Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1932: No rhinoceros (2)

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Sun Hao has a slight glimpse.

What I just heard is that the idea in the side of the animal husbandry is not successful?

However, it’s not right. I clearly feel that there is no sense of harmony with Bianmu. I have a very different view of this dog’s outlook on life and the world. I don’t know how to be with it, but why I just felt it in my heart. Think?

Also, when you feel your heart again, there is no other discovery.

It seems that just after that, I am just an illusion.

But is it my own cultivation, will there be an illusion?

Sun Hao does not think, then, what will happen?

Sun Hao thought for a long time. In the end, Sun Hao locked the target of doubt to the bee sting that he had just obtained. The bee sting that was indifferent to the devil should have some magical benefits for himself.

Is it like this? Just try it and you will know.

There is no difference between the two, but Sun Hao guesses that this kind of infinite demon is like the big demon in the animal path, and there are also strong and weak points, and it is very likely that there are also territories.

I have just killed a demon, and the short pause period may be evidence.

If this is the case, then it would be rewarding to kill the second innocent demon, and maybe even a very short rest period.

If you think about it, Sun Hao screams again: "Bianmu, there is a butterfly on your back..."

Bianmu this kid is not forgetting the ice butterfly, maybe the impression is deeper, and directly defining the ice butterfly may make the effect better.

Sun Hao held a test of his mentality and took a sigh of relief. At the same time, while his heart was holding back the endless pain, he tried to imagine that there was a flying butterfly behind the animal husbandry.

Bianmu turned instantly and looked behind him.

Sure enough, I saw a butterfly.

Another infinite demon was defined by Sun Hao and Bian Mu.

The ice butterfly sprinkled a star in the air, but among the small eyes, there was a sudden accident and a strong indignation. Did the opponent catch himself so quickly?

It was defined as the demon of the ice butterfly, which also possessed some of the capabilities of the ice butterfly, fanning a pair of ice blue wings, and the ice butterfly sprinkled a frozen space on Sun Hao. At the same time, the body suddenly began to change in the eyes of Sun Hao. Big.

Infinity can be defined, but after definition, there is also a kind of infinite property that may be infinite or infinitely small.

Moreover, the Devil has the ability to self-deform.

Seeing that the demon is rapidly increasing, Sun Hao suddenly said to the side of the animal husbandry: "Border animal husbandry, is the ice butterfly only the size of the palm?"

Of course, the animal husbandry nodded: "Well, the palm-sized ice butterfly is the real ice butterfly."

The big devil who is getting bigger suddenly finds out that his body shape is really defined as the size of the palm, the small face of the ice butterfly, and the unexpected expression again.

At the same time, the Devils Butterfly also knows that the opponents may have mastered some rules of their own existence, and use their own cognition to define themselves from the incomparable state, from the invisible state to the perceptible Substantial opponents.

After the generation of the infernal hell, I don’t know how many years, the first time I met such a forced definition, I was really not used to it for a while.

The ice butterfly fanned a few wings and was waiting to turn around. In the air, the agarwood sword had been deployed in an eight-wind field, and the space around the butterfly was suddenly settled.

The ice butterfly lost its ability to move at this moment and was stiff in the air.

This time is very short, it can be said that it is fleeting, but the side grazing with Sun Hao is very tacit, but at the same time that the ice butterfly has just lived, it has already rushed out, and the two claws accurately grasp the ice butterfly. In the hands.

After Sun Hao became a beautiful ice butterfly, Bianmu has always felt very beautiful. Unfortunately, the thing is changed by Sun’s boss. Bianmu can’t dare to stretch his claws to touch. Now, with the infinite magical ice butterfly, Bianmu You can get enough.

The claw caught the ice butterfly, and the animal husbandry took it in front of his dog's eyes. He turned over and over, and opened his wings to see if there was any meat underneath. Open his mouth and see if there was no long teeth inside.

Bianmu is a strange existence. Under normal circumstances, it is hard to be caught because it can be infinitely small.

But Bianmu has caught a certain standard.

Moreover, after catching it, the Devil can't change at will.

