Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1912: Excellent flower soul

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The venom of the genus Jinshi was settled in the body of Dayouhua, and it took a long time to fight.

The power of the golden silkworm is that it can absorb the nutrients of the host to grow itself, and evolve small bugs according to the characteristics of the host, constantly disintegrating the host from the inside.

Unless the host can discover the venom of the ruins of the genus and can exclude it, or kill it directly in the body, or sooner or later, the host will be eaten and killed by the dead gold silkworm.

Dayouhuahua is entangled in the golden silkworms, and it is not allowed to stop for a while.

Because of its weak wisdom, it did not find the venom of the ruins of the ruins hidden in the body. Since then, it has gradually slipped into the abyss. In the past few years, the squid can also be attacked and defended, killing and killing the body. The little bugs, but the bugs are getting stronger and stronger, and after getting more and more adapted to the environment in the body, Dayouhuahua really fell into a disaster.

Tenaciously resisted for more than a decade, the leaves of the big eucalyptus began to wither, the trunk began to wither, the huge petals were no longer white, but as if they were contaminated with Ashura's fighting spirit, they gradually became sick yellow.

Finally, one day, the big buffalo that Sun Hao incarnate appeared suddenly in the sky above Dayouhuahua. He did not wait for the big squid to react. The four hooves slammed into the air and slammed it down. The seven petals were stepped on by the buffalo. The golden horn flashed and slammed, and the seeds of the big scented flower were stabbed accurately.

The big buds of the squid swayed and struggled hard, waving the remaining yellow leaves unwillingly, and cheering the petals to try to wrap the buffalo.

But within the torso, all kinds of locusts like small snakes are instantly mastered, and they are drilled out from various parts of the branches. The soil of the roots is blasting, and the huge nine-headed venomous venomous body slams from the tree. Growing up in the roots, the root system of the big eucalyptus flower was smashed, and it was directly rushed out. Nine heads bit the tree of the big eucalyptus flower and pulled it uprooted.

Losing the support of the body, the dying big flower petals finally collapsed weakly, and Sun Hao quickly drove the soul-sucking technique, quickly condensing a purple-gold soul beads.

The soul beads are formed, and the big bangs slammed on the ground. The huge flower plants swayed the earth, as if it were an earthquake, spread far away.

Sun Hao quickly and easily took up the petals and seeds of the big flower, and entered the transmission array, and entered the hungry ghost road.

Almost without the slightest pause, Sun Hao rushed into the transmission array transmitted by the Night Ghost King, and sent it to a huge ghost hall, shaking his body, into the ghosts, disappeared.

A few days later, the night fork ghost king finally sensed the change of Dayouhuahua, hesitating to slowly approach, suddenly found that the big flower has been completely uplifted, completely destroyed, and after some of the branches of the big flower, the night fork ghost king also entered After the transmission array, I returned to my ghost hall.

However, the surrounding environment is all normal.

The stupid people swayed, and did not find that the night fork ghost king himself could not feel the slightest abnormality. After roaring for a while, he rushed into the transmission array and ran into the animal road to rob the big demon and strengthen his own strength.

Sun Hao incarnates the ghost body, and is not much different from other ghosts. He quickly escaped from the ghost temple of the night fork ghost king, rushed into the hungry ghost road and hid it.

In the animal path, relying on the poisonous body of the ruins of the world, with the power of the night fork ghost king, Sun Hao killed the big 昙 , flower and got a purple gold soul bead. In the hiding of the hungry ghost road, Sun Hao took out Soul beads, feel with your heart.

Within the soul bead, it is still the soul of an ancient god. The strength is stronger than the remnant soul that Sun Hao got before. It is worthy of being a powerful and powerful flower. It is only the power of the soul, and it is enough to hide with Sun Hao. The strongest Dapeng gold-winged soul is flat. If you consider the powerful development potential of the ancient god, this soul bead is one of the alternatives to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao entered the Halloween Palace and finally harvested the soul source that he could completely turn into a deputy soul. His heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Next, he only needs to find a soul source that is not weaker than the big flower, then he The two major souls have completely settled down.

However, if possible, Sun Hao is not very willing to turn the soul into a soul.

The reason is that the big 昙 昙 flower soul appears, it is actually a female ancient true soul remnant.

In other words, once Sun Hao has become a great girl, once Sun Hao transforms, it is likely to become a big girl!

