Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2082: Human Crisis (2)

The sound of the old tree, He Yutian, stabilized: "Yes, when I learned that the ancestors were detained by the Terran and turned into the nuclear power of the airship, I planned for many years and slowly approached. This is the game of today, Zheng Yuanzi, now you The Terran Warrior is already a caged bird, and it is difficult to fly with wings..."

Most of the gas-shipship ships were built in ancient times. At that time, what kind of conditions were there, what kind of environment and what kind of background generated a powerful gas-shipship ship, it is not known.

In the end, which race was the first to invent the casting of the gas-powered spaceship, and it became a mystery over time.

But listening to the tone of the old tree, the ancient gas transporter is a masterpiece of the Terran, and, in front of this, the voyage of the heavenly ship actually took his ancestors as the core energy.

Then, a lot of things can be explained.

Otherwise, Zheng Yuanzi is really hard to imagine. What kind of supernatural powers the tree family will have, can sense the ancient gas ship that is hidden in the cave, and find a key to air transportation.

It turned out that there are blood descendants planning.

After the generation of the gas-powered spaceship, it is indeed extremely unfair to the tree people.

The gas-powered spaceship will destroy the soul of the tree, transform it into a pure energy device, and will also ban a huge spiritual tree in the airship.

In a sense, a gas-powered spaceship is equivalent to a huge grave of a ancestor of the tree.

The old tree can be friendly and strange. At this time, it is even more threatening to completely uproot the human race.

In this case, there is no room for manoeuvre.

The voice of the old tree has fallen, and in the sky, a flute is heard, and the sound of the music is ringing.

Among the clouds in the king of the gods, Liu Bo, fluttering a few petals, the rich floral fragrance suddenly covered the sky, the three fairies appeared in the white clouds, and the gauze dance.

Every time you reach out, you will sprinkle some petals.

Raise your hands and lift your feet, and you will be graceful and graceful.

The spirit of the fairy spirit, the boundless beauty, accompanied by the fairy music, among the white clouds, has become a beautiful scenery.

Momo Soda first raised his head and laughed: "The three goddess of the goddess of the goddess dance is really powerful. If there is no resistance to the virtual ship, Morgan Lang has now been overwhelmed. Hahaha, beauty, today Laozi can stay You three are a little life, when you are, wait for Laozi, and promise to make you a bliss."

The sound of the old tree spread throughout the Wanli Songhai: "This kind of trick, there is no attraction to my tree people warriors, roll..."

With a bang, the pine forest below rushed onto a huge, giant palm composed of leaves, and shot three air goddesses.

The flowers were photographed and the music was forcibly interrupted. The three fairies had to stop their own dance and landed beside the **** Liu.

Zheng Yuanzi leisurely sighed and said softly in his mouth: "Many of the tree people are male and female, and they are not very sensitive to the outside world. They are real wood people. To deal with them, Wushan Yunyu has little effect."

Bloody Wang Baichen laughed: "Cloud network Tianluo, how can we trap us? Just rely on you, we can still eat down our human race monks are not good, hahaha, I am a fire, burned to death."

The tree family is a wood man, and he has no feelings about men and women. But he should be born with fear of fire, and the **** king will burst out. In the sky, among the four **** clouds, the fire is red, and the blood and sea are covered with a few miles. Fangyuan, picking up the rolling magma and throwing it down.

The Songhai rises into a thick fog, and there are many dewdrops in the middle. Like cotton, it catches the blood and the fire, and it shrinks slightly downwards. Then it bounces back and bounces the blood and sea fire far away. .

Under the white clouds, the pine forest is over, shining with fireworks.

The **** sea and rain were bounced back.

Zheng Yuanzi's brow could not be shrunk. The tree people are fully prepared, and there is definitely a plan for the battle of today. The powerful fire attribute spells can't work either. The battle of today is afraid of a dozen hits.

However, although it was surrounded by the cave of the sky, but now, Zheng Yuanzi is not too anxious, as Bai Chen said, the human race is coming all the way, Zheng Yuanzi really does not believe that the opponent can eat it.

The body was slightly moved, and the sky was smashed in the sky, and the pine forest was turned down.

The monks around him also moved, and the attack was launched in all directions.

