Nine Cents Refining

: Monthly ticket

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Cai Yunfeng, Sun Shenxiang's pulse completely silenced.

The monk around Sun Shenxiang, with the help of Miss Xuanyuan, has acquired a lot of cultivation resources over the years and has a heavy voice.

Now Xuanyuan Red Dan robbery, Yaqin's ancestors retreat, lost the support of Qingyun's main peak, it is conceivable that Shen Xiang's real life will become a reality.

Fortunately, Shen Xiang is a real person who does not fight for power and does not have much benefit. He rarely ends up with grievances, but there are not many monks who have fallen into the grave.

It is the two younger brothers of Shen Xiangzhen, who entered Qingyunmen from the Qingzong Qingzong, and then separated the two younger brothers, and the strong human-powered children and the good-wood real people. After the loss of Aquilaria, with the golden level of not low grade, Up-and-coming.

Thirty years of Hedong in the 30 years of Hedong, nothing more.

The two younger brothers of Shen Xiangzhen and the Shenxiang real people are not in harmony with each other. Everyone knows that at this time, Aquilaria loses momentum, and two real people rise up, and they have a strong development momentum.

Perhaps because of the fall of Miss Xuanyuan, the attack on the Shenxiang monk was too big. The cultivation of Shenxiang’s real person has been stagnant and stopped at the beginning of Jindan.

The three disciples of Shen Xiangzheng have also been unable to bear Dan. They have been taken to Qingyun Port by Shen Xiangzhen. It is said that they are thrown on a sea boat, go out to sea with the boat, obtain resources and prepare for the knot.

Very calm.

Sun Hao’an quietly spent a few years.

The third year after Xuanyuan Red fell.

One day, when the moon is empty, Sun Hao stands in the sea and looks at the moon.

In the far skies, a figure suddenly appeared in Sun Hao’s line of sight.

Blocked the bright moonlight in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao slightly succumbs to salute: "I have seen the true king, I don't know what the truth is."

In the sky, facing the moonlight, the face of Twilight Zhenjun seems to have cast a shadow, the sound floats, and gently said slowly: "Is the agarwood too depressed?"

Sun Hao is silent.

Twilight Zhenjun sighed: "In the blink of an eye. Xiaohong has been falling for more than two years, and I blame me for being incompetent to be a grandfather, or else. Agarwood is not so."

Sun Hao said softly: "The heavens are majestic, the robbing is ruthless. But it is really blameless."

Shuguang Zhenjun nodded slightly, then said: "The matter is here, but it is also a shackle, how, Shen Xiang, you follow me back to Qingyun main peak?"

Sun Hao shook his head slightly, then looked awkward and said: "Zhen Jun. Shen Xiang does not want to compete with others, just want to polish the real yuan in this Qingyun port, and look forward to repairing to break through the bottleneck and go further."

Twilight Zhenjun's dark face reveals a smile, and the shadows are unpredictable: "In this case, tonight, you and I are above the sea, how about a hand?"

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, regret and disappointment flashed across his face. I said, "Please enlighten me."

Twilight Zhenjun waved a hand and a chessboard appeared between the two. Sitting at the end of the chessboard, reaching out to Sun Hao: "Agarwood, you first."

Sun Hao nodded and jumped up. He sat on the opposite side of Shuguang Zhenjun. He was sticky in his hand and picked up a sunsick. He said nothing, "啪". The sunspot is in the middle of the board, above the sky.

Falling child Tianyuan?

Twilight really is a good accident.

The donkey does not fall. Shuguang Zhenjun swept Sun Hao and said: "The way to the game. It is often said that the golden corner of the silver side grass belly, the agarwood does not occupy the corner, does not hang the edge, a single point of the yuan, seems to be in the middle, but has no practical significance ......"

Sun Hao was a little addicted, and then said: "The chess line Tianyuan, watching the world and proud of the four seas, the magical universe and playing nature, unexpectedly, the general trend of heaven..."

Shuguang Zhenjun shook his head: "The rootless duckweed, the reeds in the mountains, why come to the general trend..."

Finish, pick up the pieces and go to the corner of the board.

Oh, the piece fell on the board.

At the same time, on the surface of the South Sea, just before the sea, the Fengyun sails and flies, and the sacred seas lie across the sea.

To Daewoo, Zhu Dezheng, Wu Xianlang three stations and the mast, look forward.

In front of the sea, seven or eight monks fleshed out and flew away.

Far away, Shen Changfu shouted: "Qingyunmen cleaned the door, no one, and so on."

On the Fengyun, the turmoil.

All the monks looked at several real people in the air.

Jin Li two real people in the heart of a miserable, bad road, actually inadvertently caught in the Qingyunmen fight.

If Fengyun encounters foreign enemies, there is no doubt that the wind and the sky are naturally trying to fight, which is unambiguous, but now the situation is a bit wrong.

Fengyun is attached to Qingyunmen. Everyone is a monk with a small family and a case to be investigated. Once the team is wrong and the choice is wrong, it is not a person's business. It is likely to be a family disaster.

Shen Changfu stopped in front of Fengyun, his wrists vibrated, and there was a token on his hand. He was one of the tallest: "Qingyun is here, Fengyun belongs to the order."

The Fengyun monk sighed with a sigh: "The general trend is also..."

The bright moon hangs high, and the faint moonlight shines on Sun Hao's beautiful face. It is like putting a layer of silver on Sun Hao, sitting calmly on the knees, and Sun Hao casts a corner and attacked the past.

