Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1943: Bao Dinghua virtual shadow

Jordan's idea is good, and the technique is not bad. However, the result is not the ideal he imagined. The green panacea that he shocked, with two or three chances to capture, failed to grasp.

The array he arranged, and ultimately failed to stop Bao Dan, this unknown Bao Dan directly flew to the king of the undead.

The undead king, who was a little bit eager to be stunned, suddenly rose up and flew up. He laughed and slammed into the empty Baodan, sitting cross-legged and digesting.

Joe Dan can only blink dryly.

With the experience of Joe Dan, everyone basically understands that the capture of Baodan in the bronze scorpion is quite difficult, and most of them will not escape at will, but only choose the Lord on the spot.

Originally, everyone thought that Baodan's choice of the Lord would be more important to the true demon. However, it seems that it is not necessarily the case. Only one of the three who have already got the chance has only one Lorraine.

After seeing this situation, everyone fell in love and did not worry, and began to go up and shake out Baodan.

Thirteen monks, thundering thirteen treasures, only one of them came out quickly at the moment of the earthquake, and everyone failed to intercept them in time, while other Baodans were received by monks, among them, The most profitable is Lorraine, perhaps the darling of the ancient devil, she got three Baodan into the body.

Sun Hao followed, there are actually two Bao Dan into the body.

Qiao Ri, Undead Ha Yi and Ge Xuwang were the worst luck, and the three did not get a Bao Dan.

In the end, there is still Sun Hao who has not opened the trip to take the Dan, from the inside of the blue light of the treasures to see inside, there should be a few Ling Dan, and the second round, it should not end.

Before standing in front of the bronze scorpion, Sun Hao suddenly smiled and said loudly: "The hill gave up the opportunity to pick in front of the bronze scorpion. When the next scene, the hill is the first order."

After that, Sun Hao naturally retreated.

The scene was quiet, all the monks face each other, this big man is actually so treacherous?

However, if you think about it, it’s true that most of the treasures that come out of the bronze death are your own choice. It’s hard to catch. The big man is even shocked out of Baodan. It’s estimated that he can’t get it himself. It’s really not as good. Keep your rights and win the right of the next scenario.

Almost all the monks have a thought in their hearts. Why didn’t they think of it? How can I waste a chance when I am stupid? Now it makes this seem loyal, but the treacherous guy ranks first in order.

Undead king stunned, his eyes flashed a little appreciation, his mouth snorted coldly, but did not say anything.

Joe Dan and Joe Day looked at each other and exchanged their eyes.

Qiao Dan said in a low voice: "Bronze death is a special situation here. Everyone must use a chance to pick up a hill. Don't think about taking advantage of it. Even if you don't pick it here, you are the last in the next scene."

Gexu Wang spoke at this time: "Flying people, you can say that it is unfair, we say good sorting, or do not break easily."

Joe Sweeped a look at the other monks on the altar, and said in a faint voice: "Ghost King, you can ask other monks' opinions. If everyone agrees that Qishan is so opportunistic, we have no opinion. You can raise your hand and vote. ”

Gexu Wang frowned.

Lorraine giggled two times at this time, and said crisply: "Hey, you still use the right once, you are not good at drilling holes."

When I heard Lorraine’s words, Sun Hao’s heart moved, touched his head, and smiled sternly. Sun Hao said: “I’m confused. I thought I was giving someone else a choice. I want to leave an initiative, since Everyone said so, then I used this right."

After that, I stepped forward again, standing before the bronze death, and my legs were wide open, and my mouth shouted: "You are ready for the predecessors, I want to be shocked."

The spirit of the monks was ready, and they were ready.

Every time the Zhending is like this, everyone has a chance, the people who shake it, often draw bamboo baskets.

Sun Hao’s tall body shook violently, his right arm extended forward, pressed against the top, and he was shocked. He exhaled in his mouth and violently screamed: “Give me out”, jingle, a silver light Out, it floated in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s face to everyone’s power, his face was strangely standing in front of the bronze scorpion, and he never recovered.

