Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2078: Yunling Xiansong (2)

Thousands of huge pine trees rushed out from the place where the pine mushroom was pulled up. After hanging in the snow white pine mushroom, Sun Hao forcibly pulled it into the air and became a scene.

This is what Sun Hao did not expect.

Small snow pine, actually connected to so many huge towering pine trees.

After careful observation, Sun Hao immediately understood that the snow white pine stalks in his hand extended a lot of white silk, inserted the roots and branches of the pine trees, and connected the pine forest into a whole.

In other words, the snow white pine velvet takes the entire piece of pine forest that has been pulled up by itself as a place to send himself, providing nutrients to himself.

Feel the silver silk of the white pine scent. Sun Hao found that the silk was really tough, and he was so pulled by himself that he had no signs of breaking, and he was still wrapped around the pine tree.

Sun Hao observed this, and the pine trees that were pulled up underneath danced like a group of devils, all in all directions, and screamed into the air.

Obviously, Snow White Matsutake is still not dying, hoping to repel Sun Hao and let Sun Hao let go of his own body.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile and a clear voice in his mouth: “Do you still want to be naughty?”

After talking about the right hand, grab the snow white pine mushroom and **** his hand forward.

Huge power rushed out, thousands of pine trees were instantly shaken straight, and floated backwards. Sun Hao’s arm was gently shaken, and the force was introduced into the snow white pine body along the arm, and quickly passed into the silver wire. .

The arm twitched and the pine tree burst open in the air.

The bark crumbs, filled with half empty, thousands of pine trees were instantly scattered in the air, turned into a piece of sawdust and rain, fluttering and falling down, on the ground, evenly spread a thick layer.

Snow white pine stalks are rooted in the pine tree and the silver wire is bare.

As frightened, the bare silver silk quickly shrunk back, under the body of the snow white pine, turned into a fist-sized velvet, and the whole snow white pine mushroom, as if knowing the powerful and irresistible of Sun Hao, in Sun Hao's hands are completely quiet.

Seeing the snow white velvet group made of silver silk, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and finally knew the origin of the snow white pine mushroom. The true treasure of this pine mushroom is actually the white snow velvet group under its body. .

In the records of the classical Chinese, the white pine mushroom is called the Thousands of Clouds, and the silk is said to be the part of the root like a velvet.

This is a magical medicine for medicine, which is a healing sacred product. It can refine the monk's meridians and damage it. It has the magical effect of healing like silk.

Yunsong mushroom, it is said that its color is like white snow, white clouds are general, white and innocent, the value of the body is not weak, a very powerful qi and blood medicine, can improve the monk cultivation, supplement the monk, Yuan Blood-sucking monks can also be used to nourish blood.

This is a kind of elixir that may also help Sun Hao.

Especially the thousand silk, let Sun Hao think more.

Sun Hao’s upcoming “cavitating sea” and “pulse network branch” are all magical, and the practice of expanding the meridians in the body, the two secrets will inevitably be the future of Sun Hao’s meridians and refining bodies. Form a huge impact.

Maybe it will form a certain damage to the meridians.

Now that I have got a thousand clouds, Sun Hao’s heart can’t help. In the future, I am afraid that I really need to refine some of the medicines that will restore the meridians.

Take out a jade box, put away the thousand silk clouds, and send it into the scented empty tower. Sun Hao looked up and looked forward.

Presented in front of Sun Hao, it is a huge crater where the landslides are broken and the branches of the trees are everywhere. The monks come over and can think of it with the buttocks. There has been a huge change here.

The mind was slightly moved, and Sun Hao’s big sleeves waved, and the ground hangs with strong winds. The branches are like a tornado, and they are rolled up by the wind, and they are not in the air.

I reached out to the ground and sprinkled it out. The wood used for a long time ago was sprinkled out. On the ground, the layers of moss covered it, the hand sprinkled again, the pine seeds fell, the wood was urging, and the towering giants broke through. Grow up.

In less than a moment, the whole piece was re-covered on the ground by the place where Sun Hao uprooted the pine forest.

Looking down from the sky, this piece of pine forest is only a little shorter than the terrain of other places, and the appearance has not seen any abnormality.

Under the pine forest, there is moss covering, you can't see the bare ground, you don't have to look at it, no one knows that there has been a fierce battle.

Above the sky, there was a voice of Bakke's admiration: "The boss is awesome, changing the sky, but nothing."

With the improvement of the cultivation, the eight-armed Bao Ketu feels that the happiest thing about Zhang Sheng is to meet Sun Hao, and wisely followed Sun Hao to embark on the road of cultivation.