Twilight Zhenjun with a smile, **** for tat, with the advantage of the corner first hand, the siege of Sun Hao.

Hey, three or five hands, and the children are flying fast.

The two-person series exchange.

On the chessboard, the pattern is another change.

Sun Hao threw three solitary sons and fell into the corners, but Sun Hao did not give up, left and right, trying to pick up the three sons.

Shuguang Zhenjun shook his head and said: "Agarwood, the way to the game, when you know the big picture, the general body, when the break is broken, when the house is both housed, when the break is continuous, and the chaos, the three sons, Aquilaria still gave up. ”

Sun Hao’s face showed a smile that was utterly absent. He said in a light way: "The three sons cannot be abandoned. The three sons seem to be like a heavy encirclement, but they stand on the corner of the corner, and they fear that there is also a chance to live..."

Shuguang Zhenjun does not talk nonsense with Sun Hao.

Shake his head, "啪", drop the word and eat one of the three sunspots of Sun Hao.

Gently pick up the pieces, Shuguang Zhenjun looked at Sun Hao: "Agarwood, I will eat one first."

On the Fengyun, he went to Daewoo and looked at Zhu Dezheng. He asked the words dullly: "Why?"

At the foot of Zhu Dezheng, the blue light is shining, and the Fengyun tyrants have been solved by him. The fat face still has a sly smile. It seems that Laipi still said: "Master, don’t you see it? Shen Feng The Lord took out the Qingyun Order."

Wu Xianlang sighed and said: "Master, everyone has aspirations, can't be forced."

Then Wu Xianlang said slightly to the front: "Children's uncle, Gu Shishu, don't come innocent."

The tall childpower, the ancient clouds that are sinking in the water, are bowed to each other. They have seen each other, but they have not spoken.

Wu Xianlang said again: "Chen Fengzhu, a gentleman, is really a big squad. The prince brothers are really flattered. However, I also asked Shen Elder to tell me, I don’t know what happened to me. Treat each other like this?"

Shen Changfu said indifferently: "Qingyun iron gauge, Dan is only five, Caiyunfeng agarwood, dark in the knot, early in the number of poles, what is the intention? Today, the verification is done, reported to the Zongmen, and then decided."

It turned out that on the deck, many of the monks had a sigh of relief in their hearts, which was not a big deal.

The two monks of Jin Li looked at each other and then said with a sigh of relief: "In this case, I am not good at participating, and I will avoid it first."

Yu did not want to take a brief look, then looked up and laughed: "Dayu, Idang, his mother, I want to give you more than a hundred pounds today, anyway, I am one, an egg, not afraid of being tired, hahahaha ......"

On the deck, the monk was divided into two. Some monks chose to watch, but there were also monks who stood firmly behind Daewoo and Wu Youlang.

Shen Changfu Chong Zhu Dezheng beckoned: "German politics, come over," and then smiled and looked at Daewoo and Wu Xianlang, and said: "How? Still not?"

Zhu Dezheng’s fat body has already stood by Shen Changfu’s side, and smiled and said: “Feng Yuanfeng Zhu Dezheng has seen Zhizheng.”

Mixed Yuan Feng Zhu Dezheng!

In the eyes of Daewoo, he flashed a sigh of relief and said: "Shameless."

Then, the body of the air sank slightly, and Jin Dan’s momentum spread out, and he screamed calmly: “Go to war.”

Gu Yun body, gleaming, eyes looked at Daewoo, said sharply: "To Daewoo ~ Don't know what to do, my brother, Shen Xiang, originally a person with a strong heart, since I received you and Wu Xianlang, who is tired of your rumors, can't tell the difference, and you can't tell the truth. Today, you are captured and you can keep a small life..."

Did not wait for the ancient cloud to finish the words.

Daewoo has already screamed and vomited two words: "Shameless."

Wu Xianlang said: "Uncle Gu Shi, don't say it is grandiose. It is obvious that you and Tong Li are trying to replace my teacher. It is obvious that Qingyunmen is jealous that my agarwood is developing too fast, intentionally weakened, and wants to add his sin. Today I am waiting to be captured, afraid that it is difficult to protect my life? Hahaha, have the ability, come to war."

In the voice of the voice, Jin Dan’s momentum began to expand, and he confronted him.

Above the board, the smoke is filled with smoke.

Shuguang Zhenjun launched a siege on Sun Hao’s two children surrounded by corners: “Agarwood, still not dying? Actually, he still casts on the corner. You know, the more you cast, the more you are annihilated, and you lose. The worse it is."

Sun Hao was unmoved and continued to cast his pen in the corner. He said in a faint voice: "There are some people who don't know, the corners are changeable, and they are very easy to die. It's too early to be happy."

On the Fengyun, the war will start.

For Sun Hao, there was no door open for the cabin where the monks were stationed. Three women, one man and four monks came out from inside.

Xia Yu leaped in the air and stood opposite the child force. The jade finger pointed to the child force and asked loudly: "Big man, you actually betrayed Sun Hao."

Tong Li’s face was as usual, and he shook his head slightly to Xia Wei: “I can’t talk about betrayal. The brothers are the ancestral pillars. There will be nothing. Now it’s just cleaning up the weeds around him.”

Xia Jing’s quiet face showed anger and a sigh of relief: “The skin is not attached to the hair, the big man, are you really confused? Or do you have ulterior motives?” (To be continued.)

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