Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2074: Incarnation (2)

Within the cave, it is self-contained and boundless.

Sun Hao spent half a day flying away from the moth activity area and looking back, only seeing a large gray sky.

The ice butterfly flutters, stops in the air, looks out from the sky, and sees the forest, as if it is smoking, constantly rising to the layers of moths.

When they floated in the air and sprinkled the stars, the moths flew faster than themselves and looked up at themselves in a kind of worship.

Sun Hao feels that these strange moths have simple spirituality, and they exist in two forms, one is the palm-sized moth, and the moth powder in the air mist form.

Momo Soda thought that it was a big mistake to turn these moths into fly ash.

Those fly-like moths are just another form of existence. If Momo Soda can't figure this out, he will continue to fly over the moth forest.

The reason why I can easily get out of the moth group seems to be because the star-shaped ice butterfly has just become the object of worship of the moths. Perhaps, in the hearts of these moths, the star-shaped ice butterfly is the elegance of the ducks. Noble swan.

There was a faint smile on his face. The star-shaped ice butterfly of Sun Hao’s incarnation grew bigger and bigger like a balloon. A loud bang, a huge giant in the sky, no bigger than a broken virtual ship. .

The birds are golden and double-winged, and they are very handsome, slowly flashing their wings, like a proud king.

The change of the star-shaped ice butterfly caused the moth underneath to be shocked, and the wings were smashed, the moth powder was spilled, and the mist was steamed.

The Dapeng garuda is floating in the void, and the wings are slightly flashing.

The wind blows, the moth powder can't be close at all.

The Dapeng Golden Winged Bird screamed and screamed, and the two wings and one fan instantly turned into a small black dot flashing with golden light, disappearing into the distant air.

This cave does not know how long it has been closed. The rich aura and rich resources in it have cultivated many magical species, and the strength is different and powerful.

Even Sun Hao, the incarnation of the Dapeng garuda, was still in flight and was intercepted.

The Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, which is extremely fast and fast-changing, only flies less than half a day, and is in the middle of the mountain, and changes again.

With a cry, a big mouth jerked out of the mountains and swallowed a Dapeng garuda.

The big mouth is like an abyss, and there is a strong attraction inside. The white clouds in the sky are quickly taken in by the big mouth. The screaming wind driven by the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird is also driven by the big mouth and quickly fills the mouth.

Sun Hao, who is flying fast, feels a space around him, as if the whole body had to fall in an instant.

A long sound in his mouth, Sun Hao's incarnation of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, a wing, a rapid climb.

Among the mountains, the big mouth was not reluctant, and it was pulled out from the mountains, and it followed suit.

Sun Hao looked down and saw the face of the big mouth. This is a strange worm.

The round body of the worm has a diameter of ten feet, but the front part of the entire head, 90% of the area is a huge mouth, the two eyes are only the size of the broad bean, the mouth is open, like a dark black hole.

When Sun Hao flew up in the sky, a thin thin flesh wing appeared behind the worm, and it rushed up, and the big mouth still swallowed.

From the big mouth of the worm, Sun Hao perceives the power of the space. Once he is swallowed, he is afraid to enter a space similar to the stomach of a small fire space. It is difficult to say what will happen.

At the speed of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, it is impossible to get rid of the worm's positioning and the power of swallowing. It can be seen that this guy has a strange and magical magical power.

Maybe, if it weren't for the strength of the Dapeng garuda, it would have been swallowed up by another monk.

With a sigh in the heart, Sun Hao did not dare to care about it. He had a pair of wings, and Dapeng had a pair of golden-winged golden light. He flew in the air at a high altitude, forcibly got rid of the worm lock and flew away.

Just flew away from the thin-wing worm that locked himself, Sun Ding's incarnation of the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird could not help but look at it.

In the jungle below Wanshan, as if there were many giant trees growing out, a thick worm spread out and rushed straight into the air, reaching out to the air. Stopped his own way.

