Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1812: Wind Domain Wars (4)

"Recommended a good-looking national martial arts "Super Junior Guru" / bk / wx /? sword =

Space magical powers on the gods.

Compared with the real combat strength, the strength of Dapeng Golden Wings is not the heyday, the power of Shentong is weak, and the law of Sun Hao can not be swallowed.

The space supernatural powers are defeated, which means that Sun Hao’s supernatural power is stronger.

Dapeng Golden Wings really have no chance to overcome, they can only display their own talent instinct, such as flying away, so that Sun Hao can not catch himself.

Once the plan is destroyed, it is impossible to regenerate, but it must not be cheaper.

The Dapeng garuda has the pride engraved in the mark of life.

Many predecessors, advanced failures, will have the same choice of Tie Peng, will be at the end of the end of life, soaring in the sky, in the endless speed, the final brilliance of life.

Flying in the fire, burning in the air to become nothingness.

However, in front of Tie Peng’s face, there is a huge magical system of heaven and earth.

Yes, the Terran Kid gathered together the power of the Eight Winds, and realized the general trend of the wind. The magical law is enough to counter the suppression of the indefinite winds, and there is no real wind in the world.

Three heads and six arms appeared, one of them, slammed out, and fished forward, sweeping toward the Dapeng garuda.

The Dapeng garland bird screamed, and the wings were burning. The burning body was like a red light, flashing through the huge palms.

The arm of the magical law was swept away, and Sun Hao saw that the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird was burning in the air, high in his head, and screaming in the sky.

In the raging fire, the head is unyielding.

It is difficult to practice the road, and it is only idle.

Think about the millennial fishing of the Dapeng garuda, and persevere in tens of years, Sun Hao can not help but sigh, this is a respectable opponent.

Perhaps, the best way to respect him is to be upright, to win, and to let him go without regret.

The Dapeng garuda is extremely fast and flexible. Even if it is a powerful combination, it may not be possible to smash him down within the uncertain winds.

But precisely, Sun Hao, who has mastered the indefinite style of swords, may be the only monk who can restrain the speed of the Dapeng garuda.

The law stretched out an arm, and the body of the golden body dominated by Sun Hao’s head jumped up and fell into the palm of the law. The sword in his hand pointed and slid gently over the scent of the incense stick. The mouth said: “gentle, desolate , thorough bones, peace, and positive winds..."

The sword dances in the wind, and the body floats with the wind.

The mind is unobstructed, and the wind is moving.

Eight winds return to their homes and set a sword.

The huge magical magical powers, the support of Sun Hao's local domain and a sword, within a huge wind domain, suddenly, the eight winds are still, the wind does not blow, just like the Dapeng Golden-winged bird used to preserve the body of its body The wind is exactly the same.

For a short while, the Dapeng garuda, which flew down the wind, was also affected by the wind of localization. The huge body was involuntarily, and the air was a little bit.

At this moment, the three-headed six-armed gods were in the same way, and they arrested the sorcerer, and Sun Hao threw his own sorcerer's body on the back of Dapeng's golden wings.

At this moment, the remaining four hands of the magical law, clenched their fists and slammed into the wings of the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird.

Dapeng Golden Wings felt a slight glimpse of their bodies. They suddenly discovered that their opponents’ powerful attacks followed, and the purple-gold eyes flashed through the road, and they quickly woke up from the locked state, and the wings were slightly Shrink, the body of the Dapeng garuda suddenly becomes smaller.

The huge fist of the magical law swept his body and flew past. In the huge air and waves, the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird flew out and went straight, without any damage.

When it comes to the control of windy winds, Sun Hao is still less than the darling of the wind, Dapeng Golden Wings, and the eight winds and the locked winds can only restrain his actions a little, but he has not hurt his body.

However, at this time, the Dapeng garuda, which was flying up and down, felt the wrongness above the body.

The strong prisoner's body was firmly on his back, and his powerful iron fist, his fists fell, his body, involuntarily, began to fall down.

Among the purple-gold eyes, flashing the wrath of anger, Dapeng Golden-winged Birds grow up in the sky, and since he advanced into the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, there has never been any monk who can scatter on his back. But now, he was riding underneath.

