Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2099: Wars

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Above the high sea, the two deputy souls opened their eyes at this time, closely watching the main consciousness and the war.

The heavenly machine grinned and dismissively said: "You have such a big loophole in this weird suffocation. If you meet a fierce beast, are you not restrained? The magical law is completely scrapped, if the kid knew about your weakness before. Isn't it a bad thing to be a little hobby? What a broken thing."

Luo Pengfei is not happy: "What is this about you? This secret is the strongest magical method in this world. By the way, the kid is shaken by the beast, that is, he is not able to cultivate, but if If you change Laozi up, the situation can be completely different."

The heavenly machine sneered at the nose: "Hey, cows can blow, you dare to say that your actual combat power at the same level can be a small hobby?"

Luo Peng flew and stayed, and said in his mouth: "If you change me anyway, it is not a strange blood to absorb my blood, but I swallowed the poor and nutritious."

Tian Tianji said: "You are stable enough to stabilize this thing, but once you want God and body to fit, the difficulty will multiply. It seems that you can condense the magical law very quickly. When it comes to the fit period, it will form a great obstacle. It’s really a broken thing.”

Luo Pengfei was furious and angry: "Roll, there is no white lunch in the world. If you want to lay a solid foundation, how can you not suffer from it? The more stable the magical law, once the real **** and body, the more extraordinary the effect, the nose , this reason, don't you know?"

The road is slow and slow: "It's amazing, you can't use a hammer, it's still a broken thing."

Luo Peng flirted: "You have broken things, your family is a broken thing, mother, you have not seen the kid has found an effective way to match the golden body law?"

Tian Tianji: "That is our little tycoon. I have nothing to do with your half-money. I found out that you are a great demon. You didn't completely complete God and body in the past, hahaha, laughing at me."

Luo Pengfei blows his beard and blinks his eyes. He does not have a general knowledge of this bull nose. He does not have a general knowledge of this bull nose...

In the fierce battle outside, Sun Hao found a way to effectively curb the poor.

Sun Hao’s magical law is more than a kind of suffocation.

In addition to the peerless gods, there is also the earth's fire magnet, the biggest characteristic of this kind of helium is the adsorption capacity.

The **** blood itself is part of the magnetic suffocation of the earth fire, coupled with the strong adsorption capacity, the destructive power of the poor suddenly reduced by eight or nine percent.

Sun Hao suddenly let go of his heart. With the ability of the local firepower, he really didn’t need to worry too much. This little loss, the magical law has matured, and, in this war, he killed the tree people. Killing a large number of Monks of the Morgans, especially after killing the old trees and Momo Soma, the amount of blood accumulated is quite a lot.

As long as the magical law does not hurt the roots, after this war, you will spend a little time to cultivate the blood of the loss.

In a tacit understanding, Sun Hao chased the poor and fought in his own magical law.

Poorly absorbs the pure blood and strengthens his own ability. Sun Hao has a certain degree of control over his own magical law with the help of singular power, laying the foundation for his upcoming practice.

The fierce battle in the sky lasted for more than ten days.

Flying sand and stone, all the time.

Ten days later, Momoso gradually understood that his opponent should be using his own singularity to complete a perhaps special practice.

The anger of Sun Hao’s daring in the heart, Momosotian feels that his fierce accumulation is almost the same, and his heart is horizontal, and he screams and screams out loudly: "Boy, this is your self-defense, too old and fierce sword, give it to me. , the kid is gone..."

In the violent voice, the strange mouth opened his mouth and spit out a huge sword with a strange shape in his mouth. The sky flashed and he killed Sun Hao.

Too old and fierce sword?

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly shocked, and an illusion was generated in an instant, as if his golden body was sweaty and upright, and there was a slight sweat.

Rotating the sword that attacked Sun Hao is completely different from the sword in the ordinary sense that Sun Hao has seen. From the appearance, it is faint to see the hilt, but below the hilt, it looks like a sword. .

With Sun Hao’s eyesight, it was soon discovered that this sword was actually composed of two parts smelting into one, and part of it was a bladeless sword made up of unknown wood, while the other part was like a strange stone. Sawtooth, inlaid on the blade on both sides of the sword.

