Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1933: No rhinoceros (3)

After killing more than a dozen strange and demon in a row, Sun Hao discovered that with his own killing, the strength of the ice butterfly became stronger and stronger, and it was more and more difficult to deal with.

With his brains in mind, Sun Hao led the grazing, and once again turned the innocence into a moth, a moth that he did not understand and did not seem to have any ability.

As a result, the strength of the Devil is instantly reduced, and it is easily captured by Sun Hao and Bian Mu, and turned into nutrients.

At the same time, after the devilization of the devil, Sun Hao’s time for his heart is more short-lived, and it is very likely that it will symbolize the benefit of this infinity. It’s a lot smaller, and one is a harvest, but the truth is irrefutable.

After killing a few moths, Sun Hao also concluded that as long as it is the same kind of figurative demon, as long as it is the same type, the strength will gradually increase, and the same type of infinity will have the ability to evolve naturally. I will know some of Sun Hao’s means to prevent it in advance, and the difficulty of killing will increase.

Fortunately, with the refining of the devil, Sun Hao’s soul and soul should also be comprehensively improved. Although there is no pain at all, and it is all over the soul, but Sun Hao feels the intensity has become much lower.

For his own cultivation and progress, after killing several moths, Sun Hao began to consciously kill the ice butterfly to the devil.

The devil of the ice butterfly has been very powerful. It has many abilities after Sun Hao’s incarnation, and even evolved many of the ice-cold combat abilities that Sun Hao’s ice butterfly did not have. Sun Hao’s fight was quite difficult.

Sun Hao fights against a butterfly and often takes more time to win, catch the butterfly and digest it to become his own nutrients.

When the strength of the ice butterfly reached a certain level, when the side animal husbandry once again caught the ice butterfly, Sun Hao sat in the air, indicating that the animal husbandry gave the ice butterfly to himself a little later, but began to feel the right hand wrist with his heart. s position.

There, Sun Hao once brought a pair of the lowest-level bracelets. However, with the improvement of Sun Haoxiu, the bracelets have disappeared with the great changes that Sun Hao has experienced since the rise.

When it disappears, it should not be felt, but in the strange hell, when Sun Hao feels the right hand wrist with his heart, a sense of ignorance comes to his heart, like his own hand, and puts on a pair. Jasper bracelet.

Once, before Sun Hao entered the Dragon's Wonderland, he wore a pair of bracelets worn by Xuanyuan Red, a pair of bracelets that could be connected in a heart-to-heart relationship, allowing them to appear in the same place in the Dragon's Wonderland.

At that time, it was this bracelet that connected Xuanyuanhong and Sunhao, and Xuanyuanhong, who seemed to be confused and actually very clear, entered the life of Sun Hao.

Xuanyuan Red is generous, and Sun Hao is very sincere in his heart. He has a good heart with Sun Haoxin. Many times, two people have a look and an action, they can know each other's thoughts and they will be able to understand.

Moreover, Sun Hao can be perceived from the concentric bracelet, Xuan Hong is the kind of one-mindedness for himself, never doubts himself, no other selfish distracting self.

Therefore, in the Tianling mainland, Xuanyuanhong is one of the most trusted people of Sun Hao, and even some of his own emotional things, Sun Hao also handed over to Xuan Honghong, and he also chose the default.

Nowadays, in the endless suffering of Infernal Hell, Sun Hao once again felt the traces of the jasper bracelets on his wrists, and there was a faint warmth in his heart, as if he had returned to the first time when he saw Xuanyuan Red. I saw that stupid, like a little girl.

The side of the animal husbandry eyes claws fast, a paw photographed, the ice butterfly into the palm of Sun Hao.

At this time, Sun Hao also jerked a concentric bracelet that seemed to exist in the wrist. A faint warmth, a faint heart and a sense of consonance instantly spread from Sun Hao.

The heart of the ice butterfly broke out, and it was also excited at this moment.

The right hand wrist is like a shock, and Sun Hao feels a cool, clear and pure heart, as if his heart is full of peace at this time.

In Sun Hao’s heart, he gently screamed: “Little Red...”