Yes, he shocked a Baodan, but just as he exhaled and shook the light, while the heart part of the sputum was not under his control, he slipped out and quickly got into it. In the midst of the death of bronze, I don’t know what to do.

After staying for a while, Sun Hao said in a loud voice: "Bao Dan, Bao Dan, I don't catch you, you see who you choose."

The monks around the monk could not help but laugh, this big man is also a bachelor, knowing that he can't catch it, and let Bao Dan choose himself.

In the air, Yin Dan dripped a few times and turned into a silver light. When Sun Hao spoke, he shot into Sun Hao’s mouth, but he chose him.

Sun Hao sat on the ground with his knees and began to digest this unknown silver dan. Of course, he also divided some of his gods. If he had observed the bronze scorpion, he wanted to see his own sacred god. What is famous.

Sun Hao completed Zhen Ding and swallowed the treasure that everyone had not seen for any purpose. The monks were disappointed and looked at the undead king.

The first round has been completely completed and the second round begins.

However, with the scene of Xiaoshan, everyone has a small abacus in mind, and everyone hopes that they can pick the treasure in the first place of the next scene.

There is no quasi-letter in the death of bronze, and the treasure that you shake up is not necessarily your own.

The bronze fangs mask on the head of the undead **** shook a few times, and the voice said lowly: "Because of the special nature of the bronze death, Bao Dan is precious, but he chose his master independently, and he could not stand the treasure. Maybe it will be hurt, so I suggest that it is not a picking order here. Anyone who wants to try it will be fine. Anyway, it is hard to say who it is."

Joe Day, who didn't get Baodan, said loudly: "Well, I think it's quite good. Look at Baoguang from the outside. There are not many Baodan in the bronze death. Everyone can speed up the progress. After we take the treasure , can move on, if you are too troublesome, then let me come..."

After that, one step, went forward, stood by Sun Hao, without hesitation, put it on Ding, and pressed it down.

But this time, the accident happened.

Joe's one-handed hand passed through the cover in an instant, as if it had not been disturbed, it was pressed straight.

All the monks stayed together for a while.

Joe took a step back and looked ahead. He suddenly discovered that the bronze in front of him was standing in the middle of the altar. Under the huge ceiling, the treasure was blue and blue.

But I just didn't seem to be in the real thing. Why?

Unwilling, Joe again reached out and pressed down.

The result is exactly the same, once again emptying the air, turn to Joe Day looks at Joe Dan, his mouth said: "Don, you come."

Qiao Dan nodded and stepped forward, raising his hand and pressing down. Unfortunately, like Joey, there is no effect. The death of bronze seems to have become a virtual shadow. There is no obstacle, just wear it. And too.

I tried it several times in a row.

The rest of the monks were amazed, and they tried to go up. Unfortunately, there was no income.

In the dark fog, Lorraine seemed to ponder for a while, and said softly in his mouth: "Bronze death may have its own powerful rules. It may be that all monks have a mobile phone meeting, but only once. After the mobile phone will be released, the second time will be turned into a virtual shadow..."

After the scenes of the great monks on the scene entered the Halloween Palace, they were very convinced that the power of the law in the Halloween Palace was very real. Now, Lorraine said this, everyone understands that the true devil’s judgment is ten. Yes, the chance here is probably only once.

Undead King nodded and said: "In this case, it is not too late, we will continue to go down, still digesting the monks of Baodan, continue to be here, can you keep up with it, how about their skills?"

Above the altar, there is still no digestion at this time, that is, Sun Hao, Ha Yi and another single body of the monk Yang Ziwei, to see its shape, it is likely to be a fisherman monk.

Ge Xuwang looked at Sun Hao, and did not know how long Sun Hao needed to digest. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's exit the patio and move on."

The monks were not mother-in-law, and after a few words and directions, they retired from the altar.

When they walked away, Sun Hao slowly opened his eyes, his eyes flickered, glanced at the bronze scorpion, closed his eyes, and sat quietly on his knees. (~^~)

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