Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2096: Killing the double body (2)

(Thanks for the reward)

But now, in the early days of a fit, it was directly killed in the air.

The unsuccessful aftermath of the world that broke out after the killing seemed to be the same with heaven and earth.

At this moment, the strength of Sun Hao’s display, the fierceness displayed, and the morale of the people’s monks have risen, but also the feeling that they can only look up.

Above the sky, the mighty three-headed six-armed, golden light cane.

It is daunting.

Above the sky, holding two pieces of torn body, holding a big belly, roaring headless and ferocious.

It is frightening.

So fierce, fierce, and powerful Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

Among the monks on the scene, the only one who was in a hurry and sorrowful, was the Momosotian.

His eyes only spewed out the fire, and the wind quickly rushed in the direction of Momo's field being killed. He shouted in his mouth: "Second brother..."

For the fit and big energy, the head is broken and the body is destroyed. In fact, it is not a fatal injury. It can only be said that it is a big injury, and it will not fall to the point where it will fall. As long as it can escape the god, it will not take long. And it will be a hero.

In fact, as far as Momo Soda is concerned, even if the deity is completely destroyed, it is not exhausted, and there are still spares in the Morgan community.

It will not fall on the spot. If the Yuanshen can run out, they can still guarantee their own fit.

The Momo cabled sky quickly moved in and out, trying to rescue the body of the **** of Momoso.

Sun Hao’s golden stick was degraded, and the prisoner’s body was torn apart at the same time as Momo’s body.

The **** of Momo's field quickly rushed out of his body and hurriedly fled.

The body of the Yuanshen constantly moves in the air, leaving a residual image in the air, and does not dare to stop. The direction of the moment of movement is the direction that Momoso takes with the wind.

Within the wind domain, Sun Haozhang’s six golden bodies always pointed the sword at Momoso, and the distance and orientation of the two were always in a constant state, but Sun Hao did not launch an attack.

Under the impact of Momosotian, the small winds created by the incense swords of the eight incense swords rushed to the gods of Momo's fields.

The body of the **** of Momo Soma, also saw the small winds that came from the sky, and his face was not relieved.

He was afraid of being caught by Sun Hao, especially the fear of being smashed into the gods by Sun Hao’s dying silkworm.

The encounter with the tree man He Yutian made him tremble with fear. As long as he fled to his eldest brother, he might have a chance.

The magical law is relatively inconsistent with the escape of Momo’s Tian Yuanshen, and he is indifferent. He is holding two pieces of the body and is roaring in the air.

Seeing the **** of Momo Soma is about to escape.

Among the three heads, a head in the middle of the mouth opened his mouth, and the voice of Sun Hao’s voice came out from the air: "The Taoist friends are going all the way."

The **** of Momo Soda suddenly emerged with a false expression, feeling that he slammed into a pile of cotton, or soft meat, the space around him was tight, and then he wanted to move, but found his own god. It seems to be wrapped in layers of ropes, and you can't afford it.

Sun Hao’s voice just fell.

Momo’s Tian Yuanshen disappeared into the air, seemingly missing.

The Momo cable sky that rushed came suddenly.

After disappearing, the second god’s **** disappeared in the air inexplicably. There is no doubt that at this moment, the situation of the second brother may be really fierce, and it is not appropriate.

As soon as the body turned, Momo Suo screamed to Sun Hao: "The kid, let go of the second brother of this seat, or else, you will be welcome."

Sun Hao’s subjective consciousness was transferred to the body of Zhang Liujin. He did not care to say: “I’m going to teach you how to be a good friend. You don’t have to be polite, what tricks are there, let’s make it out.”

You can't get rid of the strange winds in the blink of an eye.

The second brother has already suffered from accidents, and the opponent’s magical law and the headless warrior have vacated their hands, and they have gathered around the wind.

What makes Momo's heart stunned is that above the sky, there are obviously special means for the opponent to hide. In addition to the cloud network, there are strange existences, a special kind of special good at hiding their own existence, laying down the network, waiting Be yourself.

Looking up, Momoso suddenly discovered that he was almost in a desperate situation.

