Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1944: 0 丈魔血潭

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After an hour, the other two monks left, and Sun Hao still sat cross-legged, seemingly digesting the income. In fact, the silver Baodan rushing into his body is mainly concise the real yuan, has been a few foreign bodies in the body. "Digestion is over, and Sun Hao is waiting here, in fact, it is privately run into the death of the bronze scorpion.

Until the past three hours, Sun Hao re-inducted the sensation of sputum. At this time, 燚神炎 has sunk into the bottom of the bronze scorpion, and is entangled with a group of different fires.

After thousands of years of different fires, it still has not been extinguished. Perhaps the death of bronze has a magical ability to store different fires. But in any case, at this moment, the fire has no longer been in strength, and finally in the battle with the gods It has fallen to the bottom.

燚神炎 with a satisfying, excited expression, rushed out from the bronze scorpion, did not flash, fell in the body of Sun Hao, quickly returned to the heart, Huhra Pull, happy, burn up.

At this time, Sun Hao felt his body swell and the whole person seemed to come under a blue sky and saw a few floating stars.

Almost at the same time, it was necessary to condense the empty tower. In the spiritual room, the young man looked at the sky and looked up at the sky. It seemed to see the starry sky. The mouth said: "The devil is born, has it started..."

Sun Hao does not know what is the nature of the demon species. At this moment, Sun Hao’s heart is slightly stunned, and he thinks, where is this?

The myth was slightly shocked, and Sun Hao recovered from the starry sky, and once again determined that he had found a three-legged tripod in the Dantian.

Sun Hao glanced, and quickly looked forward, in front of himself, the tall bronze death is still there, but seriously observed, Sun Hao found that there were two great changes in the bronze death. [Zero ↑ ​​△ Xiao Xiao said △ network]

The first one is within the cover of the Ding, never seeing the blue light of the blue sky, becoming quaint and unblemished; the second is to lose a lot of aura, less spirit, it is like being taken away by the soul.

Look around, there is no one in the Halloween Palace, Sun Hao reaches out and gently presses the bronze cover of the scorpion, and when the sound is clear, Ding Gai disappears from Sun Hao’s eyes. Under the internal view, Sun Hao I found that I have already had more than one tripod in the three-legged tripod in Dantian.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao shook his head and slowly walked. Following the direction of the monks in front, he continued to touch the inside of the Halloween Palace.

Two hours, if not a special scene, those great monks have gone far.

However, under normal circumstances, after the monks have passed, the road will become safe, and if anything is wrong, presumably the bride's gift will give some tips.

Sun Hao packed up his mind, kept a certain rhythm, and was highly alert, and continued to sneak into the inner palace.

After returning to the corridor, it is a straight walkway.

The walkway seems to be built in the void, the bottom is nothing, the left and the right, there is no scenery, at first glance, there are no traces of other monks walking through the aisle, it seems that the ancient vicissitudes and quiet.

Sun Hao did not explore both sides, and proceeded carefully. After half an hour, the long walkway came to an end. Sun Hao had a feeling of openness and openness.

Seeing the dark sky in front, I saw the raging fire, and I can see some ancient vegetation, which grows regularly in a certain order.

The walkway passes through the flowers and trees.

Sun Hao did not go to the flowers, he looked around, his body remained highly alert, and he followed the aisle and strode forward. In less than a quarter of an hour, Sun Hao saw the raging land, but what surprised Sun Hao was that this was not a flame. But a huge **** lake.

At the end of the walkway is a huge blood lake with a diameter of 100 feet. The lake has a very high temperature. Far away, Sun Hao can feel the heat from the pavement. From a distance, the lake is full of huge bubbles. , set off a real flame.

The lake is very viscous and doesn't look like water, it's more like non-condensed plasma.

Sun Hao arrived and found that most of the monks actually waited in front of themselves. Many monks were sitting cross-legged, as if they were digesting, and there were female gifts.

Sun Hao’s body was slightly stunned, standing next to the women’s ceremony and waiting for the bride’s ritual to wake up.

