Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1913: Go to hell

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Within the hungry ghost road, there are a lot of Yasha and Raksha, these guys are the real hungry ghost rulers. The powerful Yaksha and Rakshasa actually feed on hungry ghosts, and Sun Hao is more than just Once I met the Yaksha and swallowed the hungry ghosts, there was a bad old nightshade that made Sun Hao a hungry ghost, trying to swallow it, and being directly used by Sun Hao with sputum.

But who knows that Sun Haoliang’s smoldering spirits, the hungry ghosts around flocked in, trying to devour the fire that is not a hungry ghost.

Hungry ghosts are weak and can't stop Sun Hao, but the image of the hungry ghost really makes Sun Hao nausea, and Sun Hao does not entangle with them, put away the blasphemy, launch the art of the wind, and fly away.

In the hungry ghost road, the wind is blowing, and the speed of the wind is fast, but it is not afraid of being stopped by ordinary ghosts.

For the whole three years, Sun Hao kept flying in the direction of the direction of the border animal husbandry. I didn't know how far I ran, and finally saw a huge furnace-like flame entrance.

In this place, there is no hungry ghost activity, and there is no half-night fork stationed. The grievances of the sky, the ghost of the sky rises from the furnace.

Sun Hao looked into the furnace and saw a lot of red-hot ghosts rushing out of the magma in the furnace, trying to rush out to reach the hungry ghost road, but every time they rushed out of a certain distance, the magma of the furnace It will turn into a chain of iron, passing through their cheekbones and pulling them back into the furnace.

This should be the road to hell.

Among the six reincarnations, the most painful evil, a bad way that even a hungry ghost and a nightshade are not willing to approach, a bad road that is bound by strong laws and cannot easily escape.

Standing on the tumbling furnace, Sun Hao’s heart sighs and sighs. Since ancient times, it’s hard to practice, the monks’ life, but what kind of difficulties are encountered, they have to get out of trouble and really enter the Halloween Palace to find opportunities. This **** road, but it has to be a glimpse.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao’s ghost body floated down to the traversing area of ​​the magma.

"Hell Road" is just a general term, which can be subdivided into four major parts: the eight hot hell, the eight cold hell, the near **** and the lonely hell. The most serious and evil industry will be born in Hell Road, and it will take several trillions of years to get out of this road.

The sentient beings of Hell Road are only a way of generating.

The sentient beings born in the eight hot hells suffer from all kinds of sufferings. In the hot prison, the sentient beings will slash each other, but they will not die. They can only endure the pain of being murdered for years and can't leave. All sentient beings will be burnt to seven holes to smoke, or be mutilated, or they may be placed in molten copper to cook until the skin is rotten. These are the horrors of the past when the evil karma is mature, and they are miserable.

In the eight cold hells, sentient beings are forced by different degrees of hardship, and even frozen for several billion years, but they will not die because of karma.

In short, Hell Road is the most painful of the six.

There are eight hot and eight cold plus upstream and lonely, a total of eighteen layers, collectively known as the eighteen-story area, the bottom is the stunned A-nine hell, that is, infernal hell.

The ultimate goal of Sun Hao is Ah Nai Hell.

The exit of Hell Road may be at the bottom.

Sun Hao has just drifted down the first layer of the area, named to live in hell, the first layer of eighteen hell, one of the eight heats, Sun Hao has not fallen in the magma, the entire boiling flame suddenly rolled up.

Sun Hao saw a flame-shaped human figure in a miserable metamorphosis area, and they all grabbed the claws of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao quickly flashed his body and prepared to dodge. The claws of the flame human figure suddenly changed into a burning iron claw with a flowing iron, like a red burning iron, wrapped around Sun Hao. Come up.

In the Hell Road, there is a very strong force to block, even if Sun Hao is divided into the peaks of the gods, but in the waiting for hell, he must obey the rules of hell, but still can not completely escape, dodge, A few red-hot soldering irons are caught for life.

Sun Hao is now the body of the ghost body, but the claws of the iron are like running through the time space, as if they are running through the soul, they are caught in Sun Hao.

