Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1794: Initial appearance

(Twelve is in place, it is still the third, oh, the number of words has reached more than 30,000. Next, from the hundred chapters of the monthly ticket, it is still half, and I don’t know if it can be full. If it is full, there are 8 chapters. Keep up)

Tie Yipeng remembered the many ethnic friends of Sun Hao. In his heart, he thought that the barbarians were straightforward. It was really sincerity and deception. This barbaric is all true to me, and I am happy to help me, but it is so cute.

If you think about it in your heart, you will not be slow in your hand. With a wave of your hand, a roll of ancient sheepskin will fly over.

Sun Hao took it and took it to the scroll of sheepskin. He was surprised to find that the text was actually a human scripture, and it was still a big Xia Wen, the ancient text that he had already known in the Tianling mainland. Curious in my heart, Sun Hao opened his mouth and gently read: "The Promise of the Promise..."

Get the prescription, Sun Haofei remembers, put away the golden wing body, and the two once again on the road.

Sun Hao walked along the sword and realized the formula of the condensate.

Condensed in the liquid, condensed the soul of the monk, a magical liquid that strengthens the soul of the monk.

What is different from the witchcraft pharmacy is that this is a formula between the pharmacy and the lingo, which is a magical liquid that is used to condense the soul of the monk without condensing the dan.

The principle of condensing is actually the last step of the monk's alchemy.

The humanity and ingenuity of inventing this kind of liquid medicine is really ingenious, and Sun Hao is eye-opening.

The condensate liquid is ancient, without detailed grades, but its true level is very high. After Sun Hao’s initial understanding, it can be judged that the level of this liquid should exceed the peak of the seventh level, which may be the true level eight or above. Ling Dan pre-medicated liquid.

It can be said that the masters of other male and female witches came over, and the first time they contacted the condensate, the possibility of refining the simmering pot was over 80%.

However, Sun Hao, who has the dual refining technology of alchemy and pharmacy, has occupied many advantages and has earnestly understood it. The possibility of success is very large.

If possible, Sun Hao even hopes that he can refine some of the condensate, and send it to Xiaolan.

I don't know if Xiaolan is distracted, and whether he has encountered the same difficulties as Tie Peng.

With the worry of Xiaolan, and the pleasure of getting the formula of condensate, Sun Hao advances to the Wudingfeng volcano and kills a lot of road-breaking beasts. At the same time, the research on formula is getting more and more profound.

However, after completely immersing the formula, Sun Hao’s heart has produced doubts and some reasoning has arisen.

Promise Condensate is accurately formulated in two ways, one is universal.

It is to use all kinds of elixir medicines, to configure anyone, or to use the Promise Condensation Liquid which can be used by any race. The benefits of this liquid medicine are available to anyone, and the configuration is relatively difficult. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to take. Conservation, and, for some special ethnicity, may not achieve the desired effect.

In addition to this universally applicable formula, there is another kind of condensate that Tie Peng's refining fails. It is based on the common elixir, adding ethnic extracts that match the spirit of the gods. A directional condensate that is especially suitable for your needs.

The spirit and blood of the golden wings refined by Tie Pengpeng should be this category.

At first glance, no problem, it is normal. Isn't this a special fit for Tie Peng's condensate?

But thinking deeper, the problem is coming.

Sun Hao can be sure that Tie Peng is the body of the Yin spirit, that is, the ghost monk. Then, what kind of ghost monk is, you need to refine the ethnic essence of the six-color golden wing to make up for the innate lack of its own soul. ?

Sun Hao completely did not understand.

Along the way, the two screamed and smashed a lot of wind beasts.

In the air, the concentration of the eight winds is getting more and more, and the sense of Sun Hao’s incense sword is becoming more and more clear. Moreover, Sun Hao is also clearly aware that the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, and there is a kind of spirit for Sun Hao. Slightly hot feeling.

Sun Hao’s heart quickly speculated about the possible situation, while not being slow, and marching with Tie Peng.

There is too little information on hand, for the time being, you can only doubt, but it is difficult to find the exact answer.

Another day passed, the two men once again encountered a six-color golden wing. This time, it was a white gold wing. Without the small white gold wings, under the interception of Tie Peng, Sun Hao did not hesitate. Killed this white gold wing, did not need to speak with Tie Peng, quickly took the material on the spot and began to refine the Promise.