What is even more peculiar is that this sword has no sword tip of ordinary swords. The sword body is wider toward the front and reaches the tip of the sword. It becomes a big round head. The whole sword body looks cumbersome and embarrassing.

These stone pieces flashed with coldness and fierceness, which made Sun Hao have a chilling feeling.

The driving force of this ancient sword is not small, Momosotian incarnation is so strange, sucking away so much **** gas, this spit out this sword, its attack ability can be imagined.

Since it is a sword, Sun Hao has driven his own sword, trying to influence the attack of the fierce sword.

Regrettably, the influence of the unparalleled sword bone was instantly shattered under the impact of the fierce arrogance of the scorpion. The sword of the ancient sacred sword was unaffected, and the sword was drawn to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's golden body swayed slightly, moving quickly and in a hurry, trying to escape from the ancient sword, but this fierce sword has an unparalleled ability to lock.

Sun Haozhang's six golden body has just stood still, the ancient and fierce sword has slipped from behind the sword, strong fierce temperament, from the shoulders of Sun Haozhang six gold body.

Zhang Liu Jin body, the defense is powerful.

Representing Sun Hao’s refining limit, after the formation, Sun Hao’s battle has not been broken.

But there is an exception to anything. This is a strange and savage sword. The arm of Sun Haozhang’s six gold body is actually sawn and sawn in the air.

The prisoner’s body felt a pain from the depths of the bones, and he could not help but scream at the sky.

Sun Hao was shocked in his heart, and Shen Xiangjian swayed. The road Jianhua rushed to the ancient fierce sword, and he was on the sword body of the ancient fierce sword.

The ancient fierce sword sank slightly, the sword body slightly stroked down, and the Jianguang that surrounded him was actually stroked and fell.

Momo cabled and laughed: "The ancient fierce sword, sawing nothing, not sawing, I saw, saw, saw... Hahaha..."

In the big laughter, Momo Scorpio went down a few swords, and the huge body of the magical law also violently vibrated, and the body of the Fa was actually sawn off several pieces.

This can be different from the **** blood that is scattered, but the whole piece is cut off in the sky.

Sun Hao's brows were slightly wrinkled, and the gods knew that the magical body had seized the golden arm that had been cut and broken, and quickly retracted from the air.

The peerless fierce sword is too strange, the magical law is too big for the body, and Sun Hao has taken him up. At the same time, the golden body is floating, flying up, waiting for the opponent’s ancient fierce sword to attack, already with His own criminal warfare is integrated into one.

A singular mouth, the peerless sword is in the mouth.

He turned into a singularity, sucked the evil spirits, spit out the savage sword, and finally hurt his opponent. Now he saw the sword in his mouth, and he took up a great initiative.

His eyes glanced at Sun Hao, and he once again spit out the ancient swords in his mouth.

Looking at the fierce and fierce swords that flew to the enemy, Sun Hao remembered some records about the rich people's books.

The poor is a peerless beast, and it is also a ferocious beast that the monks like to use to raise their swords in ancient times. The sword of the sword can greatly enhance the power of the sword.

Nowadays, Momo's incarnation is ridiculously fighting the sword, the ancient sword is very likely to be the anti-day chance that Momoso is incarnate.

The main soul dominated the prisoner's body, and Sun Hao swayed the hand to smash the squadron, and stood in front of him, blocking the offensive line of the ancient sword.

The huge shield turned into a strong high wall, and I don't know if I could stop the sawing of the ancient sword.

A stabbing sound, too old swords saw from the square shield.

Accompanied by Sun Hao for many years, and gradually a little outdated, the squadron of Fang Dun, was saw off a big cut, Sun Hao took back Fang Dong and saw that Fang Dun had already saw off a third and suffered. Heavy hit.

The savage sword of the ancients flew back, and the slamming sound fell into the mouth of the strange.

The sound of Momo's triumphant voice resounded through Tianyu: "The ancient swords have nothing to see, I don't believe how many magic weapons you have, hahaha..."

On the ground, the Terran monks face each other and accidentally change.

The combination of great power is really amazing! (To be continued.)

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