Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2098: Facial golden body

(Thanks for the reward)

The ancient four great beasts.

Almost the name of the ancient four spirits.

If the four spirits represent guardianship and order, then the four murders represent destruction and fierceness.

The four spirits are Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu; the four fierce fingers refer to jealousy, chaos, jealousy and singularity.

Sun Hao Xiu Dao for so long, this is the first time I saw four fierce.

Strong fierce atmosphere, overwhelming, lingering, rushing to himself.

A mentally weaker monk may be trembled under such fierce deterrence.

The fierceness is horrifying.

On Sun Hao’s body, the killing momentum was raised, and the fierceness that rushed out of the wildness formed a confrontation.

Not far from the ground, the Terran monks who watched the war had to fly a little further, avoiding the kind of arrogance that was frightening, one wave after another.

Fierce, murderous.

Diffuse the cloud network Tianluo, the white clouds on the high sky seem to be boasted by the wind, constantly rolling, Yunjuan Yunshu.

The slogan of the sacred warfare has almost become the essence of the golden body, and the spirit of war is high and eager to try.

The magical law of the gods is holding the golden stick of the sky, pointing to the huge wonders in the sky.

The avatar is boring and fierce.

Momo is not a nonsense, he screams in the sky, shakes his body and launches an attack on Sun Hao.

However, this time, the singular attack is not Sun Hao’s Zhang Jinjin, but directly attacked Sun Hao’s magical law.

It’s as strange as the size of a spaceship.

The magical law is furious, and the stick is taken.

The body that can be singularly spurred has the magical ability similar to Sun Haohua's small magical power.

The fighting gold stick has not yet arrived, he has become a lot smaller, only the size of the ordinary buffalo, the body is full of flames, the air is a few light and flexible, flashing wings, roaring, directly rushed into Sun Hao The **** of the law is in the body.

The beast is extremely fast, and it can move in a short distance after it becomes smaller.

The magical body is so huge that it can't stop his rushing.

In combination with the law of the monks, the power of the magical law is enormous, and the body of the law is only a virtual shadow, but other monks can't go in without special means.

Drilling in, as if drilling into the void, has no effect, because the magical law itself is virtual.

However, there is no absolute thing in the world, especially after the fit and power, the means of monks can be described as endless.

After entering the three-headed six-armed magical system, the roar of the mouth, the delicate body slammed in the air, and the layers of ripples swayed out, as if the wind was blowing, and Sun Hao was the supernatural power of the shadow.

The strange ripples are everywhere, and the imaginary parts of the three-headed six-armed gods are attacked as if they are a lot weaker. As the ink landscape paintings are washed away by some ink, they become more elegant.

The law was attacked and the body was a bit unstable.

Sun Hao was shocked and was waiting to close his own law. He suddenly remembered what was in his heart. He still stopped the law in the air. Zhang Jinjin flashed in the air, and the incense sword in his hand took out the sword and stabbed him. Very strange.

The three-headed six-armed magical system is attacked by a strange ripple, as if it had been washed away, some of the law formed a suffocating air, floating in the air.

The strange magic is not over yet.

Open your mouth, screaming in the sky, slamming.

Sun Hao saw that the things that had been shaken out of his own magical law had flown into the mouth of the strange.

Every time I swallowed some smoldering smoldering spirits, the fierceness of the savage body suddenly increased, and the buffalo-like body became even more fierce.

Sun Hao has already understood what is going on here, and he knows what it is.

Sun Hao’s magical law is consecrated by his peerless gods.

Sun Hao’s peerless **** is confined by the scorpio and bloody.

In the past, Sun Hao was very hard to practice in order to become a peerless god. After he was completed, he became one of Sun Hao’s strongest combat power.

Sun Hao’s peerless gods are the most powerful. There are two points. One is thick enough, lasting, and strong in defense; the other is stable enough and very tough.

The root cause is that in addition to the high level of the scorpio, Sun Hao also condensed blood, and after the murder, the three murders formed a stable small three talents in the suffocating, which made Sun Hao a strong foundation of cultivation.

