Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2091: Shenwei

The Morgan's fit that you can't beat seems to be weak!

No, it should be said that Agarwood is too strong!

Almost at the same time, the distracted monks thought that with the incense and adults, the Zhongxu human race may really rise and look forward to it.

Sun Hao's golden body is shining, floating in the air, driving the magical law to storm the Momo cable sky on the legendary extension domain.

At the same time, the distraction is also concerned about the battle between the corps and the Momo Soda field, and carefully understands the magical battle form in which the sacred warfare is currently located.

Sun Hao thought that the prisoner's body would not be weaker than Momo Soda, knowing that he could have the power of a battle, but Sun Hao was never convinced that he could suppress Momo Somatian so badly.

After the war broke out, the performance of the prisoner’s body was beyond the expectations of Sun Hao.

After years of fighting, the criminal warfare has a powerful instinct to fight, and can quickly find the battle target to break out of the endless battle.

This is what Sun Hao knows, and Sun Hao also knows that his criminal corps has an unparalleled fighting spirit and fighting ability, and this is exactly the case. Sun Hao only let the criminals fight to fight Momo.

The sacred warfare is also the only one that can fight alone without the control of Sun Hao.

However, after the release of the squad and the body against the combined power, the sacred warfare showed the ability to lock the enemy beyond the instinct of the battle, and Sun Hao suddenly discovered that perhaps this would have a great reference for his own temperament. effect.

The prisoner's body is very simple, basically instinctive action, according to the monk's statement is like a newborn, the mind is pure and incomparable.

Nowadays, the reason why the battle can accurately grasp the moving direction of Momo Soda, chasing after him, slamming and killing, the combat instinct is only one aspect. One of the important reasons is that Sun Hao refining his heart.

No matter how Momo is moving, my heart always thinks about the direction of my movement. At this time, even Sun Hao’s deity consciousness battle is difficult to accurately capture the momentary idea of ​​a fit monk.

However, the instinctual fighting consciousness of the sacred warfare, coupled with his own ability to pass through, produces a magical effect of one plus one greater than two. In a sense, it is actually a kind of heart and body.

Mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful.

At the moment when Momo Soda moved instantly, Sun Hao couldn’t perceive the direction of thought, but the prisoner’s body was taken for granted.

It is always possible to produce a pre-judgment in advance, killing it, even if it is far away, you can throw a square shield or a hammer, and you will pass.

The effect of this kind of prejudgment naturally kills the Mosuo Tianji flying dog.

Perhaps Momo Soda is still lucky, and hopes that he will be exhausted by his strong real yuan accumulation, but Sun Hao knows that he wants more.

I don't know when, the animal husband of the priest appeared in the side of the **** Liu Bo, and sighed in the mouth: "The four-armed big man is miserable this time, actually with the holy king than the endurance, his mother, the holy king of the year After playing for three hundred years, he will not blame him for killing him..."

Suddenly there was a rustic dog in the earth. When he opened his mouth, he said something, and Zheng Yuanzi was shocked and jumped over.

The face of the animal husbandry dog ​​showed a smug expression: "This seat is the priest of the pastoral, once coached the Holy King for thousands of years, the Holy King is the headless and savage, tell you, in this world, than the ability to fight for a long time. The Holy King said that it is the second. No one dares to say that it is the first. The old boy will be killed by the Holy King sooner or later."

Liu Bo put his hands on his hands and said to several ethnic monks: "This guy is an agarwood family."

Shen Xiangjia's dog!

The Terran monks have come to understand, Shen Xiang is really a strange person, and raising a dog is also a sachet.

Look around, the thief head thief brain, side animal husbandry head 蹭蹭 Liu Bo, whispered: "God king, see you with my interest, I will give you a clear road, you look at the holy king, he is actually the body of the incense , my mind is simple, there are a few dead, unforgettable little girls, I know what they look like..."

Liu Bo glimpsed a little, and the eyeballs turned a few laps. I understood it a little. I lowered my body and whispered in front of the side of the animal husbandry and said: "That would trouble the priests to help me keep an eye on it, or simply create an opportunity. The king will have a thank you."

Bianmu heard the words of the adult, the dog's face enjoyed, and lowered the voice and said: "This is no problem, but give you a reminder, the sacred body of the holy king is very incomparable, your avatar is afraid to resist, don't be Explode directly."

