Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2088: Destruction

The tree man He Yutian swayed his torso, facing Sun Hao, swaying the branches, and angered: "If this is the case, then see if you have the ability to uproot my tree."

Sun Hao’s face has a faint pity, and his mouth is cold and cold. “You are withdrawing now. I am not easy to practice. I can spare you a tree. If it is not, I will ruthlessly start.”

The old branches and leaves swayed, and the roots of the trees stepped on the legendary extension field. A giant tree floated above the Tuoyu spacecraft, forming a huge giant wood array. The old branches were turned into arms and pointed to Sun Hao. A violent drink: "Kids, big words, eat me a blow."

The giant wood was pushed hard, and rushed out from the flying ship. The whistling sound was overwhelming and slammed into the area where Sun Hao was located. Even the Terran monks were shrouded in it.

The Momo Soma brothers looked at each other and also launched an offensive against Sun Hao.

A small tornado broke out in the rattan rod of Momo's field and slammed into Sun Hao.

Momoso's arms were stretched out, and a compass appeared in the air. It was mounted on the flying ship. The sound of the bomb exploded, but the strength was ten times more than the previous gunfire.

In three directions, three fits and talents can be shot to Sun Hao.

Undoubtedly, they think that among the monks who are present, the strongest is Sun Hao.

In particular, Sun Hao’s defeat of the Cyclops’s law became the first target of the three attacks.

The three-headed and six-armed law does not break, even if it is Momosotian, it can only rely on the strength of the extension domain ship, and does not dare to directly take the deity against Sun Hao, this is the gap.

Zheng Yuanzi's body shape is swaying, waiting to come forward, helping Sun Hao block a direction.

Sun Hao slowly shook his head in the air and said in his mouth: "No matter, see me hit them and take them orally."

The appearance of the three-headed six-armed magical system and the strongness of the fighting stick brought great confidence to Sun Hao.

Although the attack of the three combined powers is fierce, what can I do?

What's more, Sun Hao has been here for so long, and there have been some arrangements.

Since it is going to fight, it will be a battle, watching for so long, the understanding has been understood, the familiar is already familiar.

After the advanced fit period, the first time against the same level monks, Sun Hao also a little **** worship.

Three heads and six arms, roaring in the sky, big hands waving, golden sticks hovering, fighting spirits.

Sun Hao’s legislation is in the palm of his hand, with a smile and a flying look.

The law was swept away, and a giant palm fell from the sky, and a palm fell.

Sun Hao whispered: "The law is a glimpse, destroying your giant wood three thousand."

Hey, hey, the giant wood that the tree people attacked was swept away by a palm, and fell like a raindrop.

The law is also a combination of palms and palms. The gesture changes. One does not move the king, the boxing shadow flashes, and the green tornado flies to Momo.

Sun Hao said: "I have a seal, and I am in the southeast and northwest. I am not moving."

The tornado blew the green storm, and it was impossible to shake the shadow of the boxing.

The law holds a stick in the one-armed air of the stick, and the stick is like a golden mirror.

Sun Hao said: "I have a stick, I can steal the day and change the day."

The Mosuo’s eruption of the annihilation of the smashing shot of the scorpion gold mirror, like hitting the mirror, turning instantly, in the hula, to the legendary extension of the sky tree people to kill the past.

The old tree was shocked, the branches were waving, the giant ship was vacated, and the destroying guns that lost their ability to trace were escaped.

In three directions, the attack of three fit monks was completely taken over by Sun Hao.

The three-headed six-armed magical system has a strong morale, wielding a stick, three heads in the sky, and roaring.

The human race monks look at each other and have a certain heart.

Especially in the morning, Liu Bo, who touched the side, whispered: "The boss is also a stick. The golden stick of agarwood is much more powerful than your black stick. It is only a golden stick. ......"

The two goddesses have stood safely beside Liu Bo.

Bai Jie don't go too far, don't look at his brother.

Jiuwei said with a smile: "The stick of agarwood is really fierce. The slaves are swaying and the heart is swaying."

Zheng Yuanzi could not help but frown. These few magical ways are so powerful, it seems that they are too shameless, and there are foreign monks in it. It is really awkward.

