Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2075: Titan Golden Horn

The fire was bright, and the sky leaped, facing the big mouth. It also opened a small mouth and slammed it.

Hula, like a long noodle, the worm from the head to the foot together with the big bird that had just swallowed, quickly rushed into the mouth of the small fire.

The wood vine sticks out from the pool for a long and long time. This noodle has a small fire and swallows three or four interest, which is completely swallowed into the stomach.

Inside the waterhole, ripples of ripples and a large number of mosquitoes flew out. In the sky, there was a buzzing sound. A huge crocodile with a length of three feet shook his head and climbed to the shore. The thick toes stepped on the ground. Leaving a beach of water stains, the blood basin opened his mouth and slammed into Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s left fist swayed gently, and a white jade boxing punched out in the air, hitting the crocodile’s mouth.

The huge mouth of the big crocodile was torn apart by a punch. The huge body was knocked back by the fist of the fist, and it slammed into the pool.

The blood is covered with water, and the red is covered with moss. In an instant, the fine waves are rolling, and the dirty pool is filled with bubbles. The huge crocodile body is instantly eaten by the same kind of tumbling inside.

Sun Hao did not clear the creatures in the pool, as long as they did not come out to provoke themselves, Sun Hao did not have time to find them.

After swallowing a thin-winged worm, Xiao Huo said: "Brother, this moment of the worm's mouth is indeed filled with magical space energy, which greatly helps the expansion of my stomach capacity."

Sun Hao said in his heart: "Well, if that is the case, then swallow a few more."

With the experience of killing the first thin-wing worm, the next move becomes relatively simple.

Sun Hao opened his mind, searched for thin-winged worms, released a flying bird, and ignited the thin-winged worm to swallow. The small fire was after the oriole, swallowed the thin-wing worm and gained space energy.

As he progressed, Sun Hao discovered that thin-winged worms not only appeared in the pool, but sometimes they could directly root the roots of the tree. From the bottom, the thin-winged worms were like real vines, but they were real plants.

Even if Sun Hao used calcine to calcine, he burned the body of the worm into two pieces, and turned the middle part into ashes. The thin-winged worm remained indifferent, regardless of the damage suffered by the body.

And Sun Hao also found that even if he smashed the worm off the waist, this guy still can't connect the two bodies in a long time, if nothing happens.

Unless Sun Hao ignores the space energy of the small fire, it is necessary to completely burn the worm, and it is estimated that it will not necessarily respond.

The thin-winged worm's eyes are small, the field of view is not very open, and it usually likes to basking in the sun, so it is often difficult to find Sun Hao who walks on the ground.

In the end, Sun Hao concluded that the small fire is a good one. The biggest features of these grotesque worms are actually two forms of survival.

One is the thin-winged worm state with strong spatial phagocytosis.

One is the plant vine state. In this state, its giant mouth should have the magical ability to absorb aura and nutrients from the space. Like a vine, it can grow happily.

The worm is considered to be one of the magical forests, especially for the birds in the air.

After meeting Sun Hao and Xiao Huo, but fell for eight generations of blood mold, after understanding the secrets of worms, Sun Hao took a small fire along the jungle and quickly progressed. Wherever, the thin-winged worms became insects and became small fires. The spatial attribute energy of the body.

Sun Hao does not know how much this attribute energy helps small fires. Since a small fire needs it, it will be better.

The cave of the heavens, the world of the cave named after the forest, is endlessly the endless jungle. The area of ​​this worm jungle is very wide. Sun Hao ran for a long time with a small fire, and the small fire swallowed no more than three. Hundreds of huge worms.

At this time, above the sky, there was a huge roar. Sun Hao was hiding in the jungle with a small fire, and saw the broken virtual ship flying away from the sky at a very fast speed.

There are still worms in front of them, but the number is not much. It is not a deterrent to the imaginary flying ship. Momo Soda personally shot and destroyed a few worms that broke the road, and broke away.

Sun Hao asked in his heart: "Small fire, how is the situation? Do you still need to continue to swallow it?"

