Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2089: The tree is completely destroyed

The golden light is shining, it looks like a grand emperor.

However, the scene that appeared in the golden light, let the two warriors in the battle fight a cold war.

The tree people of one party are completely trapped in **** on earth.

Below the sea of ​​clouds, Wanli Songhai, the trees are popping up into pieces, countless, dense and numb, do not know how much like the thickness of the fingers, one foot long, all brown, the body also has a lot of mucus, people Disgusting and vomiting is like a snake that has just broken out of the shell.

Throughout the sea of ​​trees, there was a burst of biting sound.

A large piece of the original quiet woods, less than a moment of kung fu has become a ridiculous, on the ground, I saw a deep pit after the tree was hollowed out.

Looking down from the sky, the green ground with many shrubs grows like a long pockmark.

In the Songhai Sea, many tree-man monks were hidden, but in an instant, along with the pine forest, they were smashed.

The old tree, He Yutian’s eyes flashed in sorrow.

Looking at Sun Hao’s eyes is full of anger and unwillingness.

The tree man monk on the air extension spaceship is strong, and has been a little longer, but it is nothing more.

Just as there was a dense hole in the bottom, the top-level spacecraft above the sky exploded, and a big tree appeared in the air, waving branches, frantically struggling, falling from the sky.

In their trees, on their branches and leaves, they also drilled small snake-like worms that had just broken their shells, and quickly slammed them on their trees.

The tree man He Yutian stood up in the air, and the face of the dead tree was gradually wormed out from his mouth, from inside his nose, constantly drilling and drilling.

In his tall canopy, he also climbed up a lot of bugs and kept drilling.

The body swayed slightly, and the insects on the body swayed empty. The eyes glared at Sun Hao with a glance. A small body stepped out from the trunk and stood in front of Sun Hao. He shouted: "A good family." Kid, good, today I let you break the body, come to Japan, my tree and the family are not dead, let's walk..."

Sun Hao’s eyes were filled with mercy, and his mouth said faintly: “The Taoist thoughts are much more, the golden silkworms, the name of the world, and the extinction can be more than the flesh.”

He Yutian combined with the gods and stayed for a while.

The golden silkworm gold light has been illumined on the body of his god.

The Yuanshen was shocked and stagnated in the air.

In the body of the Yuanshen, the snake was still drilled, but the snake turned golden yellow and looked much more pleasing to the horrible snake.

However, whether it was He Yutian himself or the Morgan and the Terran monks, at this moment, watching the golden snakes, his face showed amazement.

What kind of gold silkworm?

Even the monks of the monks can eat in such a way.

Destroy the golden silkworm!

The terrible horror of the golden silkworm, everyone remembered the golden light in the air, like the little sun, it looks like a golden silkworm.

After Sun Hao got the annihilation of the Golden Silkworm, he was also the first to take the enemy. He did not expect that his power would be so terrible.

Sun Hao came to the clouds one step earlier, and the incarnation of the golden silkworm was hidden in the pine forest.

It’s not dead, the Shuren monks, including He Yutian, ran to the bottom of the Songhai ambush.

At that time, Sun Hao remembered the most instinctive function of the golden silkworm that he had never used before, and the technique of locusts.

The golden silkworm is a poisonous person. The seedlings have not known how many years, and they have worked hard to plan the last generation of ape.

Sun Hao has never used it.

The tree people just hid in the vicinity of Sun Hao, Sun Hao Jin silkworm moved, the locusts spread silently in the jungle, the entire pine forest was spared, all contaminated.

The unparalleled small magical power of the genus Jinshen is reflected in the locusts. These mites are small enough to be small, like dust that does not exist. Through the leaves, the water absorbed by the roots penetrates into the tree. Within the human body.

To the extent of the worms of the golden silkworms, if Sun Hao is willing, he can not be triggered for a lifetime, and the tree people can not feel the slightest abnormality.

But since the tree is determined to be against the Terran, then it’s a pity that Sun Hao is not welcome.

The first battle of the annihilation of the golden silkworms was embarrassing and terrifying.

Blood stasis is abnormal.

Even if it was a few monks of the Terran, looking at Sun Hao with a smile on his face, he couldn’t help but feel a little tight.