In the empty tower, in the middle of the spirit room, the old man sitting cross-legged slammed his eyes and looked at the sky, his face showed an inexplicable expression, and his mouth said: "A mindfulness, the heavenly machine is here, one is set Heaven, where does the pain come from? What is the life of the heart, give me now..."

A trace of suffocating scent from the old man's body to the entire Sumi condensate tower, any clues, any accidental changes, can not escape his induction and control of the condensate tower.

In an instant, he sensed that there is a mysterious atmosphere, and he is in contact with the condensate tower.

The mind is moving, the old master secrets to urge, to seriously check what this information is.

At this time, in the heart of Sun Hao, I remembered the voice of Xuanyuanhong: "Agarwood, is it you, hurry, no rhinoceros..."

Sun Hao’s heart suddenly moved, his heart sank, no longer actively sensing the concentric ring of his right wrist, and he sinked into the heart of his heart.

The mystery of the old man, traced back to the source, spread along the heart of Sun Hao, it is necessary to perceive that Sun Hao is in the continuous need to condense the empty tower, stunned, the spiritual level is severely painful, and all the pain is overwhelming. .

The old man was shocked and jumped out quickly. He was too busy to escape. In the spirit room, his mouth whispered softly: "It’s actually hell. No wonder it will make me feel guilty. I almost got entangled. Living."

In the ordinary scene, Sun Hao could not escape the perception of the old man, and contacted any other monk in the empty tower. However, the peculiar rule of **** is that the old man does not dare to fall into it. Moreover, the old man will not think that Sun Hao can be in the infernal hell, and he will contact Xuan Hong with his heart that he has not cultivated.

Among the gas chambers, Qing Lao observed for a while. He did not feel any change in the condensate tower. The look on his face changed slightly. He sighed in his mouth: "It has been so long, the little Jin Dan God's soul, actually still stubborn, you really don't know how to be good."

After that, the old man closed his eyes, his face changed slowly, and the air chamber was quiet.

In Sun Hao’s heart, Xuanyuan’s soul still maintains an absolute purity and cleanness. Among them, Sun Hao can perceive a deep hidden joy and worry.

Sun Hao felt quietly and said nothing.

Xuanyuanhong is also a quiet, did not say anything, at this moment, Sun Hao has a touch of warmth, a touch of sadness and faint miss.

At this moment, there is no sound and no sound.

At this moment is not Qingqing, my time, but there is a kind of joy that I will never reunite in my heart, and the state of Xuanyuanhong clearly tells Sun Hao, do not mess, wait for peace, is the best Method.

At the same time, Sun Hao can finally be sure that there is something wrong with the empty tower.

Suspicion has become a fact of verification. Sun Hao’s heart is full of grief and sorrow. Sometimes, some things, not transferred by human will, will inevitably occur.

Quietly, Sun Hao and Xuanyuanhong's souls blended with each other and communicated with each other. After half a ring, Sun Hao saw a mountain and looked at it seriously, only to find that the mountain was Xuan Hong's body.

The tall and incomparable Xuanyuan was sitting cross-legged with a blue flying sword across his knees.

Seeing the shape of Xuanyuanhong, Sun Hao immediately remembered the true female tomb, and finally discovered the huge real woman, and instantly realized that the present Xuanyuanhong has been completely cultivated into a true female inheritance, and the incarnation became ancient. Female, it is no wonder that in the soul, there is a pure and true meaning.

The real woman Xuan was sitting cross-legged, and she could not see any expression on her face.

Sun Hao glanced in a hurry and the mirror was quickly blurred. The heart of the ice butterfly came quickly, and Sun Hao’s mind quickly faded.

There is still no feeling in the heart of Xuanyuanhong. There is no wave in the ancient well. There is no fluctuation. The whole person is still like a huge mountain. It stands on the unknown mountain. However, there is no more in the soul that Sun Hao withdraws. Digested information.

The communication between the air tower and the outside world was suppressed. In a very short period of time, Xuanyuanhong could not prepare so much information for himself. There is no doubt that this information is Xuanyuan Red has long been ready, has been waiting Contact yourself and ensure that you will pass it to yourself if you are safe. (To be continued.)

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