Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1795: Intrigue

Tie Pengpeng was not inspired by the spirit, and he shouted: "Okay, the deep pharmacy of the hills."

Sun Hao took a deep breath, a shock bottle, amber liquid medicine flew up, fell into a jade bottle, holding a jade bottle, Sun Hao's body quickly shrunk, his face showed a smile: "Fortunately, not insulting, The refining of condensate liquid is successful..."

Tie Peng has taken over the jade bottle and smashed it in his hand. It looks like Wang Yuan’s face, and there is a bright smile: “Hill, thank you very much. I didn’t expect that my chance would be on the hill. The hill is not only helping. I caught the herring and helped me to become a **** of liquid. It’s so great that I can’t repay it.”

Sun Hao’s face showed a thick smile: “The predecessors were polite, and the chances of the younger generation were not given by the predecessors. If they were not the help of their predecessors, the hills still don’t know what year and month to find the wind dragon, and they’ve got the feathers and the grass. There are younger generations, six-color condensed liquid, absolutely not a problem, but the predecessors..."

Sun Hao hesitated for a moment, but did not say anything.

Tie Xiaopeng said with a smile: "The hill, if you have something to say, I don't know if something is wrong?"

Sun Hao touched his nose: "There is nothing wrong with it, but I have learned the formula of the condensate solution, combined with the knowledge of the medicinal of my witches. With such an idea, I don't know if it is feasible. The seniors may wish to judge one or two. ”

On the face of Tie Pengpeng, he showed a full of interest: "What do you think of the hill, come on quickly."

Sun Hao nodded: "According to the law of my witchcraft pharmacy, similar to the six-color condensate solution, the best way to use it is to combine the medicine. To put it simply, it is to use the universal sacred liquid as the mother liquor. The six-color medicinal combination is used, and its efficacy is positive and the effect is the best. The predecessors may wish to try."

Tie Yipeng couldn’t help but sneak a glimpse of it. He also studied it. There is no such saying inside, but now, when he listens, he feels that it’s very reasonable to say that Xiaoshan’s soul is broken because of some reasons. Find the formula of the condensate solution, the purpose is to blend the six-color gold-winged soul to fill its own shortcomings.

This process of integration may not be easy. If it is integrated within its own soul, it is estimated that it will last for a long time, and the balance point is hard to grasp.

The hills have given them a new way of thinking. The way to smash the hills is actually very simple, and perhaps very useful. Many procedures.

However, it’s a big deal, and I don’t know if the hills are reliable.

After thinking about it, Tie Xiaopeng said with a smile: "The proposal for the hill is very good. I think it is indeed feasible. Otherwise, we will continue to make a few laps around the volcanic volcano and kill a few six-color gold wings. At that time, if every kind of condensate can refine two or more, we can try both ways."

Sun Hao said "good" and the two went on the road again.

However, this way to kill the past, the hearts of the two, but each has speculation.

Sun Hao knew that the elixir in the hands of Tie Pengpeng must not be a minority. Moreover, he also knew that Tie Pengpeng did not fully trust himself. Then, as long as he performed better and more reasonable, he might get the spirit from his hands. Medicine, refining more Promise, and trapping some of the original solution for Xiaolan.

Xiao Lan is a witch, unless she is willing to work hard, or else, basically, it will not use the special Promise Liquid, that is, as long as the liquid solution is generally applicable.

The elixir of the condensate is quite rare. I really want to find it myself. It is estimated that the monkeys will be able to get together. Even if the witches are shot, some special elixir is not so good.

If you can intercept some from Tie Peng, it is not just good.

What Iron Tengpeng thinks at this time is that the barbarians have thoroughly condensed the condensate liquid, and they should have doubts about their identity. However, they are heavenly and underground, unique, and how can the barbarians guess and not know their own feet. Then, is the method of integration of the barbarians feasible?

When the barbarians proposed this approach, is there any trap and what is the purpose?

There is no wind volcano, and the wind is on the rise.

Among the heat waves, the wind whistling, rolling, the vegetation became low, but all over the mountains, far away, Sun Hao saw the high, like a huge flying bird burning in the flames of the mountain.

