Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2083: Human race defeated

Above the sky, the Tuoyu spacecraft was driven by Momosotian and broke out.

Below the Songhai, set off a stream of pines, merged into a wooden arrow, aimed at the position of the Terran monks, oh, mad.

Swing up and down, attacked on both sides.

Zheng Yuanzi has white hair and is fluttering leisurely. His face is cold and his mouth is clear and clear: "War, if you want to win us, you must not let them be better."

The sky is flying in the air, and the air rotates into a lotus-like white cloud, welcoming the air.

Liu Wangzhong, the **** of the gods, three goddess maidens whirl and waved, the sleeves fell down, the veil flicked out, fluttering, forming a wall, blocking the wooden arrow.

The light of the annihilation gun came and hit the lotus of Zhengzhengzi.

The lotus petals are ablated in the layer of the extinction beam, and the Zhengyuanzi is crisp and drink: "There is no amount of heaven, and the world is far."

The extinction can still strongly ablate the Aquila, but there is a strange spatial illusion in an instant, as if the annihilation of the sacred lotus into the distant world, the beam energy ran far and could not be worn completely. Through the sky lotus.

Momosoltian laughed in the air: "A good amount of heaven, at least it is a congenital spirit, hahaha, Zhengyuaniu nose, I have to see if you are infinitely powerful, or my Capricorn More powerful, give me a photo."

The wooden arrow that broke out below hit the wall of the defensive gauze set up by the gods Liu Bo and the three gods, and they squeaked and were bounced back.

The voice of the old tree, He Yutian, came out: "The **** Wang Liu is a bit of a skill. You can't help the wood arrow in this seat. Soo, don't stand by and help me."

In front of Momo's field, floating **** clouds, the surrounding air seems to have an unpleasant **** suffocating, white morning looming in the blood, blocking his way.

The war started.

Zheng Yuanzi, Liu Bo and Bai Chen each led an elite and resisted the attack of the three parties. In a short period of time, they did not collapse.

Under the white clouds of Wanlifeng Town, the winds are surging and the war is going on and on.

The three battle groups present a battle scene with a lot of weather, dazzling light, illuminate the sky, various spells bursting with dazzling fireworks, and powerful energy flows.

Miles in the air, screaming, percussion, Xianle sounded from time to time, the tribes of the tribes, launched a life and death war.

Incarnation of the beetle, quietly squatting under the leaves, Sun Hao silently observed the entire battlefield, Sun Hao did not intend to intervene easily.

Zheng Yuanzi did not count his own strength, they should have some backhands, they will not be easily defeated.

More crucially, the Morgan Protoss and the Shurens have strong cooperation. Even if Sun Hao goes out at this time, he can only form a stubborn stalemate. If he wants to break the deadlock, he is afraid of some difficulties.

When Sun Hao thinks a little, he understands it very clearly. The bureau of today is going to break. The Terran must first be defeated. It must be guilty. After the people pay a certain price, they can finally break this game.

The three tribes are fighting for each other. They are really fighting for their lives. In the fight for strength, there are only human monks. Whether it is the Morgan Protoss or the Tree People, they have quietly left a hand, that is, they are not very trusting with each other, or else The Terran is afraid that it will not be able to stand up.

Do not say anything else, in Sun Hao's perception, at least two-thirds of the tree warriors in the tree below are in a state of stagnation waiting for an opportunity.

The tree people do not know what to plan, but who is more patient.

Of course, Sun Hao’s stagnation and cold-eyedness make it a necessity for the Terran to suffer.

Just like the big lizards of the year, Sun Hao was coldly watching the Terran monks fighting for their survival.

The three major battle groups, the fierce battle for more than ten days, the sky seems to be pierced, even if there are trees and people's monks cover the ground, a large number of pine forests are also destroyed into pieces, some slightly higher peaks are directly flattened.

But no matter how fierce the war is, the green wall on the edge of the Wanli territory is still very strong, like a huge cage, with white clouds as the cover, covering the entire battlefield.

In the course of the three-party war, Zheng Yuanzi also intended to guide the opponent's attack to attack the green wall and rush to the sky and white clouds.

But unfortunately, neither attack has much effect.

When the attack came, the tree-like people's magical cloud network Tianlu appeared to be in another space, facing most attacks and being indifferent.