This is a result that Sun Hao did not expect.

For a long time, Sun Hao rarely turned into ice silkworms. The fundamental reason is that ice silkworms are the mother body. Although they are only incarnations, and they do not need to produce their own insects, Sun Hao still has a flaw in his heart.

Now, after the avatar is good, the grandson of Sun Hao can be transformed into a beautiful girl. From the heart, this is a very difficult fact.

If possible, as long as there is a suitable alternative source of soul, as long as there is no weaker than the best, Sun Hao will not put the best flower in the preferred position.

It’s disgusting that a big man has turned into a female body.

However, when Sun Hao puts up the soul of the flower, he can't shake his head with a smile. The soul that can surpass the soul of the flower is not too much. When there is no way for him, he has to consider the soul of the soul. After all, it is more important to cultivate than personal preference.

After thousands of years, Sun Hao spent many years, and he took the great flowers and extracted the soul source. Who knows, but it is a female body. It’s really a human being, but think about the shape of the big flower. Sun Hao also knows that Dayouhuahua itself is indeed a remnant of female body. After all, only female monks prefer flowers and plants, and after reincarnation, they are more easily transformed into their own familiar flowers and plants.

Put away the eucalyptus flower soul, Sun Hao waited for a year, see the night fork ghost hall completely no movement, this carefully came out, slowly move away.

Within the hungry ghost road, there are big power ghosts such as Yaksha and Rakshasa, but the ghosts are the most hungry ghosts, so they are called hungry ghosts.

The so-called hungry ghosts, often hunger, so that is hungry; fear of fear and fear, it is said to be a ghost.

This ghost is weak and ugly. If you are poor, you will not eat the diet, or you will be at the bottom of the sea, or you will be close to the forest.

The ghosts in the hungry ghosts will devour all the alien spirits, and all the alien creatures, if not Sun Hao can be transformed into ghosts, will be difficult to walk in the ghosts of the hungry ghosts.

Although not chased by the hungry ghosts, but Sun Hao's feeling is not very good, hungry ghosts look like, so that Sun Hao feels a stomachache, walking through the hungry ghosts, I feel very bad.

Hungry ghosts endure the hunger of suffering all the time. Most of the hungry ghosts suffer from the hunger and thirst of dying in the darkness, and they are also oppressed by the nightshade and the Rakshasa.

One sentence can be described, that is, hateful people must have their pity.

Walking the ghost road, Sun Hao also gradually came to the conclusion that the hungry ghosts in the ghost road are divided into three categories: the outer obstacle ghost, the inner obstacle ghost and the eating obstacle ghost.

The weakest is the ghetto ghost, the stomach is big, it will never be full, and the feet are very fine. It is like a quick-cut dry firewood, almost unable to bear the weight of the body, and pitiful, it is a hungry ghost Among the most, the most widely distributed low-level ghosts.

The inner obstacle ghost is strong, can spurt the fire, but the throat is as small as a pinhole. This kind of ghost will often find food, but after swallowing the food will be like a fire, the pain is very, Food is turned into a flame and ejected from the mouth.

Eating and drinking ghosts are the strongest hungry ghosts. The strongest thing about this ghost is that as long as the food they see, it will become a flame or a metal that cannot be eaten. Therefore, they have no water in the past. Anything that can be eaten.

The whole hungry ghost road, because of the existence of hungry ghosts, is really a grass that is not born, everywhere is dry and cracked the ground, a ghost is here to float and float, it is terrible and miserable.

Sun Hao saw the hungry ghosts, and this truly realized the significance of the six reincarnations.

Among the tribes of the tribes, the three evils among the six sects are the places where the sinners are punishable. After the monks or mortals fall, the laws of heaven and earth determine their merits, and those who are guilty will break into the three evils.

Before the swaying of the animal, Sun Hao is not very deep on the so-called three evils, because even on the mainland, there are all kinds of monsters, as if the difference with the animal is not very big, the animals can not be cultivated into a demon. ?

However, after the hungry ghosts, after seeing these strange shapes and various miserable hungry ghosts, Sun Hao suddenly felt a bit infiltrated. If a mortal sin is deeply slain into a hungry ghost, and there is still a weak spirituality. This kind of long-lasting torture, even if it is a powerful soul, fears that it will gradually be annihilated and it is difficult to find itself. (To be continued.)

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