Sun Hao suddenly fell into a heartbreaking pain, the iron claws flew, Sun Hao's body was too late to react, has been torn into pieces, even the ghost head was torn into several, Sun Hao The heart was shocked. When I was in the body of the incarnation, waiting for a live breeze, a hot wind blew, and Sun Hao’s ghost body re-condensed.

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, but he still didn't react. The red iron claws flew and rushed over. Still couldn't escape completely. Sun Hao's ghost body was torn apart, and the intense pain was in the midst of Sun Hao's ghost. It was torn apart.

A hot breeze blew.

Sun Hao’s ghost reconstruction.

The red iron claws came next, no matter where Sun Hao went, how fast he moved, without exception, the ghost body was instantly torn.

What is hell, Sun Hao is a real experience.

The pain that was torn, repaired, and torn and repaired, always afflicts Sun Hao.

Waiting for the living hell, Sun Hao kept screaming and suffering, and the pain was unbearable.

However, in the endless pain, Sun Hao found that his ghost body gradually adapted to the endless flaming magma in the living hell, his legs gradually sinking into the magma, slowly sinking down.

The part that sinks into the magma seems to have been recognized by the living **** and is no longer torn.

Sun Hao understands the way to live the hell.

There is no doubt that he needs to continue to bear this kind of body, and the soul is in pain of endless tearing until he can fully integrate into the fire magma of the living hell.

Some of the materials of the living **** have gradually emerged in Sun Hao’s mind. Anyone who commits crimes of murder, ruining documents, and blasphemy is living in hell, hands and feet, and when they see each other, they are poisonous and think. Or because of the turbidity of the mind, splitting itself, and dying of flesh and blood. However, when the hot wind blows, the flesh is still alive, and it suffers before it...

Now, isn’t it true?

It has been torn over and over, rebuilding over and over again and again, and suffering again.

This is waiting for the hell.

Sun Hao didn't know how many times he was torn, nor how long it took.

In the endless suffering, the body gradually sinks into the melt.

I don’t know how many years, Sun Hao feels that it has been gone for a long time, and the body completely sinks into the magma. However, when Sun Hao begins to move in the magma formed by the fire, he just closes the magma around him. The ghosts will be torn by the red iron claws.

Soon after reconstruction, Sun Hao can move forward again.

At this time, Sun Hao found that he could also wave his iron claws to attack the fire magma of his side. However, Sun Hao is waiting for the living hell, which is purely a new one. The iron claws of the ghost body are not at all. The opponents of most ghosts, so it is often common to tear them off often.

Fortunately, the magma industry fire ghosts will only take the initiative to attack after the first time they see Sun Hao. After that, as long as Sun Hao does not take the initiative to prosecute, they do not need to continue to tear the rebuilt Sun Hao.

In the middle of the work, I kept moving in the middle of being torn apart. Sun Hao felt that the pain after getting torn was getting stronger and stronger, and the duration was also fiercer, and the duration was also countless After the tear, Sun Hao found that his strength had slightly increased each time he experienced a tearing process.

Gradually, after many times of being torn apart, Sun Hao can also fight ordinary fires.

I don't know how much time has passed. Sun Hao didn't know how long he had traveled to the magma, and gradually overtook the ordinary industry fire monsters, and was able to tear his opponent.

After tearing the opponent, Sun Hao discovered that the soldering iron in his hand has become more powerful, and his own ghost body has become more powerful. This change is brought about by the painful suffering of non-human beings, and the change is also imperceptible. A little accumulation and adaptation of the results.

After getting a gratifying change, Sun Hao began to consciously challenge various fires and ghosts, and gradually strengthened his sneaky body in pain.

Time has passed for a long time, and Sun Hao will still be torn, but when he tears his opponent, he becomes more and more, and gradually becomes deeper and deeper in the industrial fire magma.

Time has come to Sun Hao can not imagine, in the blink of an eye, in the endless fire magma, Sun Hao very clearly feels that he has passed hundreds of thousands of years.

It seems that the Halloween Palace should have been closed. Maybe other monks would have no idea when they broke the Pantheon and went away.

However, Sun Hao knows that the time flow rate in the eighteen layers of **** is completely different from the outside world, and it is really unnecessary to rush out. (To be continued.)

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