Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2100: World Wars (2)

(Thanks for the reward)

This kind of battle has gone beyond their ability. I didn't expect that Momoso had such a strong transformation. This time, I am afraid that it is too much trouble. I don't know if there is any means for Aquilaria to get it.

The singularity itself is the beast of raising a sword.

However, the sword that is cultivated by the singularity is the true peerless sword. I don’t know how many years of fierceness and nourishment, the power of the Taikoo saw sword is really irresistible.

The criminal squad has been sawn off, and Sun Hao estimates that if he throws a giant spirit to break the hammer, the result will be no different.

The level of the two magic weapons is almost the same, and should not stop the power of the sword of the ancient sword.

Damaged the punishment of the day, Sun Hao knows that he is afraid to find a way to re-equip two decent weapons for the war.

Poor sword, the fierce light in his eyes flashed, his head swayed gently, and the ancient sword was smashed out and killed to Sun Hao.

The potential is not forgiving.

Momoso does not believe that Sun Hao can still hold himself for how long.

It’s fierce and it’s coming to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s headless warrior is waiting to fly and fight, and his heart jerked. In the middle of Dantian, the condensate tower was gently rotated and operated automatically.

Almost at the same time, in the void in front of Sun Hao, fluttering, snow-white pear blossoms, the petals of light fluttering white space.

In the sky, a piece of elegant and light.

The white flowers are flying all over the sky.

The ancient and fierce swords of the fierce gods smashed the petals of pear blossoms and attacked the pear blossoms.

Poor strangely called: "No matter what, I can't stop my ancient fierce sword."

The pear flower is really unstoppable, and every petal is not scratched at all.

However, the cut pear flower is still white and elegant, still flying in the air.

The ancient fierce sword that rushed into the pear blossom rain began to hesitate and could not find the direction of Sun Hao. The original fierce and fiercely smashed a few swords, showing his muscles and powerfulness, slowly becoming gentle. The fierceness is much weaker.

The white pear blossoms are dancing all over the sky, as if the little fairy is singing beautiful songs.

The fierce and sinister sword of the evil spirits, in this song, actually magically settled down, the fierceness is no longer.

The strange eyes are full of surprise expressions.

Momo's heart is full of incredulity.

His own killer, his own ancient sword, was actually so trapped by some white pears?

How come this ridiculous thing?


Sun Hao looked at the white pear blossoms in the sky, but it was a bit clear, and the heart filled with warmth.

On the island of Lange Green, when you cultivate and kill the general trend, every time you are murderous, when you are drowning, you are all young, with beautiful songs in your mouth, with your own tenderness, with your own sword of love. , to turn their own fierce temperament, so that their own killing trend can be quickly completed.

Unexpectedly, after the little fairy tree got the undead blood of Xiaoqing, this kind of tenderness was turned into his own magical power, and now magically entangled the peerless fierce sword.

Poorly screaming at the sky, God knows to order, let the savage sword to cut Sun Hao.

The peerless fierce sword was fierce in the fairy pear flower and rushed forward violently.

The piece of pear flower was smashed into the air by a peerless sword, and large pear petals fell over the sky.

However, it is not far from flying. The peerless fierce sword is like a beautiful woman who has met with tender feelings. She is attracted to it unconsciously, and the power quickly falls and settles down again.

It’s strange to be roaring in the air and angry.

The mighty sword of the Taikoo, and the high hopes that he had hoped to kill the opponent's unrestrained power, was entangled in an unremarkable fairy pear flower.


In this World War I, I was really suppressed everywhere, and the more I became more and more annoyed.

The one-eyed giant who released the magical law was directly destroyed by the opponent's three arms and six arms.

The incarnation of the black dragon released the fire of the eternal fire, and was wiped out by the strange ice of the opponent; the avatar was strange, and the killer was thrown, and the result became like this.

How did it become like this? I am a big man in the late stage, and I am actually killed by my opponent.

In this battle, Sun Hao’s feelings are also very deep. In the late stage of the first war, the confrontation between the two sides is really a show of magic, and Sun Hao has also gained a lot.