Only a slap-sized body can be kept in the palm of the hand and kept tossing in the palm of his hand. The devil is so angry that he is desperately trying to mobilize his own sacred power to try to interfere to influence the mind of the animal husbandry, causing the attack effect of the demons. Bianmu is actually more strange than the infinite heart, and the demon and magic of the demon can not feel any mood and thoughts of Bianmu.

But Bianmu has caught it and is looking at it seriously and curiously.

When I mentioned the two wings of the ice butterfly, I looked at the animal husbandry for a long time and found nothing. I couldn’t help but shake my head, stretched out my claws, and handed the ice butterfly to Sun Hao.

At this time, Sun Hao had a miraculous and short-lived painless feeling. At the moment when Bianmu seized the infinite heart, Sun Hao gained a short sense of relaxation.

Bianmu handed over the infinite magic ice butterfly.

When Sun Hao grabbed the ice butterfly, like the first time, the ice butterfly fell into the hands of Sun Hao, and immediately turned into a cold atmosphere, integrated into the body of Sun Hao.

At this time, Sun Hao seems to have heard the side of the animal husbandry: "Weird, this ice butterfly is not a small Ding Ding? Is it only a mother's failure? Sun Boda's ice butterfly does not know if there is a small Tintin, there are The opportunity is awkward..."

It’s really awkward to walk the dog, and all the thoughts are extraordinarily different.

This ice butterfly was discovered, caught, and finally turned into a cold breath. This process made Sun Hao understand it. The devil is really capable of phenomenalization. Moreover, he has seized the devil, and he should also have With the help of a small benefit, according to the analysis of its own changes, it is the cultivation of the heart.

The strange feeling that comes from the moment when I got the heartless demon, should be one of the "three links" of Buddhism, which is highly respected in the cultivation of the heart.

I remember that when he was in the lower bounds of Tianling, Sun Hao had a feeling of having a heart and soul with Xiaohong. At that time, the two of them had the same mind, and often they could know each other's general thoughts with one eye.

At that time, Sun Hao thought that it might be the primary version of his heart.

After the emptiness, Sun Hao discovered that there may be some deviations in his understanding.

The true heart of his heart is to open up the hearts of others, so that he can perceive the psychological thoughts of others while satisfying certain conditions, and he and Xuan Hong are inductive.

It is a kind of mutual perception, it is the real connection of the mind, not the one of his own now. "He is through the Now, Sun Hao can perceive the psychological thought of the dog, but the animal husbandry However, I did not know that my own thoughts had been completely exposed to Sun Hao.

This is the biggest difference.

Ice Butterfly gave Sun Hao his heart-to-heart experience time is very short, and it is not enough for two or three, and disappears without a trace. At this time, Sun Hao’s soul is immediately re-starting a new round of severe pain. .

Infernal hell, **** is infinite, as long as it is still in hell, the law will automatically take effect, Sun Hao as soon as a little relaxed, will soon be perceived by the law of infernal hell, in an instant, a heartless demon will naturally stare at the grandson Hao, launching a mad attack.

Only at this time, Sun Hao is not afraid of the devil, but is very much looking forward to the emergence of the devil.

Anything that is improved is a precious and precious cultivation resource for monks.

Infinitely, the demon can improve the refinement of the monk, in fact, it should be a panacea, and Sun Hao can't ask for it.

It didn't take long for another infinite demon to be defined by Sun Hao and Bianmu. It was set in the air by Sun Hao's eight winds, and the side animal was shot with a paw.

This animal is very strange, and it is not affected by the infinite magic. It can also capture the infinite magic and turn it into an entity that can be caught. But at the same time, the animal husbandry can not absorb the refining and magic. The energy of refining the heart, all the devils can be automatically absorbed as long as they are caught and transferred to Sun Hao’s hands, while there is no such treatment.

This is also the most basic rule. It can't be affected. Naturally, it can't benefit. Bianmu can only blink.

Sun Hao didn't have to look for it at all. Every time he grabbed a heartless demon, it didn't take long for him to find a door to go back and forth. Sun Hao's refining is gradually improving. (To be continued.)

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