Above the sky, the three-headed six-armed gods smashed a stick with fierceness, and rolled up the sticks of flowers. In the sky, the club head stood up and pointed to Momoso.

Momo's body was tight, and he couldn't help but drive the Tuofei spacecraft and flew back a few feet. His face was silky.

As a fit and a great power, fighting this kind of supernatural power, the one he met in this battle today is the most thrilling.

Good and fierce magical law.

The three heads and six arms can be used, not the furnishings, which is amazing.

In other words, this method can actually fight in all directions, and the grade is high.

Momosol feels a bit of a headache. Is the Terran kid really a strong semiconductor? How do you look more and more like a strong fit monk that will exist in the legend?

The stick of the earth points to Momoso.

Sun Hao said in a faint voice: "I will pick you up later, let you see the end of the tree race with me."

The old tree, He Yutian, was anxious and laughed: "Come on, I am waiting, I will see how you can clean up my tree."

In the eyes of Sun Hao, he once again showed a pity look, and said softly in his mouth: "I am ignorant and fearless. Since you are bent on death, then I will fulfill you."

Standing in the palm of the law, Sun Hao stretched out his right hand and a golden beetle appeared in the palm of his hand. He said in a loud voice: "This is a golden silkworm."

A small beetle? Want to destroy the tree?

The old tree, He Yutian, did not believe it. He looked up and said, "Is it a small bug?"

Sun Hao leisurely sighed: "You remember, the name of the golden silkworm, the destruction of the world."

Destroy the golden silkworm?

Great tone!

Sun Hao sighed softly, his fingers flicked, the golden silkworm cocoon took off, and a strange sound wave appeared in his wings and mouth, as if filled with some mysterious rhythm.

The Momoso brothers looked at each other and temporarily stopped the attack and waited for it to change.

In the sound waves of the golden silkworms, the legendary extensional spacecraft in the air trembled fiercely.

Even the most powerful, old tree He Yutian, who has been cultivated to the fit period, has been shaking the bark leaves.

The dead woody face suddenly showed a very weird expression.

Zhang mouth slammed fiercely: "Kid, what are you doing?"

Sun Hao said: "I gave you the opportunity, you don't catch it. Now, you will bring all your trees and trees to you to bury, useless, even if you are fit, encounter me. It can only be considered bad luck."

The tall tree kept shaking, and the old tree sensed that there was a huge change in his body that was not under his control. His face was full of horror, and his mouth shouted: "Impossible, how is it possible? How can I grow bugs?"

There are not many natural enemies in the In addition to the wisdom of the race, the tree will be used as a material. In nature, the tree is most afraid of long worms.

The worm will lighten the leaves, will confuse the roots, and will hollow out the trunk.

But all trees will hate bugs.

However, after the tree people practiced to a certain extent, their strength increased greatly, and the disease did not invade. The hundred insects did not live, especially when it reached the level of the old tree, and it was really impossible to think that they would grow bugs.

How is this possible?

With my own cultivation and perception, how can it be wormed, it is simply a slippery world.

Thinking of many kinds of possibilities, the old tree did not expect that he would grow bugs.

What is even more horrifying is that not only the worms on the body, but the entire huge domain-class spaceship, all the tree-man monks have the same state.

Even the giant trees that did not have spirituality built the spacecraft, unexpected changes have taken place, and hundreds of insects are entangled.

The old tree He Yutian perceives that the entire tree-man monk, even himself, is caught in a strange pest.

With their own strengths, they kill all the little bugs in the body, and other tree-man monks are even more unhelpful.

Looking hard at Sun Hao, the branches turned into a thick finger, and the old tree pointed to the air as if it were a small point. In the golden silkworm that gently shakes the wings, he said in a word: "What the **** is it?"

Sun Hao’s face showed mercy, and he said in his mouth: “I said, he is a golden silkworm, the name is destroyed, and the Taoist friends are all good.”

As soon as the words were finished, the golden silkworms had a double wing and a long sound in the sky.

The body swelled in the long sound, turning into a golden sun, floating in front of the Shuren spacecraft of the Shuren.

A pair of wings and a fan, the golden light sprinkled out, illuminating the extension domain and the forest below. (To be continued.)

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