Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2097: Killing the double body (3)

(Thanks for the reward)

The big leaf sword, the type of sword, has the meaning of a sword.

However, its main body is the sword of the true Yuan, which is the perfection of the Momoso celestial body. It is a powerful product after the combination of God and body.

The power of the explosion is enough to destroy the earth.

In the sound of the boom, with Sun Hao's unrestricted wind domain as the core, within a radius of a hundred miles, the brilliance shines, as if the small sun suddenly blooms in the air, making people blind.

Far away from the crowd, the Terran monks floating near the ground looked up at the sky, feared and feared, and were worried about Sun Hao.

I don't know how agarwood is in the core area of ​​this explosion.

The explosion continued for a full half of the musk, and the light converges slightly.

Momoso sky condensed into the air to see.

The Terran monks also looked at the battlefield in the air with great concern.

Very unexpectedly, at the core of the explosion, everyone saw a huge grass green light group. When you look at it seriously, there are many large-leaf swords that have not been completely exploded. It looks like a grass green. The ball is suspended in the air.

Just when everyone was a little confused, the ball exploded and the big leaf flying swords scattered away. Among the Jianguang, Sun Hao’s body was golden and light, and slowly walked out, standing on the opposite side of Momoso’s sky. .

Still holding the agarwood sword in his hand, there is no scar on the whole body. To say the difference, the indefinite wind domain formed by the incense sword and the eight wind swords is finally forcibly broken by the big leaf flying sword.

But that's all.

The undecided winds were broken, but what is strange is that the big leaf sword actually formed a barrier to the opponent, blocking the impact of the explosion.

His own big leaf sword did not all burst, but also protected the opponent, Momoso feels that the body is not right, the heart is not right, too evil, right?

Sun Hao’s heart is also a little regretful. The unparalleled sword bone has a natural influence on the sword. All swords and swords are within the influence of the sword. If the ordinary monk takes the sword and greets himself, he can not be himself. Countering is a strange thing.

Regrettably, the opponent's **** and body fit, after the gas and body fit, the big leaf sword is only very close to his body, and then he will be forcibly controlled by his own sword, and he will be under a limited command.

Whether it is a fixed wind domain or its own unique sword bone, in fact, there are certain limits, but not invincible.

Little regret.

If you know Sun Hao’s current thinking, Momosol will spurt blood directly, and he has already broken the big leaf sword. What do you want? Still want to come up with a sword blade?

Zheng Yuanzi and others are relieved, and the heart is filled with surprises, so good agarwood, magical agarwood, and strong means.

The more I look at it, the more mysterious the heart is, the incense of the incense, the real bottom is not bottom, the means are endless, the battle, the unhurried, the graceful, that is really the ability to talk with the late stage. ability.

Moreover, it still has the upper hand.

Above the sky, Zhang Liujin is in the middle, and the magical law and the punishment of the heavens and the body are left and right. They stand on the opposite side of Momosotian and form a pinch.

Under normal circumstances, even if the fit and the power can only be repaired, there is very little power like Sun Hao, in addition to the body, there is another war body, Zhang Liu Jin is really not weaker than the existence of the magical law .

The deputy soul is powerful enough to be able to show more combat power like Sun Hao, but usually, the deputy soul is left in a relatively safe place, in case the subject is unpredictable, can leave a lifeline for himself.

The old tree and the Momo Somatian body have been destroyed, but it has not been directly degraded. After all, to the extent of the fit, the means of secrecy have emerged endlessly.

However, even if there is no degeneration, the subject is completely defeated, and the gods are unable to escape, the repair of the deputy soul is absolutely instantaneous, and it is difficult to have a fit, and Shouyuan will be greatly affected.

In the case of such a terrible situation, most of Xianlu is definitely a must.

Looking at the three opposites of Sun Hao, who are eager to try, the two palms together, the single palm, the one-handed Momo cable moves once again changed.

The big leaves swayed and disappeared. The body of Momo was gently slid down, and a pair of arms turned into a pair of black and wide wings. Their feet turned into a huge tail, and their heads lifted up, "Hey... ..." growled.

A black dragon with a body that is bigger than the elite extensional spacecraft, and a black glow on the body, like a restrained flame in the air where the burning black dragon appears.