In the days of the Tianling continent, because of the small constraints of the heavens and the earth, Sun Hao has become a useful magical law.

In the virtual world, the magical powers that can be cultivated by the combination of great power, Sun Hao can also be driven during the distraction period. It can be said that the fundamental reason is that the foundation of the peerless gods is well played.

Now Sun Hao has suffered a lot.

This fierce beast has a magical and strange magical power. It can give birth to the blood of the gods and the law, and forcibly deprive it and become a ferocious nutrient.

This kind of situation can be said to be a great destruction of Sun Hao Shen Tongfa.

Exceeding the singularity, Sun Hao’s magical law appeared to be not very stable and crumbling.

According to the reason, or in accordance with the thinking of ordinary monks, Sun Hao's best way at this time is to quickly close up his magical law.

However, Sun Hao chose to keep the magical law in the air, and chased the singularity of his own body with a small fighting stick. At the same time, the ontology also drove Zhang Liujin into the body of the magical law and assisted in combat.

Under the pursuit of the sticks of the sky and the body of the six, the frequency of the sneak sorcerer was affected, and the damage to the magical law was slightly reduced, but the damage still existed.

In the ongoing battle, if Sun Hao can't stop the singularity in time, this kind of destruction may directly damage the foundation of the magical law, and may even directly destroy Sun Hao's magical law in the air.

The reason why Sun Hao will continue to fight the magical law is that Sun Hao knows quite well that he has acquired a secret technique of "golden body".

During the period of integration, there is an important stage of cultivation, and God is in harmony with the body.

The practice of cultivation is the "golden body law."

To put it simply, it is to combine the six-gold body that represents the refining of the body and the magical law that represents the refining of the gods, and to form a two-in-one "golden body law" or "legal body."

The most critical step in this cultivation of secrets is the need to find external conditions that can damage the golden body or destroy the law.

Yes, Sun Hao did not expect that he would fight against Momoso, and the Morgan squad might be incarnate and forcibly deprived of blood in his body and caused weak damage to his magical law.

This is really rare to destroy the external conditions of the magical law.

With the magic of the magical law, ordinary means are simply not real, it is really difficult to meet this existence that can directly destroy the structure of the law.

Sun Hao drives the golden body to pursue the singularity while driving, and also drives his own "Golden Body Law" secret technique. Zhang Liujin spills out the golden light, silently and into the law.

Driven by the mystery, the golden light was seriously damaged a little bit, and part of the law that lost the **** was absorbed slowly and slowly.

Sun Hao’s law and golden body are very concise, but it is not easy to digest.

However, in any case, Sun Hao has finally found a method of cultivation. This method is indeed feasible. Compared with his own way of using death to gradually integrate God and body, the progress of cultivation will undoubtedly be much faster.

After figuring out that the method is indeed feasible, Sun Hao needs to find a way to intercept the singularity, not let it be so arrogant, give some damage to the Fa, absorb some blood, and Sun Hao can accept it, and can use it as a threshold for his cultivation.

But the injury is simply not good.

Soon Hao also found his own methods of warfare.

When the singularity once again stepped out and tried to shake off the magical law and intercepted the bloody, the part of the magical law that was shaken suddenly burst into a **** red light. The **** blood was not so bad. Absorbed, it has been absorbed by the red light of the red light.

Poor eyes reveal an incredible eye, increase the intensity, and slammed it, finally taking a little over.

At this time, Zhang Liujin and Dou Tian stick have been chased.

The harvest is not very big, not very sweet, and the body has shook a little, disappeared from the place, and ran to other places to make trouble.

The singularity has the magical ability to induce fierce anger, and the mystery absorbs fierce anger. The more fierce gas is absorbed, the stronger the fighting ability is.

After the incarnation of Momo's days, he felt the rich and fierce atmosphere in the magical law, and immediately launched the secret technique. The effect was really good.

Their own strength is increasing, and the opponent does not actually accept the magical law, so if so, then take a few more. (To be continued.)

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