I don’t know how far it is, but the heat wave is enough to cook the slightly lower monks.

Around the mountain of flames that seems to take off, the winds of the eight sides are extremely rich, and it is the true wind and beast paradise within the uncertain winds.

Tie Pengpeng is very familiar with the Wuding wind domain and has found the core of the indefinite wind domain. Sun Hao has a feeling of entering the Feng Peng gathering place, and does not know how much wind is living inside the volcanic volcano. Peng, anyway, every day, Sun Hao and Tie Pengpeng killed a lot of Feng Peng.

The advanced body of Feng Peng, the six-color golden-winged Dapeng bird, is surrounded by the volcanic volcano. It is quite a lot. The two people smashed through the huge soaring flame mountain all the way, and unconsciously killed 20 Many six-color gold wings, except for the color gold wings have not been seen, the other colors of the gold wings each killed more than three.

After the killing of these golden wings, the soul and the blood of the heart were all used to make the Promise.

Sun Hao’s status is brave, more than twenty times, no failure, all refining success, Sun Hao himself joked: “Predecessors, do not know if your character is against the sky, or my character value is bursting, This success rate does not exceed 70% of the condensate liquid, actually reached 100% of all finished products, I really met this wonderful thing for the first time..."

In fact, once again refining, Bianmu was on Sun Hao’s shoulder and made a total of six strokes. That is to say, that time, Sun Hao was refining six times in a row, which did not waste the elixir and showed a success. It’s really hard for Tie Peng.

Tie Yipeng reveals Wang Yuan’s signature smile: “That’s the extraordinary practice of hill refining. I’m totally relieved.”

In order to be able to refine enough of the infinite condensate, Tie Pengpeng has been preparing for thousands of years. The stored medicine is enough for him to waste a lot. Now that he has a small hill, the two have joined forces and really made him smile. In this way, his condensed action will be successful in one fell swoop.

In the hands of Tie Pengpeng, each color of the golden-winged condensate has more than three copies. Finally, with a smile on his face, he throws a storage bag and says: "The hill, you can refine some of the promise. The condensed essence is ready for use, we can fully share one."

Sun Hao’s knowledge was swept away. In the storage bag, there were four elixir medicines that were infinitely condensed. The heart could not help but smile. I got a smile on my face. Sun Hao said: "it is good……"

The refining of the original liquid is relatively easy. In less than two hours, a jade bottle appeared in the hands of Sun Hao, and the raw liquid was put up.

Only this time, Sun Hao did not hand over the original liquid to Tie Peng, but took it away and started the second refining. After finishing it, he took it away and reorganized it four times. After all success, Sun Hao After a big shock, four bottles of condensed liquid appeared side by side in the air. After Qi was shaken out of the jade bottle, Sun Hao’s income configuration products kept swaying vigorously, and his hands flew like a bunch of flowers and butterflies.

After shaking for half an hour, Sun Hao’s hand was aimed at the distant mountain of flames. With the power of fire, he made a slight judgment and swayed for a quarter of an hour. This smiled and said to Tie Pengeng: Fortunately, the four bottles of condensed liquid have been fused into the original liquid. As long as the six colors are gathered, we can try to integrate."

Sun Hao's entire refining process is natural and purely. Tie Pengpeng does not see any problems, and can't pick any flaws. Of course, he does not feel that Sun Hao is making ghosts in it.

Whether it is the male and female witches or the human race's refining and alchemy, one of the most basic principles is that only the same chemical liquid can be fully integrated.

The condensate in the hands of the hill is a fusion of four bottles, and there should be no problem at all.

Tie Peng Peng haha ​​said with a smile: "Thank you for the hill, the hill is really a deep pharmacy, and it is amazing, the old man is really amazing..."

Sun Hao slammed his wrist and threw the condensed condensed liquid into Tie Peng. He said with a smile: "If the predecessors really have extra remedies, can you give the hills two pairs? I have a friend's soul and a little problem. I wonder if I can help him refine it."

Sun Hao is telling the truth, Gellan really needs to condense the gods, when Sun Hao said this, the tone is very sincere. (To be continued.)

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