Among the pair of dragons, the Capricorn is like a small sun, shining golden light.

A pair of blue eyes that are several times larger than a small house stared at Sun Hao in disgust.

The big mouth roared and opened his mouth to Sun Hao, slamming.

The combination of power and dissent is a distraction, and the combined power of strong distraction often has a strong incarnation.

Sun Hao has nine incarnations, and there are not nine in Momoso, and there are absolutely many.

At this time, the one who came to the front of Sun Hao was the black dragon of Momosotian.

The powerful dragon's breath, like the sea of ​​fire, spurted from Sun Hao. At the same time, the black dragon's wings fluttered fiercely. Two huge wind-fire **** with a diameter of more than one foot were also burning, rolling from both sides. To Sun Hao.

At the top of the head, the Capricorn Golden Jubilee blossomed out of the golden light and also came to Sun Hao.

A dragon's breath, a golden light, two hot wheels.

Momo's Tianhei dragon broke out four kinds of attacks in an instant. From four directions, he overwhelmed and rushed over to Sun Hao.

In addition to Golden Light, the other three kinds of attacks are hot fire attributes. Above the sky, the raging heat waves come from the sky. The whole cloud network is like a moment, it turns into a huge steamer and is hot.

The flames of the tumbling, rolling in.

The law of the golden body and the punishment of the heavens and the body stood far away, waiting for it.

Zhang Liu Jinshen, Sun Hao’s deity arms were slightly displayed, and a pair of long, ice-blue wings were stretched out behind them, and the wings were slightly rounded, and the layers of stars were sprinkled out.

The sky of the hot waves, suddenly came to the coldness of the heart, the starlight everywhere, a mysterious blue, the space is like freezing, turned into a thin layer of ice crystals, from Sun Hao's side, extending forward.

Two hot wheels are rolling in, as if rolling into the ice cave, the diameter of the fire circle is getting smaller and smaller, disappearing invisible.

The dragon's breath and the star's air crashed into the air, like the sea. The cold current and the hot current rushed together. The impact hit the sky and the waves, the waves and the waves, the old high, even blocked the golden light. The way to go.

Jinguang shot through the waves hit by the hot and cold air, and continued to rush to Sun Hao, but the power dropped, Sun Hao's right hand was golden, and stretched to the front, and the light of the Capricorn was completely resisted by Zhang Liujin.

Outbreak attack, no return, black dragon blue eyes, flashed a trace of gloom, huge tail sweeping, swept over to Sun Hao.

The magical law was violent, and the sticks of the gods were crossed, and the sticks were danced.

Hey, the dragon tail and the bucket sticks collided continuously, and the air swelled into a hurricane, and the human race monks who blew far away watched were all unstable.

The great power of the two strong fights makes the viewers stunned.

The two kinds of hot and cold airflows are against each other, and there is heavy rain in the sky. On the ground, there is a mist of transpiration, and even the white clouds are in the air.

The black dragon's real fire attribute is actually blocked by the opponent's ice attribute wings.

Momoso's huge body tumbling in the air for a few times, snarling and snarling, his tail shrinking, his body changed again, and the second incarnation appeared.

A huge, long hedgehog is usually rooted in the hair tiger has a pair of wings and black wings, and the very strong beast appears in the air.

When the beast came out, Sun Hao felt a fierce and fierce feeling in the air. It seemed to see the world's fierce and evil things. He couldn't help but be surprised. He blinked and his heart flashed with vigilance.

In the late stage of the combined power, it is not easy to overcome. The strength of this incarnation is not the same.

If Sun Hao guesses well, this incarnation is one of the ancient four murders recorded in the aristocratic classics.

Like a tiger, a mane, a wing, a fierce, a strange animal.

The ancient holy scriptures of the Terran, "Shan Hai Jing? Hainan North Classics" records that the poor is the most ferocious and unreasonable in ancient times, a powerful beast that the monks fear.

When it meets the monk's fighting method, it will fly to the scene of the fight and attack the rational party; if a monk commits a sinister act, the stranger will catch the spirit beast and give him a gift to encourage him to continue doing more bad things.

Destroying the loyalty of the faith and advocating evil words is this guy, so strange. (To be continued.)

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