundred years, you can go out to see you..."

Because of Xiaolan's relationship, the Queen and the Women's Court were very good at Sun Hao, and they always regarded Sun Hao as a real person. Sun Hao secretly collected the ultimate definitive drug, and they were quietly erased by the two of them.

Moreover, I realized that Sun Hao may have collected some resources for Sun Hao after collecting the ultimate prescription medicine, so that Sun Hao’s collection progress has taken a big step forward.

The eighteen-flavored elixir that the ultimate prescription medicine needs, Sun Hao has collected sixteen flavors without a sound, only two very special elixir, need Sun Hao to find!!! Novels.., these two elixir They are extremely rare. Sun Hao has consulted a large amount of information, found clues, made some preparations, and waited for the time to mature before looking for it.

The bridesmaid and the queen never thought that Sun Hao was actually playing the idea of ​​a solution.

However, the feast is still between the intentions, helping Sun Hao a big deal.

Just after Sun Hao’s third Raytheon pharmacy, the bridesmaid appeared with a smiling old man in front of Sun Hao’s hill. This is my dragon **** patron, who won the man. ”

Sun Hao looked at the little old man, and his heart felt very strange. The little old man stood in front of him, but he felt that he was a hundred thousand miles away. Moreover, the old man’s facial features were clear and clear, but Sun Hao Seriously went to see it, but it seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, vaguely, can not see clearly.

The clothes on his body also gave Sun Hao a plausible feeling.

In an instant, Sun Hao produced an enlightenment. This is a powerful power that is not under the strength of Jordan. Immediately, with a smile on his face, Sun Haocheng has seen the adults on the hill. ”

Chadman touched his chin and smiled at Sun Hao. He listened to Panhe’s kid and said that there was a powerful and magical pharmacist in the male witches. ”

Sun Hao smirked and smiled a little, knowing one or two. ”

You don’t have to be humble, you don’t have to have a bit of skill, ancestors, I won’t come to see you casually, well, gossip less, I go straight to the subject, squatting on the hill, the success rate of your refining advanced Raytheon Pharmacy how many? ”

Sun Hao said with a thick smile that it would be really unsuccessful, because I have refining three Razer pharmacies in total, and so far, there has not been a case of no refining. ”

The spirit of Chadman could not help but the beard that his right hand kept touching, smiled and said, have you heard of the solution medicine? ”

Sun Hao’s heart was ecstatic, and finally got the news of the solution medicine. In his mouth, it was very natural. Sun Haolang said that the solution medicine, naturally heard, the most powerful master level of the male and female witches can refine the magical agent. Hill has always wanted to get a formula for the solution of the solution, but it has not been able to do so. ”

Chadman chuckles the hill. If I give you a prescription, can you help me with some refining? ”

Sun Hao thought about it carefully and whispered that the Grand Master class pharmacy was too difficult to configure. The hill had not tried it, and it was impossible. ”

Chadman looked at the bridesmaid and smiled and said that the little girl, this kid should have never seen a solution. ”

Having said that, Chadman smiled and laughed. The biggest difficulty in not actually refining the solution was actually the reconciliation of the thunder attribute..."

While laughing and watching Sun Hao, you can refine the advanced Raytheon Pharmacy, you already have the basic strength of refining the solution medicine. Give this, this is a low-level solution formula and elixir, we can observe your configuration effect on the spot, bold Give it a try. ”

Sun Hao’s heart was ecstatic, respectful, and quiet. He took the formula and the medicine, and said two adults, please. ”

Seriously, Sun Hao studied the formula and carefully studied the whole process of refining the solution.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao did not start the first refining solution, but took out some of the collected Raytheon Medicinal Essences, began experimenting, and learned from it.

Chadman's pharmacy is not strong, I can't feel the excitement. The woman smiled and said to him that Man Da, the hill is in the most difficult refining step of simulating melt medicine, not to be an adult, I just can't go through this. So far, it has not been successful in refining, even if it is a low-level solution. ”

Raytheon is the pre-position of the solution, and the method of refining is the same. The most important thing is that the biggest difficulty of the solution is that it is difficult to neutralize the violent thunder property, and it is difficult to become a medicine.

Although Sun Hao has a strong thunder, but it can not be careless, because even if it is Royal Thunder, sometimes it can not prevent the release of the thunder of the elixir, even if it is blocked, sometimes it will cause the drug to pass away.

In order to make a good impression on Chadman, Sun Hao went all out.

Chadman's cultivation, the low-cost solution drug is not cost-effective, as long as Sun Hao shows a stronger refining strength, then, Sun Hao has a great possibility to obtain the corresponding level of melt pharmaceutical refining formula.

This is the highest level of pharmaceutical formula that Sun Hao wants to learn in the male and female witches.

Prepared for a full day.

Sun Hao began to refine the low-level solution in the eyes that Chadman looked forward to.

With full preparation and strong physical thunder, there is also a giant force and a powerful double sword and three swords. This time, Sun Hao has not changed his status, showing his ability to work with ease. After the hour, three bottles of low-level solution medicine appeared in the hand. Respectfully, both hands stretched forward, and Sun Haohong was bright and said that the two adults, the hill was fortunate. ”

The girl smiled and took three bottles of pharmacy, and carefully observed it. She smiled and said to the man, the three bottles were good, very close to the intermediate low-level solution. ”

Chadman’s eyes were bright, and he took three bottles of pharmacy into his arms, and his face showed a bright smile. He looked at Sun Hao and laughed and said that the hill was not, it was like a hoe. Said, with the ability to refine the solution of the solution, then, I remember, Shantou seems to have said that the state of your strongest refining agent is the right form of punishment? ”

Sun Hao stunned and said with a thick smile that the adult solution does not need to use the criminal body. ”

Chadman asked with a smile, that is, you still have spare capacity? Do you have the ability to challenge the intermediate solution? If you can become then you can be a pharmacist at the Grand Master level. ”

Sun Hao’s face, once again revealing a pure and simple smile, adults do not know, the hills of the cultivation of the power of the day and the Lei attribute have a secret relationship, so the hill refining Raytheon pharmacy and solution drugs accounted for a lot of cheap, perhaps The hill can refine the intermediate solution or even the high-grade solution, but the hill does not dare to boast that it is a great master. ”

Can you refine intermediate or even advanced solutions?

Chad Man heard the words, not letting his eyes shine, this is really a break from the iron shoes, and it took no effort. I didn’t expect it to be quiet, and there was a refining agent in the male and female witches. The freak, wonderful, this, developed.

However, due to the lack of preparations for Chadman, it was purely a temptation, but there was no preparation for intermediate-level melt medicines and intermediate-level formulas.

But this is not a big problem. The bridesmaid gave an order, less than two hours.

In front of Sun Hao, he has put on the formula of medium and high-grade solution and a kind of intermediate medicine solution.

Sun Hao forced himself to resist the inner joy, pretending to be calm, pretending not to carefully put away two recipes.

At the moment of the formula, Sun Hao’s hand can’t help but shake it gently. This is the dream of a male and female witches’ genius who can have a great influence on the future foundation, and got the formula. Later, the fit When there is no doubt, there is a better guarantee.

The two series of the strongest witches and witches, the goddess series and the solution series, are now successfully mastered. It is really gratifying. (To be continued.)

The first seven six six chapter recipe to hand

The first seven-six-eighth chapter recipe is hand-written by [*] [small-speak-net] members.

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