Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2073: Incarnation

The flock of birds was unwilling to fail, and the four sides were chasing after the tail. Momoso had no expression on the field, and he sighed in his mouth: "The real yuan cannon, sweep me."

The elite wrecked hull hulls were shining in all directions, and the real elements of the flying ship Morgan Warriors were gathered together and turned into real yuan guns, which flew out from all sides.

In the middle of the sky, a lot of golden shovel ostriches fell, and the flock of birds could no longer be a climate.

The huge loss, the town of the strange bird, the remaining golden light shovel fled, no longer chasing the elite to destroy the virtual spaceship.

The three small spaceships were once again released and flew away.

However, every time, three small flying ships flew back quickly, and in front of the elite broken virtual ship, there was a large silver light.

Among the caves, the beasts are born.

Under the strong aura, many of the beasts have been mutated and turned into a powerful one.

The broken virtual ship is flying in the air, and the earth tyrants on the ground can only hope to sigh.

The hegemonic race of the flight will not make the days of breaking the virtual ship too good.

Sun Hao expects that regardless of the direction from which the Terran Zhengyuanzi and the Tree Monsters will explore the gas-shipship, it is estimated that they will encounter layers of obstacles. It is not necessarily a good thing to get to the ground first.

The location of the key to the air transport, the aura near the flying redwoods in the cloud is the most intense, it is likely to cultivate a strong guardian, who is the first to go up, fearing that it is very likely to fight a battle.

The imaginary spaceship of the Morgan Protoss repelled the golden-crowned iron ostrich, and immediately encountered a silver-light moth, a palm-sized moth, flapping its silver wings and blocking the way the spacecraft went.

Above the sky, I saw a piece of silver.

Momo Soda made the monks launch the real-powered cannons. A large block of silver-light moths was swept away by the light beam, and the broken virtual ship quickly rushed into the passage after the beam was killed.

However, unlike the golden ostrich ostrich, when the silver moth was killed, a large amount of moth powder was dropped.

Two beams of light passed, and the moths and dust in the sky flew like a surge of fog, covering the direction.

The broken virtual ship actually rushed into the fog.

In the strange fog, the real yuan can still be played, but it has been greatly restricted. After playing out, it seems that the space resistance is getting bigger, the lethality is greatly reduced, and the shot is not far.

Layers of misty moth powder flew over to the broken virtual ship.

The real yuan cannon is very devastating and devastating, but it is a little helpless for this powdery mist.

Momo Soda stood at the head of the flying ship and frowned slightly.

The strength of the broken virtual ship is still a little weaker.

However, if it is not a weaker strength, and super can stealth, he may not be able to quietly send it into the core area of ​​the human race, lurking for so long.

Suddenly sighed in the heart, Momo Soda whispered: "Retract the real gun, and directly hit it."

At this point, there were monks in the spaceship who said loudly: "Adults, moths and fog have the ability to confuse the direction. The broken giant ship lost its sense of direction to the Terran Airship, lost in the fog."

Momo Suo Tian nodded calmly, the rattan stick was lifted high, the feathers hovering overhead, and a few laps on the vine stick, like a vortex hovering over the vine stick, forming a huge cyclone, Momo Soda He screamed in a low voice: "Give me a break."

The cyclone is like a ripple, and it sways out in all directions.

As the wind blows, the cyclone passes, and the mist formed by the moth powder is forcibly blown away, revealing the clear sky outside.

The mist and a large number of moths were far away from the cyclone in the Momotian field.

Above the sky, there was a huge void sphere with a diameter of several tens of miles. Within the sphere, everything was emptied by a cyclone.

Inside the broken virtual ship, there was a burst of cheers: "Suo Tian, ​​Suo Tian", the morale of the Morgan Protoss warriors.

The fit with the big monk shot.

The heavens and the earth are gone, and this move goes down, fearing that more than hundreds of millions of moths have been destroyed.

The space of the heavens and the earth seems to be under this trick, slightly oscillating.