When the monk wants to walk through, he will become a real thing again.

The cloud cloud cover in the sky is also quite magical. If the monk wants to fly out and rush out, there will be a feeling of the sky and the sky. You fly hard, but you can't escape the cover of the clouds.

In the virtual world, each has its own magic.

The magical power of the tree people is beyond the many cognitions of the human race monks and can't be easily broken.

The most powerful one is the Morgan Moss II, Momo, and the fierce battle for more than ten days. The Zheng Yuanzi who has been weakened for one level is finally unable to bear it.

The light of the measuring ruler gradually resisted the golden light of the Capricorn, and was gradually suppressed.

Zheng Yuanzi had to sit on the top of the Baiyun Clouds with his knees, his hands clasped together, and he kept playing the law, driving the amount of resistance.

Zheng Yuanzi is very clear that once he is defeated by Momoso, then waiting for the Terran monks is an instant disintegration.

You can resist Mormonthau, and the king of God and the king of bloodstains are not opponents at all. The monks behind him are not at all enemies.

Momo Soda and the tree people did not actually try their best at this time. They were waiting for Zheng Yuanzi to be completely defeated. When Zheng Yuanzi was defeated, it was the time to truly destroy the Terran.

The situation of Zhengyuanzi is getting worse and worse, and the power of the scale is getting weaker and weaker. Failure is only a matter of time.

Bai Chen's face was reddish, standing up in the **** sea, and whispered in his mouth: "Adult, you think about leaving. After I am broken for you, as long as there are adults, you have a pillar of the sky."

Zheng Yuanzi’s eyes are slightly sloping, and his mouth says: “No matter, even if my deity is broken here, it’s just a big injury. It takes a little time to recover. I’m fine, but it’s the king of God, and I’m not separated. Under the command, once the deity has an accident, it is difficult to recover, so it’s still Liu Bo’s idea to go first.”

After that, Zheng Yuanzi’s arms jerked and burst into a series of gestures in the air. He said in his mouth: “I have tried my best to involve Mosuotian two hours. I hope that you can escape from birth. ""

On the Guanghua Dasheng, the layer of white clouds under the body of Zheng Yuanzi was collected into the sky, and a box of white squares flashing in the air was formed in the air. On the gold medal.

Jinguang shimmered in the white hood, and left and right, it was impossible to run.

Zheng Yuanzi's face is slightly A voice in his mouth: "No amount of white clouds, the amount of heaven cage, give me a break..."

Momoso’s sky screamed in the air: “Want to cut off the induction of me and Jin Hao? Zheng Yuan Niu nose, you can really play the wishful thinking.”

The thick fingers pointed to the next finger, and the air slammed into the air. Several sharp golden lights were drawn to the Zhengtianzi’s heavenly cage, and the white clouds kept shaking.

Behind Zheng Yuanzi, a direct squad assisted Zheng Yuanzi's four distracted monks to look at each other, move around in a shift, one person after another, sitting cross-legged behind Zheng Yuanzi, giving Zhengyuanzi a true yuan To help Zhengyuanzi to compete with Mosuotian.

White morning violently: "Liu boss, go quickly."

Liu Bo nodded slightly, reached for a trick, and there was a dark stick in his hand. The body leaped high and the body sticks in one, and suddenly inserted into the sky.

Behind him, the three priests fluttered and flew their sleeves, intercepting the attack of the tree, and Liu Bo continued to rush into the sky.

The tree man He Yutian yelled: "Suo Tian, ​​stop them, don't let them escape."

Momo Soda flew up, the rattan stick in his hand lifted high, and the blue cyclone began to gather on the vine stick.

Bai Chen gritted his teeth and whispered: "Hugh thinking."

With a bang, the whole body turned into a **** rain, spread out behind Liu Bo.

The other three monks of the Vampire Island looked at each other with a glance, bursting themselves into blood drops, and quickly blending into the **** rain of Baichen.

A **** bloody river, flat in the air, roaring and rushing to Momo's field, dirty blood, pungent **** air.

Blood pollution law.

Do not desperately play hard, Momo Soma brows slightly wrinkled, the vine stick in his hand hurriedly crashed forward, his body swayed, flew backwards.

In the sky, it was shocked. (To be continued~^~)

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