Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1811: Winds Wars (3)

Sun Hao’s heart was shocked. The squadron was the strongest defensive shield of Sun Hao. After Sun Hao got it, he smashed the ancient cemetery and never collapsed. Now he is defeated. r?anw?e?n?`

The Dapeng Golden Winged Bird is really amazing.

With the ability of space, the sword-like right wing still quickly punctures the golden headless body of Sun Hao.

Wan Yu crossed the body, like a sword to add.

Sun Hao just generated the gold body, like a sword across the rock, bursting out of the fire of gold and iron, the body retreat, Shen Xiangjian rushed over, a slamming sound, the eight winds set a sword, in Sun Hao’s body exploded.

The right wing of the Dapeng garuda is the wing of the wind. The space attack attribute of the explosion is also born because of speed.

Sun Haoying's eight winds are localized, and the air is dying. Suddenly, the attack speed of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird's right wing Golden Wing is slow. Many Jin Yu's whirring voices are in their own right, and they are no longer turned into Jin Jian. Hao.

Sun Hao’s body pressure was light, and he screamed in the air. He stood in front of his arms and stood steadily, blocking the attack of Jin Yu’s sword. In the real Mars, Sun Hao’s belly button opened fiercely. Yang Tian roared: "Come and not to indecent as well, Peng brother, you also pick me up."

In the violent voice, the body of the sorcerer’s sorrow trembled.

Headless chest, violently flying out of a skull.

The skull is golden, rising in the air, falling in the air, has completely turned into the appearance of Zhang Bajin, holding the incense sword in one hand, looking back at the sorcerer, and laughing in the sky, laughing a little, Disappeared in place, reappeared, has come to the top of the Dapeng garuda, holding the incense sword, body and sword, and straight into the forehead of the Dapeng garuda.

At the same time, the sorcerer of the sorcerer rushed to the sky and slammed it out from below. The giant spirit in his hand flashed on the hammer and flashed the silvery light, rising in the wind, instantly turning into a huge silver hammer. The Dapeng garuda has just swept to his right wing.

On the top of a golden body, Sun Hao.

There is a headless sorcerer below.

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird slightly stunned and reacted instantly, and screamed in his mouth: "The technique of distraction, but Err, see me let you both gods..."

In the distraction period, there is a **** to a nine-point god.

In theory, every time a monk completes a distraction, he can be transformed into a avatar. However, in the process of actual confrontation, unless there is a monk with special means, it is rarely used to fight against each other. The reason is that if the strength of the avatar is not strong, Instead, it will produce a battle effect of one plus one less than one, and only a very small number of monks can produce a battle effect equal to one or more than one, or even greater than two.

Sun Hao used to fight in the past, rarely fighting, or fighting on the body, or incarnation of a single soul battle, but today, Sun Hao’s battle has undergone a very different change.

This time, the body of Sun Hao, the sorcerer of Sun Hao, and the world at the same time, fought side by side and attacked the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird.

Dapeng Golden Wings are no strangers to the technique of distraction. Often, he knows that after distraction, the wisdom of the avatar is insufficient, and the form is also unstable, and it cannot be sustained. This kind of combat state is easy to be self-defeating, so he Not afraid, but a little excited, lifting his claws and raising his wings, attacking the heavens and the earth, two Sun Hao.

However, there are special cases in the world.

Others can't do it, it doesn't mean that Sun Hao can't do it either.

In the bang, Dapeng Golden Wings blocked the sword of Sun Hao’s eight winds in the air. The body trembled violently, and the iron claws hurt. Sun Hao turned over and flew back, and instantly flashed. , rushed down.

With a bang, the right wing of Dapeng Golden Winged Bird hit Sun Hao’s hammer, huge force, let its right wing slam suddenly, almost fell to the ground, and the sorcerer’s violent screaming again and again Attacked up.

The body of Dapeng Golden Winged Bird swayed, disappeared and flew away, and the huge Peng’s face showed a faint expression, and looked at Sun Hao strangely.

Good boy, the strength of the main body and the avatar are very powerful, this is simply one plus one is greater than two, how to practice the kid?

The purple-golden eyes swept away, and the Dapeng Golden-winged bird screamed in the dark.

The situation is clear at a glance. The reason is clear when I think about it, but the situation has begun to feel a little unfavorable. I originally had a certain upper hand, but now, the other party’s Sun Hao’s avatar is out, but he is falling in the opposite direction, the **** avatar, Damn golden body.

