Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2092: Shenwei Gai Shi (2)

The earth shivered and the sky was illuminated by the war.

In the battle of the complex, the sky was broken, and the territory of Wanli became a ridiculous.

The bonfire of more than ten days of war will show the power of the combined power. If the cloud of the tree is still effective, the area affected by the war will have exceeded the scope of the Wanli territory.

The outer wall of the cloud network and the sky are subject to huge impact from time to time.

Sun Hao stood up in the air, golden light, commanding his own magical law, observing his own prisoner's body, for ten days, without any exhaustion.

Whether it is the sacred warfare or the magical law, it is still alive and well.

Momoso days have been stunned.

Even if his Cyclops are not defeated by the three heads and six arms, it is difficult for the power of the gods to support their supernatural powers for ten days.

Momo Soma is even more bitter, for ten days in a row, the **** headless body is always the kind of dragon, fierce and fiercely fighting, and it’s impossible to stop, chase and fight, as if there is no At the end.

When Momo Soma was caught and stormed, more and more, powerful forces, and the destructive power of the tyrants had made him feel very uncomfortable.

If it weren't for, he would definitely take the battlefield further to avoid the headless body.

Headless fierce is the fighting machine.

Combat machine, real combat machine.

Indefatigable, not afraid of attack, powerful, and brave fighting machine.

The Terran Watching Warriors also questioned the words of Bianmu 10 days ago. After ten days, they have already come to understand it. The dog of Shenxiangjia is quite good. On the ability to continue fighting, the headless body is indeed a lasting battle.

From beginning to end, it is always a high-spirited spirit.

Ten days later, Sun Hao carefully realized the fighting state of the prisoner's body, and he realized that he had reached a conclusion. Later, his own refining of the heart can be slowly advanced through the punishment of the heavens.

The solution is to let the body of the war and the sky move out and move more, so that the heart moves with the body, and the feeling of moving with the heart will gradually deepen into its own marrow and promote its own heart and body.

After understanding this truth, Sun Hao has no need to continue to observe.

The war is also at the dawn of the dawn.

Since the battle, Sun Hao did not intend to keep it, except for the Terran monks, did not intend to leave a living.

Among the eyes, flashing mercy, Sun Hao said in a whisper: "The Morgans, you have repeatedly committed the boundaries of my human race, and my own ethnic group has historical grievances, and now I want to take my human race, it is unforgivable. ""

Driving the Tuoyu spacecraft, the ten-day force of Sun Hao’s magical law, fighting a certain match, Momosotian has already had a considerable temperament, laughing in his mouth: "I will not believe how long your magical law can last. Hahaha, the advantage of the extension domain is that it can have a longer battery life. I would like to see if you have lost the magical law and can stop the extension of the space..."

Sun Hao sighed slightly: "I really don't die because Tianhe is not dead. Didn't you find that I haven't moved this deity for more than ten days? Do you think that the body of this golden body is just not set up? I dare to glory in front of me. Hey, this seat is coming, I hope you can stop my Zhang Jinjin."

Momosol did not condense his own golden body, but he really did not understand the use of this golden body, and did not know the power of Zhang Liujin.

But he knew right away that he was afraid of being bad this time.

The three-headed six-armed gods were able to exhale and open their voices. One-handedly forwarded, Sun Hao’s body flew up, and the golden light was shining, and he rushed straight toward the extension domain.

The extension of the spaceship's bodyguards made a big splash. Momoso did not dare to neglect, launched the spaceship, conquered his own ability, and took a huge fist on the flying ship and slammed it down.

Sun Hao Jin Zhen was shocked, his hands held the agarwood, golden hands and one round, a sword wheel smashed, the sword broke the river, and fell into the air.

Before the huge fist hit the golden body, it was already smashed by Sun Hao's agarwood sword.

The golden golden body, the hand holding the agarwood, the speed is not reduced, from the boxing shadow broke into the rushing into the fuselage bodyguards.

The violent and unparalleled golden body was not afraid of the powerful power of the boxing, but he did not fear the energy of overflowing everywhere. He broke the fist and killed it. Momoso could not help but look at it.

