Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2101: Late killing

The big caves rushed into the sky, and you could see the stars in the cave of the sky, and you couldn’t stop the buffalo’s size.

In the eyes of Momo, there is a thick unwillingness and anger, but the wings are not slow, and they fly upwards.

Gentleman revenge, not too late for ten years.

As long as he can escape from the ascension, he will inevitably launch the power of the Morgan Protoss to report the **** sea.

Poorly vacated, rushed into the hole.

As soon as Xiao Zhang gritted his teeth, his body squirmed and tried to forcefully intercept it at any cost.

The prisoner’s body was flying in the air, and the belly button screamed loudly: “Ketu, let him go out, I have to see if he has the ability to escape the cave of the heavens.”

Bao Ketu's flesh movement, did not continue to block the road, the strange flying out from the sky, floating on the clouds, the heart of the nameless fire, mouth one, spit out his own flying sword like a compass, regardless of three seven twenty-one In the air, a huge flying sword compass fell to the bottom of the Bai Ketu above the white clouds.

Floating high, he has already seen it, this is a huge octopus, and now it is squatting on the Wan Baiyun, like a sandwich cake on the top of the white clouds, moving at a slow speed.

The second brother should have been intercepted by the octopus in the air and took away the god.

He is not allowed to take this small octopus out of the air. He really does not believe that the small octopus can stop himself, and he does not believe that the human race can catch himself in this endless void.

The compass-shaped sword light descended from the sky and tied to the packer.

On the body of Bao Ketu, the steaming faint mist, the body quickly disappeared into the clouds.

The fog can't stop the compass Jianguang, but the toughness is abnormal, and there is always a slight buoyancy, so that the compass Jianguang can't easily hit the pack.

Hey, the power of weak water?

Momoso immediately recognized the source of the fog, and his heart was moved. The compass was fierce and violent, and quickly rushed into the clouds, breaking through the misty interception and falling on the octopus limbs of the Bauctu.

Packer figure flutters and blocks his own vitality. Above the sky, there is a series of sickle guns into the flesh.

In the middle of the white clouds, a large piece of bright red blood appeared, and the **** rain of the patter fell from the air and fell.

Sun Hao rushed to the sky, just saw the small chapter being cut, and heard the screams of Xiao Zhang in his heart.

With a big hand, a white light lingered on Xiao Zhang’s body, his heart moved, and the small chapter disappeared into the air, and he recovered the inside of the condensate tower.

The huge octopus disappeared, and in the sky, layers of blood and fog were left, and a large cloud of blood was dyed.

Poor eyes are slightly unwilling, coldly screaming, and do not fight with Sun Hao, two wings, follow the direction of their own, like flying away.

Sun Hao eyes sent a strange figure in front of himself to become smaller and smaller, and quickly turned into a small black spot, and did not immediately chase, turned and looked down, said to Zheng Yuanzi and other loudly: "Zhengyuan predecessors, you friends The aliens have been defeated by me. You can recover the gas ship on the spot. The escaped Momosol naturally has its own seat to take it."

Zheng Yuanzi said aloud: "Agarwood, do you come to collect the gas ship?"

Knowing the sea, Dapeng Golden Wings blinked, and Sun Hao showed his arms and banged into a Dapeng Golden Winged Bird. He said in his mouth: "You are welcome, whoever receives the same, I will chase Killing Mossos is a day."

Between the talks, Dapeng Golden Wings slightly fanned their wings.

A bang in the sky.

Several Terran monks on the ground looked up and saw that there had been no trace of the big bird. The big bird seemed to disappear from the air.

Bai Jieyu pointed to the distance and said in a mouth: "Wow, the big bird is so big, look, the agarwood has already flown there..."

Bai Chen said: "Older sister, do you particularly like this bird?"

Bai Jie giggled.

Liu Bo, the **** of the gods, admired his face and said: "It’s amazing. If I didn’t read it wrong, the agarwood should be changed at this time. It should be the legend, the king of speed, the Dapeng garuda, the great, Momo. Suo Tian is miserable..."