It has already been seen, and Sun Hao’s current sense of dominance is the golden body he has just built, and his punishment is the body of the white jade body.

The defense of the golden body is boundless, and the sword is a fragrant incense. It suddenly poses a huge threat to oneself, and the eight winds set the domain, which suddenly has a great deterrent to himself.

The punishment of the sorcerer and the ambitions of the sorcerer and the invincible, can still hurt themselves, and the arrogant form of the body of the sacred heaven itself is very barbaric, as if wisdom and wisdom are not very important...

The Dapeng garuda felt that he had been attacked on both sides, and the battle was hard.

In the air, Sun Hao’s hands in the hands of Shen Xiangjian suddenly swayed, and the Eight Winds swords and swords rushed up, relying on the wind to borrow, and swayed, set a domain and a sword, once again attacked the Dapeng garuda.

On the ground, the wilderness of the sorcerer striding, the screaming earth-shattering, waving a huge hammer, also rushed up.

In the explosion of the explosion, Dapeng Golden Wings once again smashed two heavy blows, and they fled their wings, and their hearts became extremely angry. They turned into a passive beating state, and they were unwilling to sing in the sky. Dapeng Golden Wings shouted: "Kid, this is what you forced me, big deal, we are all gone, ah..."

A big mouth, covering the sky, the eight winds are out of balance, the space is like a momentary change.

In the face of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, the golden body and the criminal sorcerer became a real little point.

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird opened his mouth and tried to take Sun Hao completely to swallow the belly, and he also had to drag the back.

Space swallowed, has swallowed Sun Hao once.

This time, Sun Hao will not dare to be swallowed in the stomach easily. The golden body screamed in the air: "Well, if you want to swallow me, your stomach is still a little small, come out..."

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the gods slammed their eyes, and their hands were on the chest. The five attributes of the real elements surged into the gods, and a palm print in the hands, shot up.

With a bang, the space magical power of Dapeng Golden Wingbird is like a mirror hit by a stone. It was defeated by the students in the wind. A huge high-definition, three-headed and six-armed giant gods, stood in front of the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird.

Magical law!

The kid is divided into the gods, how can he practice the magical law!

Dapeng garuda is once again dumbfounded.

There was too much accident in World War I today.

Jin body, avatar, and now even the magical law has emerged.

Is this still a fighting mode of distraction? How do you feel that you have a mid-term fit?

Take a closer look, Dapeng Golden Winged Bird **** a bit of cold This kid's magical law is as high as 100 feet in the unrestricted wind domain, and the face image is also vivid, more than the ordinary fit period The magical law is stronger than the other.

How could this be? How could this be?

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird is completely konjac. How can he meet such a strong distracting opponent? When I think about seeing Sun Hao, Dapeng Golden Wings suddenly discover that this kid has been playing pigs and eating tigers... ...

The space was broken, meaning that the last supernatural powers were also ruined, and there was boundless anger in the heart, and there was a strong unwillingness. However, the Dapeng garuda bird would never let Sun Hao be satisfied, and he screamed in the sky: Good boy, if you are even more powerful, can you help me, Dapeng will rise with the wind on the same day, and will skyrocket for 90,000 miles. Come and chase me..."

The most powerful of the Dapeng GIFS is the speed. Just hit it and see how you can take me.

The wings are fanned, and the big bird vacates, and the moment has turned into a small black spot.

Three heads and six arms, the magical law, Yangha laughed: "Eight faces come to the wind, eight winds are fixed, although I can't hold you, but I can settle the winds around the Fa, big birds, today, you are in danger."

The magical law is reaching out, and Sun Hao jumps up and falls on the palm of his hand. The incense sword is on the swing, the gentle sword starts, the sword is cold, the sword is hot... The eight wind swords appear in unison, and the Zhoufeng The wind in the vicinity of the three-headed six-armed magical system is instantaneous, and the pressure from the eight sides is light.

The magical law laughed and laughed. The body suddenly grew up and became a real giant who stood in the indeterminate winds and stood before the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird.

Dapeng Jinyi looked up to the tall and ignorant, and he was even more powerful than his own body. He couldn’t help but say: "Oops, the kid’s law is not restricted by the unrestricted winds..." (To be continued.)

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