Among the broken virtual ships, Sun Hao’s eyes are slightly glimpsed, and the heart sighs that any existence that can advance and fit has a powerful fighting ability, and any fit and power can not be underestimated.

When the sky was broken, Momo Soma smiled and said in his mouth: "Explore the road and move on."

In the thunder, the golden light on the broken virtual ship lit up again.

However, within the spaceship, some monks said loudly: "Adults, still can't distinguish the direction, as if the flying ship was contaminated by moth powder, it broke the judgment ability, or there are still a lot of moths blocking the road ahead... ”

Momo Soma made a slight glimpse, thinking about it, the rattan stick in his hand pointed to his oblique front: "To this side, we will move on."

The broken virtual ship began to move forward, less than a scent of Kung Fu, Momo Soda's face was slightly sinking.

In front of the flying ship, there was a thick fog, fascinated, covered with space, and could not see the road ahead. After turning back to the spaceship, the dense fog slowly surrounded.

The Momo Sotian field was really powerful, and it cleared a lot of space.

However, there is no direct use of moth powder. A large amount of moth powder is only pushed away far away and ran to the farther periphery.

If there is no control, these scattered moth powder will naturally disperse with the wind and fly away.

In the current situation, groups of moths, including the powder after they were killed, have something to control, and they are entangled in the Morgan Protoss.

Momo Somali frowned deeply.

These nasty moths appear super fast, like the mountains and forests, everywhere.

Momo Soda wants to go out, moths can't stop, but without the accurate positioning of the broken virtual ship, Momo Soma is not very useful.

Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, Momo Sokian once again made a big move, a bang, and a huge virtual ball rushed out.

Momo Soda also does not believe that the number of moths will be endless, as long as they kill themselves, there are more moths, and when they are finally emptied.

Like the first time, when the dark fog was emptied, when the imaginary spacecraft moved forward again, it didn't go far, and it fell into a thick fog.

The dense fog seems to be getting thicker and thicker, and the monk's knowledge of the monk is explored, and the visibility is greatly reduced.

In the shell of the broken virtual ship, Sun Hao perceives that the moth powder is gradually invading. At the same time, the voice of the side animal is ringing at the bottom of the heart: "Boss, they have been biased, this strange moth powder has magical ability to confuse, If it wasn’t for the priest’s magical technique, it would be a direct result, and it would be lost at the moment.”

Sun Hao’s heart moved, and he gave the word to Bianmu: “Received.”

The body moves forward slightly, like an invisible Sun Hao sneaked into the direction of the side of the animal husbandry, like a mist, gently floating out of the broken virtual ship, into the dense fog.

The broken virtual ship of the Morgan Protoss was left behind by Sun Hao.

Within the cave, the magical environment created a strange moth, and Sun Hao hoped that they could stop the broken virtual ship for a longer period of time.

The dense fog formed by the moth powder has a very strong corrosive effect and adhesion. Even if Sun Hao is the body of the ghost, after entering the dense fog, less than a musk time, and there is no time to fly the fog. I have already felt that my invisible and unqualified body surface has covered the thick layer of powder on the upper layer, and I still want to get into my body.

In the repair of the great power of Sun Hao, the moth powder felt that his body was already getting heavier and his head was slightly dizzy.

The heart sighs the mystery of natural creation, and Sun Hao does not directly move like Momo’s field.

The arms were slightly displayed in the air, and the body was transformed into a slap-sized star-shaped ice butterfly. The wings were slightly flashed, and the silver radiance was scattered. The fog seemed to be staring.

At this moment of the star-shaped ice butterfly, Sun Hao’s heart produced a very strange feeling. The moth powder around him seemed to have become countless tiny moths. As if I saw the king coming.

Sun Hao’s heart moved, and the idea was arrogant and reached an order: “Let it open.”

The thick fog in front seems to have been ordered, and the hula screams, letting a straight passage open, the star-shaped ice butterfly wings flickering, flying forward, wherever it passes, sprinkling a splendid star.

Behind him, the dense fog of the moth powder swiftly rushed up again, scrambling to bathe the ice star starlight, just like a pilgrimage. (~^~)

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