However, with the rapid improvement of Sun Hao, Bao Ketu has felt that he can't keep up with the pace. This time, he can be called out by Sun Hao to see the scene, and his heart is unconsciously, and he is grateful and happy. Did not forget myself, but also let myself out to help.

Sun Hao smiled and shook his head slightly, his body swayed slightly, flying to the area where the wood property was strong, and his mouth said faintly: "It’s not a change of the day, at most, it’s a stealing day, and the fish is mixed, and you can’t stand the check. ”

Bao Ketu laughed: "The pine forest below is a thousand miles, who will notice a small piece of pine forest, hey, I dare to pack the ticket, no one can find this place abnormal."

Sun Hao smiled, did not speak, fell into the pine forest.

The body just fell, not yet carefully checked, Sun Hao flashed the road in front of the silver light, feeling that his body was slightly numb, bursts of paralysis rushed into his heart.

In the mind, the Archaic Thunder beast slammed his eyes and snarled in his mouth.

Sun Hao immediately perceives the body, and a burst of thunder and lightning properties rushed into the sea quickly, and was attracted to the past by the Taikoo beast.

With a faint smile on his face, Sun Hao stepped forward and took a step.

The silver light of the road came again, and fell on Sun Hao’s head. The violent silver snake began to swim on the surface of Sun Hao’s body.

The lightning attack is very strong, the destructive power is huge, and it also has the ability to paralyze. The ordinary monk meets, and it is not necessarily acceptable.

But this is really inferior to Sun Hao’s robbing of the heavens and the earth that Sun Hao once spent. Sun Hao does not have to be transformed into a Thunderbolt, and he can take the Thunder and move forward.

The strength of Sun Hao exceeded the expectations of the attackers. The lightning stopped for a moment, and it exploded rapidly. The thunder and the thunder rang, and the thick silver snake slammed into Sun Hao’s head.

Sun Hao smiled lightly, his right hand extended forward, accurately intercepting a silver light that swiftly crossed the air, grabbed it and slammed it down.

A small mole, which has a green fur like a cloud of pine leaves, screams at the panicked eyes, keeps screaming in his mouth, and is held in the palm of his hand by Sun Hao.

Lightning is loose.

Don't look at this thing's petite size, but its strength is extremely strong, but it is a powerful beast with powerful destructive ability.

Lightning is as fast as lightning, able to control the thunder, and the action is like flying. The ordinary monk can't stop it, and it is even impossible to catch it.

It’s a good time to die and meet Sun Hao, who is in a strong thunder. He doesn’t have to work hard, the magic works, and he grabs it. The lightning will naturally run into Sun’s palm, and he will not understand his speed. So fast, how to drill into the hands of Sun Hao.

Small fire swallowed a lot of worms, and is strengthening its own space ability, that is, it is not known whether the ability of lightning loose can be digested by small are all rodents, and small fires have certain mimicry ability. If you can get lightning fast, you will undoubtedly increase your strength.

When the mind moved, the lightning was sent to the small fire. Sun Hao said in his heart: "Small fire, try to inherit his blood and magic."

The small fire opened his eyes and saw a little mole. He was blindfolded and looked at himself pitifully. Such a cute little guy, such a poor little guy, did my brother actually let me swallow it?

In the heart of the small fire, he hesitated a little, and a thunder in the air, a silver snake fell down, and the small fire body was stiff. Standing on the ground, he shivered and threw himself down. The small eyes showed a deep puzzle. I thought, I haven’t swallowed you yet, you actually charged me first.

Outside, Sun Hao’s head shook gently, and the gods knew that the lightning was stiff and stiff, and the fire was restored.

As soon as I climbed up from the ground, the small fire turned around for two laps around the lightning, and my heart said, "This is what you forced me, open your mouth, and the lightning flash disappeared into the air."

Sun Hao smiled and continued to move forward. He took a few steps, and the right hand was caught again. A flash of lightning fell into his hand and threw it into the fire.

Among the pine forests, there are many lightning flashes in the guardianship. Without exception, they all fall into the palm of Sun Hao’s palm and become a snack of small fire.

In the end, Sun Hao smiled and stood before an unremarkable pine tree.

This pine tree grows like an old vicissitude, like an old pine that is about to wither. It is mixed in many pine trees and can't see the slightest abnormality.

Sun Hao’s face burst into a bright smile, Yunding Xiansong, found it.

Looking at the canopy of Yunding Xiansong, I saw a few pine cones, and a lot of them, like the defending homeland, the lightning flash in the surrounding pine forest. (~^~)

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