Specially made, it is best to use the essence of the essence of the essence of the body to use the soul of the body and the blood refining, which will not only improve the power of refining, but also better.

The agaric sword was shaken, and the heart of the white gold wings flew out.

The special handprint of the condensate liquid was punched out, and the spirit of the white gold wings was forced out. It was put into the jade bottle, and the wrists vibrated. Three jade bottles appeared in the air, the right hand extended, and the palm grew up with the wind. Three jade The bottle fell into the palm of his hand and screamed in his mouth: "Predecessors, elixir."

Sun Hao said that he is a pharmacist, but Tie Peng does not think that Sun Hao will be able to refine the Promise, which is why he did not hand over the collected elixir to Sun Hao in advance.

However, at this time, his movements were not slow, and Tie Pengeng waved gently, and more than 30 pieces of elixir floated in the air, lined up in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao held three jade bottles in his right hand and slammed forward. Hey, a light bang, more than 30 medicines were collected by Sun Hao into the jade bottle.

Experts take the shot and make a decision.

In this hand, Sun Hao showed his superhuman ability to refine his medicine.

The three jade bottles seem to be swaying indiscriminately, but Tie Peng has clearly seen that there are not more than 30 tablets of elixir in the wrong jade bottle. At this moment, they have been accurately classified and classified by Sun Hao. Three refining bottles.

Tie Pengpeng's eyes brightened, and his mouth screamed: "Okay, the hill is so high."

Sun Hao smiled at Tie Pengeng with a thick smile, and his hands swayed quickly, and Sun Hao’s body was also growing up in this kind of shaking, as if he was doing his best to refine, and finally had no spare time to control himself. In general, Sun Hao changed back to his barbarian figure, concentrated on himself, and began to dispense medicine.

On the face of Tie Peng’s face, there was a smile that was utterly absent, but a pair of eyes, but always firmly staring at the hands of Sun Hao’s refining medicine.

The thick fingers flexibly move the jade bottle, and the typical male and female witches' pharmacy refining techniques make him admire that in his long life, it is really unprecedented, and for the first time, he saw a barbarian. Big fingers can be so flexible.

Especially when he saw Sun Hao's fingers change size, the three jade bottles swayed up and down like a butterfly. They couldn't help but scream again: "Okay, the hills are high in pharmacy."

At this moment, in his heart, he could not help but have some confidence in Sun Hao, or this barbarian can really help himself to refine the Promise.

It is rare for someone to give their new recipe for the gods and prepare the elixir to practice. At this time, Sun Hao is also going all out to change the barbarian body, and suppress the golden-winged spirit and blood with the supreme fighting spirit. Violent breath, use the supreme force to shake the fusion of the medicine.

If we say that the refining solution makes Sun Hao basically become a master, then if Sun Hao can refine it into a Promise, it really sets foot in the field of the Grand Master.

Sinking into the refining medicine, Sun Hao is fully absorbed, and the medicine bottle that swings in his hand seems to have a strange rhythm. The whole person seems to sink into the condensate liquid, his eyes are stunned, and the pupils are only flying. The medicine bottle is liquid, and there is no other thing.

For two hours, Sun Hao’s huge palms jerked together, and his mouth screamed: “He...”

The solution in the three medicine bottles fluctuated at the same time and floated up. A jade bottle flew out of the air and covered it. The three spirits melted into one body. Like a volcano, it was about to erupt, and Sun Hao was violent: "turn."

Huge power, inciting the three spirits in the refining bottle, and spinning rapidly along the bottle wall.

Sun Hao’s tall body condenses in the mountains, his hands are staggered, and he keeps flying up and down. The refining bottles are always shaken by the tremendous force.

For half an hour, Sun Hao's rotation speed is getting slower and slower. Finally, holding the jade bottle, quietly, standing still.

In the jade bottle, a white spirit liquid appeared, and the ripples gradually dispersed, slowly calming down at the bottom of the bottle.

Tie Pengpeng reveals doubts. After the successful refining of the gods, it should be amber. How do you make the hills white?

The heart was thinking so, refining the bottle mouth, the last drop of the selected elixir slammed into the bottle.

Suddenly, within the bottle, the whole elixir is like a dye, instantly from white, to a crystal clear amber, in the sun, it is good-looking. (To be continued.)

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