"Dapeng Golden-winged Bird?" Jin Hao stayed in his mouth and said: "Dapeng is on the same day with the wind, and the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, which is flying up to 90,000 miles, is the legendary Taiyuan beast. Is it possible to be incarnation? The classics are not recorded. When the Dapeng Golden Wings die, they will be destroyed. Will they not leave their souls destroyed by the human monks?"

Zheng Yuanzi said at this time: "Oh, everyone sees it, don't make a random guess. Shen Xiang is now a **** of the world, and it has become a pillar of my human race. Everyone is doing a good job of his confession, first refining this strain. Flying the clouds in the clouds, take the gas ship and say..."

Bai Jie giggled: "Zhengyuan Niu's nose, a good celestial pillar, I like it, giggling, I really want to know, how strong is Shenxiang Qingtianyizhu..."

Bai Chenxiao smiled: "Bianbian brother, Shen Xiang's Optimus Prime is not very... Hey, how did the side animal disappear?"

Liu Wang, the **** of the king, looked around and found that the animal husbandry that had just been here had disappeared. He could not help but shook his head slightly. He said, "Hey, the dog of Shen Xiangjia is magical, served, gone, cow nose, you Mainly, we cooperate to collect the gas transporter."

The Terran monks vacated.

Behind Zhengyuanzi, a Taoist mouth said with emotions: "If you don't see it with your own eyes, I won't believe it. The incense adult has grown to such a height, hey, the tree, the Morgan. This time, but the loss is big, the two medium-definition ships, tens of thousands of elites were lifted by the incense and adults, strong, old horses, I really admire the five bodies cast, the Terran has a fragrant incense, it is really rising and looking..."

It is not a one-night event to collect a gas-powered spaceship, nor is it a monk can do it.

But now, the Shuren and the Morgans have been forcibly destroyed by the agarwood adults. The only surviving Momosotian is also being chased by adults. Time is no longer a problem for the Terran.

Moreover, the cloud network Tianluo has also been broken a large hole, the seal is not complete, the Terran monks can also come in continuously, and collect the gas transporter, it is only a matter of time.

What everyone wants to know now is whether the adults can intercept the Momosol and kill them in the cave.

The speed of flying is extremely fast, and it is a thousand miles.

The means of Momo's escape from the sky is also endless, and does not think that Sun Hao can block himself.

After flying out of the distance, Sun Hao did not catch up, and Momoso took a sigh of relief in his heart.

But at this time, Momoso felt like a gust of wind blowing over his head, blowing his body in the air and turning over a few turns, which barely stood.

Looking up at the front of the gust of wind, the singular eyes of Momoso could not help but shrink.

A huge golden winged bird, flapping its wings slightly, blocked it in front of itself, bursting with violent winds, as if flying around the wings of the big bird.

The combination of great energy and good eyesight, instantly recognized the giant bird in front of him, the heart could not help but be surprised, blurted out: "Dapeng Golden Wings, how is it possible, kid, this is your incarnation?"

Sun Hao’s clear voice spread across the sky: “Yes, Suo Tiandao friends, I wonder if your speed can be faster than Dapeng’s golden wings?”

In the voice of the voice, the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird has a double-winged flash, and the two golden wind blades are turned into two sets of cutter wheels. The speed is extremely fast and incomparably.

Shen Xiangjian was flying in the air, and the wind was blowing. He shot eight swords and shrouded the Momo cable.

This has just escaped a tea kung fu, actually caught up, chasing his own, or the legendary Dapeng garuda, the shot is the wind attribute attack, the wind is full, the speed is very fast, the heart of Momo, Soaring down.

This time I was really in If I want to escape from the air by speed, I am afraid that it is impossible.

With a pair of wings, Momoso turned down and drilled down.

Behind the two groups of wind blades rotate, and the end of the chase.

The buffalo's size is extremely fast, and it is extremely dexterous to drag behind the two wind blades and eight swords, and quickly rush into the woods below.

The body dexterously walked through the woods. Behind them, large and small trees were smashed by two wind turbine blades. Large swaths of forests smashed with the rush of speed.

After a long walk through the jungle, the body fluttered into a hill and disappeared.

In Sun Hao’s knowledge, he also instantly lost his sense of Momo.

There are a lot of ways to escape from the body. The speed can't be beaten. It's better than hiding ability. You can't beat it. You can't escape it. (To be continued.)

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