At this time, among the lakes, a black mist floated, and the voice of Lorraine came out: "The hills, this place is the blood pool, and it is said that the Holy Spirit is a condensed place for the enhancement of the disciple's demon, soaking the magic. The blood pool can make your body become devilish, and lay a good foundation for your body to eventually evolve into the body of the ancient demon. If you are interested in the hill, you may come over the bubble."

When Sun Hao looked at the scene and found that he had lost a lot of monks, he asked: "Can you still pass the blood pool?"

Lorraine chuckled and said: "Well, if you don't want to concise the body of the demon, you can fly from the height of the blood pool, but once you start, you can only wait for the blood to enter the body, after some magic, I can swim myself."

Sun Hao counted, and there were as many as eight monks on the scene. In the past, but five people, the heart could not help but a slight glimpse. So many people choose to concise the body of the demon god?

Lorraine seems to know Sun Hao’s thoughts in general, and he giggles in his mouth: “Many of the treasures in front of the bronze scorpion have their own magic species. We have refining the monks of Baodan, which has been automatically judged as The body of the demon, you need the magic blood to enter the body, you can swim."

Sun Hao knows it in a moment, and he can be sure in his heart that he needs to refine his magic to enter the body.

Not only did he refine and refine three treasures, but in the end, he also smashed the bronzes and killed the remaining treasures. It is not a magical thing.

Sun Hao strode across the sky and stepped over the blood lake. Sure enough, Sun Hao was just out of the air, and there was a huge attraction in the blood lake.

With a splash, Sun Hao’s tall body fell into the blood lake, splashing the sky and blood of the lake.

Lorraine floated in the air and giggled.

Sun Hao's body fell into the lake. It instantly fell into the oil pan. On the surface of the body, the sound of the fried noodles broke out. The temperature of the blood was extremely high. Sun Hao felt a hot fever.

Moreover, the thick magical blood seems to be spiritual. After Sun Hao fell into it, it was like a small ant, attached to Sun Hao's body, and kept drilling into Sun Hao's body.

Sun Hao reveals his head from the blood lake and asks loudly: "Princess Lorraine, what do I need to do?"

Lorraine is not hiding, giggling and saying: "If your body is repaired enough, you can cultivate in the blood, so you are more magical, of course, If you can't stand it, it's best not to be reluctant, you can practice digestion and digestion on the lakeshore, and then soak."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Thank you, I understand."

After that, the head sank into the blood lake and began to really soak.

Among the past five monks, the Dragon King will not cultivate the body of the ancient demon. He cultivated the dragon body. The flying man is said to have the practice of the body and the soul. It has also passed, and the king of the undead has its own magic, but the illusion Wang also did not choose magic.

Other monks, in the past, need not be short.

Of course, several monks of the true demon family are not eager to go forward. For them, the Blood Blood Pool is the most precious cultivation place and more important than other resources.

Sun Hao sank into the blood lake, and Lorraine slowly soaked it down. On the edge of the blood lake, he calmed down. Only the occasional bubbles and the flames burst out, only burst into a ring.

Among the blood lakes, Sun Hao drove a savage punishment. At the same time, the yin rabbit Han Yujin and the yin and yang combination method also worked. The whole body was like a sponge, which absorbed the digestive and sticky blood.

The Baizhang Devil Blood Pool seems to be the same as the ancient times. No matter how Sun Hao absorbed it, the plasma did not decrease at all, and the plasma concentration did not change at all.

Sun Hao sank into the blood lake, feeling the raging energy of the blood that absorbed into the flesh, and he was deeply impressed.

The ancient true demon family is really powerful, not to mention the other, it is said that this is a magical blood pool that can still be effective for hundreds of millions of years, but it is really a bad practice.

Sun Hao did not expect that he had just advanced into the ancient jade, and he actually found the opportunity of the ancient devil in the Halloween Palace.

Then practice, as long as the body is devilish, then in the future, it is possible to cultivate the true ancient demon body. (To be continued.)

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