The dark passage was so powerful that Momoso’s feet were on the ground, and the ripples were transmitted to the outside. After the flying swords blessed, one wave and one wave hit Sun Hao and tried to break Sun Hao out of the spaceship. Outside.

A tall and white jade rabbit vain shadow disappeared from Sun Hao's body. Sun Haojin body seems to drip into the sea, naturally integrated into the large array of the extension domain.

The large body of the extension of the spaceship can not stop the sudden advance of Sun Hao.

Momo's heart is not a shock, this kid is so strange, what is the white rabbit? Can you let him break into the room?

The doubts in the heart, the wave of the road did not hesitate to hit the body of Sun Hao.

However, it is incomparable to ask Momoso.

The sea tide shock wave formed by the solid real elements of his own condensed, in front of Sun Hao, there is not much attack effect.

The opposite side of the Terran kid's streamlined flying sword flashed a faint blue light, the golden body seems to be integrated into the waves, like a fish, killing the flying ship body.

There is no impact effect, no violent explosion, the other side of the kid actually rushed into his own tide wave?

How can it be so evil?

Momo cabled a few days did not expect, a little hesitated, the golden light of Sun Hao has been holding the incense sword, hula, rushed into the sky above the extension of the spaceship, prestige, holding the sword floating in the Morgan monk in front of.

The outer defense of the Tuofei spacecraft actually failed to prevent Sun Hao’s assault and was killed by Sun Hao.

It is very bad feeling in the heart of Momo.

The monks who watched the war looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes. The degree of agarwood's fighting power reached a point, which was exactly worse than Zheng Yuanzi.

It’s not just the magical powers of the gods, but the golden body is also so powerful, that is, I don’t know if the golden body can resist the Momo.

The extension domain ship itself only has the ability to entangle with the fit. With the support of the Mosuotian, the amplitude attack and defense ability can barely block Sun Hao’s magical law. At this time, Sun Hao’s golden body has been killed. Within the ship, the situation suddenly changed.

Momosotian had to deal with Sun Hao, who was fully committed to the golden body. The attack of the magical law was more dependent on the defense of other Mormons and the main body of the flying ship.

When Zhang Jinjin was killed in the Tuoyuan spacecraft.

In the hands of the magical law, the sky is turned into a disc, which is high and high, and the bang slams down to the extension domain.

Momo is in a state of mind, waiting to drive the extension of the domain.

Zhang Liujin's face showed an inexplicable smile, and his hands held a scented sword, a "sword straight thorn", with the sword and the sky, killing the Momo cable.

The sword is straight and sharp, and Sun Hao also drives the killing trend.

Suddenly, the Morgan monks on the entire Tuofei spacecraft felt awkward in their hearts, as if they saw a **** of peerless killing, violently killing themselves with the violent momentum of killing the sky.

The feeling of trepidation and trepidation came to my mind, and the Morgan monks felt that their bodies were chilling.

A strong human race monk.

Momo's dark road was so powerful that his eyes were slightly stunned, and he didn't have time to take care of the Tuoyuan flying ship. The two palms pushed forward, and in front of him, a sword shield composed of a rotating flying sword was held, which stopped Sun Hao's sword. .

A bang.

The thick and powerful sticks fell on the extension of the domain. The hull of the flying ship was flashing, the hull was shaking wildly. On the flying ship, the weaker monks stood unsteadily. Was beaten by the stick.

Sun Hao Jin was killed by a sword and a sword was placed on a huge sword shield.

The sword shield could not withstand the tremendous pressure, and kept going backwards. Sun Hao’s sword and sword were united with swords and shields, and the fierce gods murdered to Momosotian.

At this moment, Momoso saw a courageous and forward-looking opponent, feeling the great deterrent power of his opponent. His heart was slightly cold, and he dared not face the battle. He quickly flew back and sprinkled behind him. A series of ghosts after moving.

Sun Haojin entered the war and entered the Tuoyu spaceship, chasing the Momo cable.

Shenwei is alive.

Several people of the warriors watched the blood of the monks.

The Morgans monks, however, are gradually cold in their hearts. (To be continued.)

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