Especially the sinful king Liu Bo, the heart is full of luck, but fortunately, Sun Hao is big enough, did not take this worm to greet himself and the four scorpions, think about the worm's taste in the body in the soul, Liu Bo The scalp is numb.

The old tree, He Yutian, the **** of the gods struggled fiercely in the air, rolling up and down, trying to drive the insects out of the body.

No matter how he toss, there are still insects in the gods who are constantly bathing in golden light and growing.

At this moment, above the entire sky, the tree branches of the branches and leaves are flying wildly, and a small snake drags the mucus and keeps eating on the tree.

The sound of mourning, the saliva of foraging, spread throughout the sky.

The sky seems to be crying, and the earth seems to be crying.

The fallen tree people are constantly struggling, the stench is spreading everywhere, the worms are biting, and the pain is extremely painful.

The mind of the Morgan Protoss is full of jealousy, looking at Sun Hao, it seems to see the devil.

A good means, a strong gold silkworm.

This young boy seems to be harmless to humans and animals. He is so ruthless, so many trees are elite and unscrupulous, and they are killed in one fell swoop.

Once the Morgan Protoss is defeated, the ending will not be much better.

He Yutian’s Yuanshen frantically struggled for a while and found himself completely entangled in the entanglement of the insects. He stopped in the air and roared loudly toward Sun Hao: “The thief, the tree people remember you, even if you destroy me. Deity, destroy my god, this seat still has a way to escape the birth of heaven, you wait, the tree and the human race will not end."

Looking at the hysteria, the face is awkward, there is a golden snake snake to drill the tree people, Sun Hao's face showed a trace of mercy: "Unfortunately, the old tree, you can leave the back hand, can be reunited outside, But in this encounter, what you have met in the cave of the heavens will become a permanent secret."

The old tree showed an unsatisfactory expression on his face, and he had words in his mouth, but in an instant, his face changed greatly and looked up at the sky. He said in his mouth: "How is this? How can this be?"

Sun Hao leisurely sighed: "Daoyou, you, let's go."

With a bang, the old tree was turned into a golden light and collapsed in the air. A golden snake rushed out and fell into the body of the golden silkworm. The golden silkworm shook its wings slightly and ate the tonic. .

The big tree fell from the sky, and the mourning gradually subsided. On the ground, only some flying dust and squirming became the arm family, but still only one foot long and chubby little The snakes have risen too much, they can't swim, and they keep crawling on the ground.

In the territory of Wanli, the scene is extremely **** and disgusting.

Sun Hao said softly: "The poison can not be left, or the cave of the heavens will be completely destroyed, the golden silkworm, and they are collected."

The golden light flickered, the golden silkworm wings slightly trembled, and the fat snakes underneath exploded, turning into a blood arrow, flew into the sky, rushed into the golden silk golden light, and disappeared into soda.

On the ground, leave a cracked snake skin in one place.

Sun Hao sighed with a single hand, and the golden silkworm flew over, and the golden silkworm, which was turned into a thumb, was quietly in the palm of his hand.

Above the sky, Momo Suotian, standing on the legendary Tuofei spaceship, said: "There is a very good technique of poisoning the poison. I didn't expect the kid to learn such a horrible trick, and he is not afraid of heavenly retribution. , five thunders?"

Sun Hao handed the golden silkworm, faintly said: "People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. Today, I have repeatedly warned the tree people, they are dead on their own, and they take it by themselves."

Momo is floating in the air, cold and cold said: "The locusts are powerful, but they need time to relax and develop. The Morgan Protoss is not like a treeless person, hiding in the woods to let you do it, you have the ability, you take gold. The silkworm killed my Morgan Protoss, and I was convinced."

After seeing the annihilation of the golden silkworm, the body was able to see the ruthlessness of the golden silkworm, but the heart was settled.

Since it is a locust, it only needs to be guarded against it, not afraid.

Sun Hao’s wrist was lightly shocked, and the golden silkworm went back to rest. The body rose from the palm of the Fa, and his mouth screamed: “To deal with you, you can’t use the golden silkworm, you don’t want two friends, since Shen Xiangquan After destroying the tree, then there is no plan to let go of your Morgan, come on, fight." (To be continued.)

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