In this battle, Sun Hao realized that it is absolutely invincible to use any kind of supernatural power. No matter whether it is a magical law or a six-gold body, it may be broken if it encounters a special attack that exceeds a certain degree. go with.

The creation of the world is also magical. It is not the small fairy tree that ran out of the war and the fierce sword. Sun Hao would not have thought that the soft and weak fairy pear could actually make the fierce and fierce sword become temper.

Poorly roared a few times, forcibly urging the ancient sword and rushing forward several times, found that he was completely futile, the distance from the fierce sword was getting closer and closer, as if a little addicted to the gentleness of the pear tree, annoyed A loud scream, the strangeness is waiting to recover the ancient sword.

Suddenly, there is a beautiful and beautiful song in the fairy pear flower. A lot of white flowers rotate, like a fairy dancing.

What surprised the poor heart was that the dancing pear flower actually wrapped up his own ancient sword and kept shrinking back to the opponent's body.

Damn, this is to seize your own ancient sword!

There was a violent sigh in the mouth: "Too ancient sword, come back..."

God knows violently, and wants to take back the ancient sword.

But at this time, in front of the strange, a sigh of relief, a thin mist of water emerged, blocking the strange sight, and also isolated the perception of the ancient sword.

The driving force of the sinister sword of the ancients is abruptly stopped.

There is a weirdness in the sky, and Momoso knew it long ago, but never thought of this time, give yourself such a hand, a slight glimpse, and see the ancient swords of the ancients have been quickly taken up by the opponent.

In theory, the opponent does not have a powerful space artifact that can not take away the ancient sword.

But if the opponent dares to accept it, there must be a way to deal with himself. The poor heart is anxious, and his mouth screams fiercely, and his wings are rushing forward.

No matter what kind of mist, I don’t believe that I can stop myself.

The fierce violent temper, rushing out from the strange, the mist in front is like a wind blowing, being swayed in an instant, and the singularity passes by, seeing his own ancient sword is spinning fast, along with the fairy pear flower , fell to the headless and fierce neck.

He screamed in the sky, and when he was stunned by the gods, he forced the old swords and swords, and he also slammed into the headless and fierce.

Sun Hao knows the movement, the hands of the incense sword swing, hey, eight swords fly out, in an instant, a sword of eight winds shrouded around his body, an unpredictable wind domain to bring Sun Hao himself together with Xian pear flowers Shrouded.

The fascinating gods were instantly isolated by the unrestricted winds, and the ancient swords shook a few times and settled down.

The rushed violently rushed over.

Regrettably, the huge wind that he rushed pushed Sun Hao’s unrestricted winds to fly backwards quickly, and he couldn’t get in!

The speed at which the pear tree is indented into Sun Hao is not slow.

The singular action has been delayed for a long time, and it has been delayed for a long time. When the singularly launched Big Leaf Sword, forcibly erupting a big leaf attack and blowing up Sun Hao’s uncertain winds, I regret to find that I completely lost the right. The perception of the ancient sword.

In other words, the opponent is really powerful, and sure enough, there is a magical space object in the body that can completely block his perception.

Among the violent and fierce eyes, there was a deep unwillingness, and a roar of heaven: "The Terran, my Morgan Protoss will not die with You will wait, I will be back."

After the end, the strange double wings and one fan, the whole body is shining brightly, and the powerful fierce air is flying up.

The clouds were rushed open, and there was a **** rain in the hidden air above. It seemed that there was something blocking the road. It was cut off by layers, and the mouth was cold and screaming, saying: "The small monsters in the area can also Stop this seat? Go to this seat, you wait, this must be reported..."

With the help of Sun Hao's Water Cube, Xiao Zhang has a magical stealth ability and a very tough coverage.

However, the ability to withstand has a certain limit, the violent violent temperament, the powerful flame power, exceeds the defensive limit of the small chapter with Sun Haoshui Cube blessing.

The encirclement was forcibly broken.

Standing on the ground, the Terran monks looked up at the sky and saw a scene.

One side is like a transparent giant cake, which is flat on the sky and pressed against the white clouds. Now, the white clouds are blown away, and the pizza is broken down by the strangers. There is a huge hole in the middle of a few squares. (To be continued.)

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