Sun Hao slightly felt the void in front of him, and his heart felt a faint feeling of horror.

Thin-winged worms can't fly, but a pair of thin wings can support them upright and open their mouths.

After a large number of thin-winged worms opened their mouths, the void in front of Sun Hao seemed to collapse, and a huge space cave appeared, which produced a strong attraction and tearing force. Even if the Dapeng garuda wants to pass, it is estimated. It won't be too easy.

Looking at the bottom of a straight straight sky like a pillar, forming a thin-winged worm with a large mouth jungle, Sun Hao could not help but sigh.

Natural power, infinite creation, even if it becomes a fit, the higher the level of the scene encountered, the more unexpected the enemy will appear. The more the world sees, the more shocked people are, the more they see, the more unknown The more.

The body of the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird swayed slightly, and when Sun Hao was preparing to transform, the voice of the small fire rang from his heart: "Brother, the power of a strong space."

At the same time, Sun Hao felt that the small fire had appeared between his own wings, and a pair of small eyes looked to the front of the void, full of curiosity and craving.

Since the eternal understanding of the mortal world, the small fire has been slumbering in the air chamber. It takes a long time to wake up after digesting the comprehension. At this time, the rich space outside makes her feel and take her from her. Woke up in a deep sleep, and ran out.

Seeing a thin winged worm rising upright, the blood of the small fire instinctively perceives it. Swallowing these things will greatly help your development. The eyeballs turn around and the small fire says in the heart: Brother, big worms make up, small fires can swallow, but not much can be swallowed each time."

In the heart of Sun Hao’s heart, Dapeng Golden Wings retire backwards, fly back and back, and the wings are going to the next one. When they fall to the ground, when they land completely, they have become the look of the body. Fire, reaching out and touching the fur of the small fire, Sun Hao said in his mouth: "Then we will only swallow one."

The small fire gently swayed in the arms of Sun Hao, and whispered in his heart: "My brother is so good."

Sun Hao had a faint smile on his face and stepped into the jungle where the thin-winged worms haunted.

Into the jungle, Sun Hao instantly frowned, this jungle is full of stench and rot, many places have a pool of moss, there are bursts of mosquitoes and flies.

Disgusting lizards, all kinds of insects, appear in the jungle.

The big trees in the jungle are strange. It is a big tree with few branches, and the roots grow straight up. It grows sparsely, but there are many small shrubs that are two or three feet high. On the edge of some waterholes, the growth is relatively dense, the nest is very rare, and occasionally there will be one or two.

After Sun Hao came in, he was alarmed by the mosquitoes in the water pool. The sky was flying and the stench of smell came from all sides. There was a strange poison inside. The toxins in the air were absorbed into the dead gold silk.

Sun Hao’s steps seemed to be slow and fast, and soon after, he saw the first thin-wing worm.

Inside a huge waterhole, a green vine with an arm stretched out, wrapped around a large tree, hovering over the canopy. From the ground, the vines are not particularly thick, if they are not seen in the canopy. A huge hollow mouth, Sun Hao really did not recognize this is a thin wing worm.

With one hand extended, Sun Hao’s index finger was a little bit screaming, and the torso of the thin-winged worm wrapped around the big tree was pierced by Sun Hao.

Usually, any creature, as soon as it encounters an attack, will react immediately and explode quickly.

However, this thin-winged worm did not respond at all.

The giant mouth of the canopy is still standing like a black hole in the sky. There is a layer of light green juice on the torso. It is less than a few bites of effort. The place where the hole is worn has been restored to the original. It looks like a real mountain wood vine.

Sun Hao said a little, and asked in his heart: "What is the feeling of a small fire?"

The sound of doubts from the small fire came out: "Weird, this strange insect actually has two forms. Now, in this form, it is basically a wooden vine, and there is no space power."

That being said, a small bird with a small body flew through the canopy, and with a loud bang, the big mouth slammed open, and the big bird fluttered its wings and fell to the big mouth. (~^~)

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