Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2079: Each has its own scheme

After defeating the lightning pines, Sun Hao forcibly obtained three pine cones from the top of the Yunding Xiansong tree, and identified them with heart. Two of them are full of aura, which is the real kind of spiritual tree, which can be used to cultivate the network branch.

At the prefecture level, the top of the cloud top Xiansong seeds arrived, and Sun Hao’s heart was a little relieved.

This is a higher level than the Bohai Populus euphratica. After the generation, the material is better.

With Yunding Xiansong, Sun Hao has the height to raise his own spiritual tree to the level of the culture in the process of cultivation, which is equivalent to eating a reassurance.

In the vein network, there is a method to improve the level of the spirit tree after the growth of the seed of the tree. The highest level can be improved. For example, Yunding Xiansong can be raised to a level higher than that of Yunding Feihongshan. Tianzhong Zhongpin.

This kind of improvement is only a theoretical existence. It is very difficult to complete, especially from the land level to the heavenly level. The resources needed are not much.

According to the ancient cultivation system, the most important symbol of the classification of the ancient Lingshu species is the strength of the origin of the wood attribute.

To raise the level of the spirit tree is actually to increase the accumulation of the wood attribute of the spiritual tree, and to achieve the improvement of the grade by the accumulation of quantity.

For example, Yunding Xiansong tree species.

If Sun Hao can find enough Yunding Xiansong pine nuts, then the same kind of pine cones will continue to accumulate. In theory, Yunding Xiansong can be pushed to the top level of the top grade.

However, if the same species is used, the quality of the wood attribute is relatively limited to a certain extent. After reaching the height of the apex of the prefecture, the same tree species cannot promote the advancement of the tree.

At this time, Sun Hao needs to find a variety of different wood attribute seeds, and constantly enhance the source of the enhanced wood attribute from different sides, and finally let it make a transition.

At the end of the two Yunding Xiansong tree species, Sun Hao stood in front of this unremarkable pine tree, and his heart moved, and Gu Yun stood in front of Sun Hao with a smile.

Hand pointing to Yunding Xiansong, Sun Hao said with a smile: "Xiaoyun, you can see if you can transplant this Yunding Xiansong into the air tower."

Gu Yun said with a smile: "I will look around."

After that, the body floated, and Gu Yun flew to the air to carefully observe the surrounding environment. After a while, he fell back in front of Sun Hao and indulged, slowly saying: "The whole pine forest has a unique living environment and aura concentration. The surrounding climate is unique, and after the transplant, it is difficult to survive."

In this case, it can not be forced, Sun Hao smiles to let Gu Yun go back, and he continues to look for opportunities in the pine forest.

In the clouds, the clouds of Feihongshan are thousands of miles, and the area of ​​the pine forest is large. Sun Hao drives Mudan to perceive and quickly search in the pine forest and kill all the way.

It took about ten days before and after, and this time, the pine forest was almost searched, and two Yunding Xiansong were found again. Three pine cones were obtained, and two strains of pine cedar were found again. In addition, several strains of thumb mites were found. An extremely precious, elixir that grows in the pine forest.

Others have some gains, relatively weak, and Sun Hao put away one by one. These resources are thrown into the squirting tower, which should be of great help to the lesser monk in the tower.

Sun Hao did not completely search for the complete piece of pine forest. In the high-altitude clouds, the hidden bag of the avatar came the message: "The boss, there are monks in the fast approach."

Sun Hao’s heart moved slightly, his body gradually faded, and he was transformed into a tall pine tree.

In less than a moment, in the visual experience of the Bauctu, Sun Hao saw three huge trees like the fierce horses, and quickly approached from afar.

Not long after, the forest in three directions was close to the pine forest, and it was connected with the pine forest.

What surprised Sun Hao was that the moving trees quickly penetrated into the whole piece of Songhai, and there were many different trees, and different trees were integrated into the whole pine sea.

One of the tallest trees, showing the folds of bark, seems to be a human face, standing on the highest mountain bag, and the leaves emit a salsa.

The new trees that are all over the pine forest shake their branches and leaves, and the whole piece of pine sea rises like a light mist.