I know in my heart that if I don’t come up with the means of peerlessness today, then my own body, this **** is afraid to escape.

The opponent is extremely powerful, bluntly wants to win himself, and let today's events become unsolved.

At the beginning, Momoso thought it was just a joke.

But now, I know in my heart that if I am a little careless, I am afraid that I will be unclear. This body is damaged, I don’t know if I can still keep fit.

The road to self-cultivation is afraid that it has come to an end.

Taking a deep breath, Momo's four palms are opposite each other. The chest is double-jointed, his eyes are slightly draped, his body is completely still in the air, but the whole body is slamming, and a darkness rises. It seems to be a faint blue flame, covered with whole body, like a guardian god, flowing around the body and burning.

A restrained, powerful energy circulates on the body of Momo.

The eyes opened casually, revealing a pair of blue eyes like the sea, staring at Sun Hao deeply, one hand forward.

With a bang, Zheng Yuanzi's measuring ruler was directly bounced off, and the Capricorn gold whirls in the air, screaming, flying over, airing in the air, covering the wind, huge attraction from the Mo The rush of gold rushes out.

Zheng Yuanzi was sullen, and his eyes looked at the Capricorn.

He can perceive that the current power of this state has been ten times more than his own, and his own talents are so extraordinary that he can’t stop the golden scorpion, and he is surrounded by the agarwood. Above.

The Capricorn is not big, but Sun Hao looks up from the wind, but it seems to see a glass of golden light, there is a huge world, is generating a huge attraction, trying to bring this wind Quickly attract the past.

Sun Hao knows the movement, and the eight winds are localized into an indeterminate wind domain, moving quickly in the air.

The blue eyes flashed, and Momoso drifted away in the other direction.

Sun Hao’s heart sighed slightly, and the windless winds fluttered out of the golden robes, but at the same time, Momoso’s body also shook, and came out from the uncertain winds. One hand held up his Capricorn.

Morgan dragged, double palms, one palm in front of the chest, eyes blue like the sea, the golden cymbals gently shocked, Momoso appeared a huge grass green leaf behind the brain, the mouth was filled with words, the golden 钵 钵 淡Golden light, shining on the leaves.

The blade survived, and in the sky, it turned into a huge leaf sword, and a handle rushed over to Sun Hao.

The blade looks like the speed is not fast. When it flies out, it seems that it is not very sharp. It is not very big, but after flying out, it will rise with the wind, and it will send out the sturdy swordsmanship, in all directions, to the grandson in the undecided wind domain. Hao or squat, or stab, or stroke... attacked.

I am in the wind.

The eight winds are fixed, the space is fixed, the wind domain is uncertain, and the domain is uncertain. Sun Hao is in a windy field, in the sword net formed by the blades, moving with the wind, the wind is uncertain.

The blade is a sword, and the sword has a wind. As long as there is wind, it will not hurt the indefinite wind.

Undecided winds constantly change their own shape, flying in the blade of the sea of ​​swords, floating, and not being attacked by the blade sword sea.

Momo's eyes are blue and blue It’s not a slight glimpse. It’s so strange that the human race boy can’t even have his own big leaf, and the strange wind technique has already won the wind. The attributes are three flavors.

In particular, it is surprising that Momoso’s day is that the density of the sword sea formed by his own big leaves is not small. Sometimes, the gap between the two swords is wide and the shape is very irregular, but this gap is In the middle, the kid’s unrestricted winds are also floating, never being hit by the big leaf sword.

So small distance means that the kid's indeterminate wind domain is only the size of the palm, and the body of the kid standing in it may be smaller.

A monk who has no special ability, even if it is a fit, is not able to do this.

In the blue eyes, the fierce fierce light flashed, and the single palm that was erected was shot on the golden plaque. The golden cymbal jerked, the intensity of the illuminating light suddenly increased, the green light of the big leaf grass flashed, and the blade in front of the sword sea Suddenly, a handle smashed into a ball, and a bang banged into a large exploding sword sea, which drowned the indefinite wind and Sun Hao.

I still don't believe it. This indiscriminate explosion will not hurt the uncertain winds drifting inside. (To be continued.)

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