In the hands of the Mosuotian field, the vine sticks were lighted up, and the imaginary flying ship was lighted up.

Below, the pines burst, the fog and smoke added thousands of branches, the leaves also rushed up, the old tree He Yutian rose from the woods, half man and half tree, driving the Songhai formation below, against the various attacks of the Terran monks .

The war started in an instant.

Wanlishan River, under the white jade, above the pine forest, the war continued.

The Terran is exquisite, and the monks who are lurking in the pine forest are not weak, and they fought in battle. Under the leadership of the old tree, they competed with the Terran monks.

After the demolition of the virtual ship that Momo Suotian drove through, he shot a shot and a beam of light slammed into Zhengyuanzi.

Although the real yuan cannon is powerful, but it is not suitable for the fit of the monk. Zheng Yuanzi’s hand is in front of the sky, blocking the way of the real yuan cannon.

With a bang, the real yuan shelled the middle scale.

Zheng Yuanzi, who thought that he could completely block it, suddenly had a slight look at his eyes. The body seemed to be unable to withstand the huge impact. He flew backwards and made a scorn in his mouth: "Destroy the cannon? Everyone is careful, this ship There is a flaw in the broken virtual ship, and it is actually able to send out the enemy."

The most significant difference between the three ships in China and the virtual is reflected in their defensive power. Only the giant ships that are truly proud of the void are qualified to step into the level of ruin.

The biggest difference between the broken virtual ship and the top-class giant ship is the defensive power. At the same time, they also have typical differences in attack.

The shells of the monks who have been smashed by the smashing squadrons are real guns. Even if this kind of attack hits the fit, there is not much problem.

At the extension level, after the monk's real input, the explosion was the attack of the "destroyed gun".

This destroying the cannon is different from the monk's spells, but it is a powerful attack formed by the real extension of the domain-level giant ship by a special array of methods to concentrate on the monk's attack.

A sudden explosion of the extinct gun, the Zheng Yuanzi under the big hand was caught off guard, holding the amount of the day ruler, was repelled by the students for a few dozen feet, looked up at the amount of feet, and found that the white body actually appeared burnt Mark of.

I couldn’t help but feel worried about today’s war situation.

Suddenly, the extinction of the annihilator did not really hurt Zheng Yuanzi. Momo’s face appeared a pitiable expression on his face. He said loudly in his mouth: "I didn’t expect the strength of the nose to grow very fast, but in this case, There is no need to hide everyone, Big Brother, you should come out to preside over the overall situation..."

Zheng Yuanzi was shocked, his eyes slightly picked up The broken virtual ship shook in the clouds, the flying ship seemed to shake off the layers of dust, the moss and dirt on the surface of the body were shaken Dropped into the middle of the Wanli Songhai.

A full-body orange-yellow flying ship, with a faint glow, floated in the clouds.

One head was inserted into four flying feathers, one hand held a shackle, and the height of the body was similar to that of Momo's field. The monk floated on the spaceship with a faint smile on his face and said to Song Hai below: "The old tree is a good calculation, the human race monk really is coming out of the nest, now it is just a net to play, Zheng Yuan Niu nose, this Momo cable, waiting for you for a long time ..."

The broken virtual ship swayed to the side and turned into an orange-yellow-scale domain-class flying ship.

Momosotian, the second power of the Morgan Protoss may be the late existence of the fit.

Zheng Yuanzi suddenly changed his face.

The enemy side, one extension domain level, three major fits.

On your own side, you only have one yourself. Maybe you have a way to escape from birth today, but once these people are ruthlessly destroyed in the cave, the Terran is bound to usher in a darker period.

Zheng Yuanzi couldn’t help but look around. The **** Wang Liubo and the **** Wang Baichen’s face were also slightly changed. The **** Wang Baichen whispered: “The relationship between the old trees for thousands of years, no thought is for today, Wanxue Island However, it is truly a human sinner, big brother, Zhengyuan predecessor, you are trying to leave, Wanhoumo Island belongs to me, and after I die in the temple."

Zheng Yuanzi has no expression and looks at the sky.

I don't know when, Momosotian, who was still talking, has already drove his orange flying ship to the clouds above the head of the Terran monks. The orange light shone down: "You, everyone, pick me up." Hit..."(~^~)

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