The small fire hesitated, and said in his heart: "Always still a little bit can not do all the best, or we must catch up, don't mistake your brother's big things."

Sun Hao touched the soft fur of the small fire and said with a smile: "Nothing, since it is still a little bit, then we will continue to swallow the remaining thin-wing worms. I estimate that the road to go will not be too calm. The ship can't run fast..."

On the one hand, Sun Hao continued to search for thin-wing worms with a small fire.

With the display of the flying ship just passing, Sun Hao knew the general orientation of the thin-winged worm, and it was easier to find it. After half a day, when the worms in the jungle were basically cleared, the small fire finally said: "Oh. Brother, my ability to master the space stomach has been further strengthened, so I don’t have to swallow it."

Sun Hao nodded and said that his body was vacated, and the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, the fastest incarnation, chased the past in the direction of the broken virtual ship.

Sun Hao’s judgment is not bad.

In less than three days, Sun Hao once again caught up with the broken virtual ship, and found that the broken virtual ship was once again surrounded by a strange beetle.

After a long time, Sun Hao was faintly aware that the beetle should be a variant of the Titan Golden Horn. Each beetle has a size of a grinding disc, a dark black armor, and two golden horns.

The strength of the beetle is extremely big, and it can break the defense. A pair of golden horns come up to make the broken virtual ship quite uncomfortable.

What is even more difficult is that the beetle's Titan's carapace has a very strong defense ability. The real yuan cannon that breaks the virtual ship can sink the beetle and can fly the beetle, but it can't kill.

The beakers that were shot down rushed and often re-take off.

Titan, a family of people, one of the Protoss in ancient times, a synonym for tall and strong, this beetle can be named with Titan, which means that it has very powerful ability, whether it is defense or attack, it is a headache. .

Their golden horns can emit sharp rays. After the virtual ship is attacked, it will emit a burst of blue smoke. The outer shell can't resist it. It is pierced by life, and the inner layer flashes brightly. The array is fully driven, as if It is an alarm sound that keeps flashing.

Momo Soda made another shot, the air wave rolled, and a huge shock wave broke out in the air. The Titan Golden Horn was far away. The slightly weak Titan Golden Horn was even forced to be broken into several segments. However, a large number of Titan Golden Horn cattle After being blown away, re-vibrated the wings, took off, and re-enclosed.

Momo's brows were slightly wrinkled, and the rattan sticks in one hand, the move changed, a huge giant net woven from green wood vines, flew out from the vine sticks, overwhelming, spilling over to the front, a large number The Titan Golden Horn was hit by a net and wrapped into a huge ball, and the bang slammed on the ground.

The rattan stick is again in one fell swoop. The two peaks on the top of the head are slightly curved. A small mountain peak suddenly appears in the air. Momo Soda clears a drink: "Landing."

The vine sticks went down, the hills and peaks descended from the sky, and the bang came to the huge ball wrapped by the Titan Golden Horn. In the sound, it was directly pressed into the ground, and the ground below, a huge earthquake broke out. , splashing up the sky and flying dust.

Within the broken virtual ship, the real cheers of the Morgan Protoss broke out.

The power of the combination of power and power, in the battle to show the fullest, the reason why the ability to fit in the virtual to become a sea of ​​the sea, because of their unparalleled power, gestures, earth and earth.

A strong mountain setting, a strong net.

These two moves, Sun Hao's display will not have such a powerful power, will not have such a professional, of course, Sun Hao is not the soil and wood spells, Sun Hao's offensive and defensive is more simple and rude.

With a faint smile on his face, Sun Hao did not continue to observe the war between the two sides, patted the head of the small fire, let her go back to the squirting tower, the body slightly shook, a small gold beetle appeared in the air, fanning Wings, like small black spots, fly away from the side.

After the annihilation of the golden silkworm, it became a small, inconspicuous little beetle. It shuttled through the battlefield and flew over the forest. The Titan Golden Horn, which was fighting the broken virtual ship, did not notice this small point. (~^~)

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