Above the sky, Sun Hao, a three-headed and six-armed man, said with a big mouth, "The brother of Peng, you should be proud of it. Today, you and me will fight, I will have no swordsmanship, move the law, move the body, and make the sword." You can be pressed to the bottom of the battle, you should be proud..."

After that, the Fashen screamed with anger: "Dapeng, bow down to me."

The sorcerer of the sorcerer strode, standing on the head of the Dapeng bird, the belly button snarled, his hands down, and slammed down.

The Dapeng garland bird screamed unsatisfiedly, his body jerked, and his head was so high that he couldn’t bow his head.

The law is in the palm of his hand, and Sun Hao is in a move. Shen Xiangjian is also a field of eight winds. It falls in this area, and the body of Dapeng Golden Wings is not worth a slight meal.

The magical law is reaching out, and the sorcerer’s head is on the head of the sorcerer’s day.

At the moment when the body was fixed, the top of the head was pressed down by the tremendous force. The Dapeng garuda was finally forcibly smashed by Sun Hao.

The tremendous power surpassed the limit of the Dapeng garuda, and the Dapeng garuda was finally unable to support it and was forced to squat down in the air.

With a bang, the earth splashed with dust, and the huge head of the Dapeng garuda was deeply, fell to the ground, and broke into a huge pit.

The sorcerer of the sorcerer stood on the head and waved his fists, continually afraid of hitting his chest and screaming.

The head was tightly attached to the ground. After the war, the soul of the gods quickly approached the edge of the collapse of the Dapeng garuda, a pair of purple-gold eyes, shimmering desolation, and they were actually surrendered by force, actually stood by At the top of the head, press on the ground.

I'm depreesed!

However, maybe the kid said it is good! He used so many powerful monks to have the means to capture himself, and he can indeed be proud.

The golden body, the law, the incarnation of the gods, the sword of the eight winds and the body of the sorcerer, so many powerful and powerful means, is indeed enough to open your eyes and convinced.

The head squatted on the ground, and the Dapeng garuda broke out and laughed: "Good boy, this seat admits that you are powerful, acknowledging that you are qualified to talk to me like this, but unfortunately, the soul of this seat is about to burn completely, this body is about to be Completely turned into a volcano, you take me hard, but it’s just a bamboo basket to fight water..."

The huge palm of the magical law is pressed against the head of the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird.

The sorcerer of the sorcerer also snarls on his head, and Sun Hao’s face is full of mercy, and his mouth whispers: “The Taoist friends don’t witchcraft pharmacy, there are various dissolving agents There are three hundred and twenty-three, each of which has a very different purpose in the process of dispensing. The colorful condensate is made by Sun Hao with special solvent..."

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird stayed for a while.

Sun Hao’s golden hand stretched out and shouted in his mouth: “God, condensate, give me out.”

Falling to the ground, the Dapeng garuda, which was stepped on at the foot of Sun Hao, was on the body, and the fire swelled up. The sorcerer stood in the flames, and the prestige was violent, and the right foot went down: "Ah ......"

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird’s pair of purple-golded eyes instantly lost their light and dimmed, and above his forehead, a bird that burned with purple-gold light and only two feet long, was not controlled by the body, flying to Sun Hao’s golden body fell on the palm of Sun Hao’s golden light.

Sun Hao’s eyes showed a pitiful gaze and said softly: “Do you have a wish?”

Dapeng Golden Winged Birds are unwilling, and they laughed happily: "Good boy, how can you take me? Can you stop my remnant?"

After that, gently shake the body, the purple-gold flame on his body instantly made a big splash.

Sun Hao smiled lightly: "Peng brother is the yin and yang, and the self-ignition is just too violent, but it is difficult to balance. I am using the sword of the Eight Winds to settle the soul of the Taoist friends, and then the yin and yang will be combined with Yin and Yang. You are self-igniting and breaking yourself..."

Saying, with one move in the hand, two different techniques sprinkled.

The Dapeng Golden-winged Bird God stunned and found that the purple gold flame on his body had been extinguished and stopped burning.

Yin and Yang combination? Dapeng Golden Wings shook his head and shouted loudly: "Damn, you can't adjust the yin and yang of my Dapeng Golden Wings! Boy, you lie, you can't die..." (To be continued.) )

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