In the cave of the cave, the tree people have an incomparable natural advantage. After Sun Hao, the first one perceives and quickly rushes to the clouds under the clouds.

After these trees came, they did not look for the flying rainbow in the clouds as Sun Hao expected, but they were hidden on the spot.

The tree people are integrated into the Songhai, and they are completely silent. If it is not a bit of blue smoke, Sun Hao thinks that he is blind.

When the tree was transformed into a tree, it completely lost the monk's breath, and it was completely a forest.

Sun Hao is quiet and silent, but his heart is trying to figure out what the Terran people want to do.

If they just want to come in and look for the flying rainbow in the clouds, they arrived first. Why didn’t they have any movements, but they ambushed carefully.

How to look is the way the intention is not.

About half a day later, the packet was sent to the packet, and the monk was close.

Sun Hao lurked in the big tree, but did not find any signs of the close of the monk.

However, through the vision of the packer, it was found that the silk was abnormal. Above the sky, a white cloud floated over and the sky was silently connected.

To say that there is any difference, that is, this new white cloud is relatively calm, not as smart as the white clouds in the original sea of ​​clouds, and can be found that this white cloud is a bit out of place with the entire cloud.

The white clouds sneaked into the clouds and slowly and naturally sneaked into the clouds.

Among the white clouds, there was a voice that was utterly absent.

The Tuoke map lurking in the clouds in the form of weak water mist is everywhere, and the clouds that floated in, unconsciously contaminated the layers of water vapor in the Bao Ketu, and the dialogue voice in the clouds was looming. Sun Hao’s thoughts.

Bloody Wang Baichen whispered: "We should be the first to arrive? Or do we first explore one or two?"

Liu Bo, the **** of the gods, whispered: "The old tree blame is the most strange. The forest of the cave is already very beneficial to the tree people. They should arrive, maybe they will be hidden in the jungle below."

The sound of Zheng Yuanzi’s light faintness came out: “I don’t know why, I feel that this place is not very normal. Everyone is careful. The Morgan Theologians have always been strong, and their strength is far superior to my human race. Their deprivation of air transport The methods of finding the key to the air transport are quite mature and unscrupulous. If they are taken away by the gas transporter, the sin will be great."

There was a little silence in the clouds.

Liu Bo whispered: "Hey, I know that I will meet the Morgan Protoss, I should also call Agarwood Although he has just advanced, but how much can help, our pressure will be slightly smaller. ""

Zheng Yuanzi whispered: "The monk is advanced and fit. If there is no special chance, it will take a long time to advance. The power of the king is not weaker than that of the ordinary fit. It is really a life-and-death battle. It is estimated that there will be no comparison. How much weaker the agarwood is, the three things we have done badly, the more agarwood is not much, the less a lot of him, there is no need to expose his existence."

Bloody Wang Baichen sighed a sigh: "Hey, Shen Xiangxiu is progressing very quickly, but after all, the cultivation time is a little shorter, but the opponent does not intend to let him grow up, and he is doing everything possible to weaken the strength of our human race."

Zheng Yuanzi: "Before dawn, there is a darkness. After this period, wait for my cultivation to go further. After the agarwood becomes the true early monk, the human race can be stabilized. At that time, it is the human race. When it really expands the territory."

Liu Bo, the **** of the gods, whispered: "Unfortunately, Shen Xiang is not willing to help. If he can accept my avatar and let my detachment be stripped from the Xuantian Magic, then I will probably make a sudden leap forward. At that time, the Terran Triad In the virtual, the strength will be prosperous."

Zheng Yuanzi said: "This can not be forced, the chance is not enough, the demand can not be sought, the opportunity comes naturally, the water is natural, careful, the Morgans are coming..."

A huge black shadow drifting quickly from the distant sky.

The broken virtual ship flew in the air, and the tall Momo's field was holding a rattan stick. It floated up and stood upright. After seeing the white clouds, a whistling broke out in his mouth.

The white clouds are still there, that is, the flying rainbow in the clouds is still there.

No matter if other people have already arrived, as long as they have not taken away the flying clouds in the clouds, then everything is in control. (~^~)

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