Liu Bo’s look was slightly stunned, and he said in his mouth: “It’s a pity that the king’s three singers are now going to one of them. Otherwise, the sacred king can resist it.”

Bianmu stretched out his dog's paw and patted him on his shoulder: "I just remind you to be prepared. Since you have three sacred consciousness, then it's okay, rest assured, the other scorpion is fine, there is agarwood, The bitterness is inevitable, and the dead will not."

Liu Bo stayed and stayed on his face with a surprise expression: "Bian Mu, what do you mean?"

Bianmu turned over the dog's eyes: "I didn't say anything, you will understand it when you look down."

Liu Bo took a deep look: "Thanks to the side of the animal husbandry to give pointers, in the future, the adults are my life and death brothers Liu Bo, the wind is coming in the rain, do not leave."

Bianmu’s eyebrows opened his eyes and smiled. The dog’s paw patted Liu Bo and said in his mouth: “I have done it. I recognize the brother of Bianmu, you will not suffer, honestly tell you, Sun’s strength and power are far from you. It’s so simple to see, in this world, dare to lead a grandson’s boss, it’s estimated that it’s also in the sky and there is a dog.”

To be precise, the heavens and the earth, the courageous and arrogant dogs, and the daring dogs, are only one side.

This dog, as long as it does not hurt Sun Hao, as long as it is helpful to Sun Hao, then do whatever you want.

This was the time when the headless and fiercely led the history of black history.

The same is true of teaching Liu Bo.

Some Sun Hao will not think about things that they will not do, and there is never any scruples in Border Shepherd.

In this world, it is only afraid of Zhu Ling and Sun Hao, because Zhu Ling is its master, the dog must be faithful, and Sun Hao, who is the only person who admire and knows its weakness, is not afraid of not.

The reason why he will teach Liu Bo, that is because Bianmu knows instinctively that the Holy King needs to do this.

Sun Hao is in the air war, paying attention to the prisoner's body, but he really didn't pay attention to the little action of the animal husbandry.

Although the law of Momo is broken, but there is a domain-level spaceship to make up for its own combat power. In a short period of time, it is quite comparable to Sun Hao.

The combination of power and overwhelming spells has been blessed by the spacecraft, and the power has increased greatly, and the body of the gods is so dark and dark.

The Terran Warrior looked up at the sky and the sky, the ray of light, the heart of the battlefield, shaking and sighing.

The Wanliyun cloud above the sky is rolling clouds and clouds, and it is constantly tumbling and being flowed by the airflow.

Sun Hao and Momoso have no time to take the time to fly in the clouds.

The powerful heavenly spirit tree also showed a tough defense force. The wave of energy and the flow of energy that rushed into the white clouds were quietly and quietly between the white clouds.

Huge storms have been transmitted from high altitudes from time to time, and the ground layers have been cut off.

The real landslide.

Surprisingly, within the territory of Wanli, the two major battle groups played violently abnormal, and the cloud network around the territory of the tree was still as tenacious as ever, and the aftermath of the attack was hit again and again.

The grandson of the human race, Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, who appeared in the air, appeared in the first battle and showed the posture of the dominating battlefield.

Shenwei is alive.

The two combined powers were firmly suppressed by him.

This is strength.

Above the sky, the golden light of the juvenile-like Sun Hao, seen in the eyes of the monks and other monks, is like a god.

And in the eyes of those Morganian Protoss is the incarnation of the devil.

Within the elite extension domain, there are no fewer than 10,000 people in Morgan. There are several monks.

Now, these monks are dying in their lives and fully cooperate with Momoso to fight against Sun Hao.

The miserable scenes after the defeat of the tree people made the Morgan Protoss feel great pressure. Once they were defeated today, the end of the tree race is a lesson.

The sky is reflected in the flames of war.

The sky seems to be shaken by a huge attack.

One wave after another, the flow of energy allowed the Terran monks to watch the war and had to hold up their defenses.

The strange thing is that the dog of Sun Hao, and the strong energy attack, the dog is nothing, in the face of a powerful attack flow, free from the slightest influence.

The war lasted for more than ten days. (To be continued.)

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